
Saturday 11 July 2009

Zombiesmith Zombies 03

And so I come to the third and final part of my review of the Zombiesmith 28mm scale range of zombies - at least until they release more zeds. What makes these figures different from the others reviewed is that they are sold as pairs and not individuals. First up is the Homemaker set, which comes with human mum and zombie mum. The human homemaker is very nicely sculpted, although maybe a bit too tall for a female. That's just a minor quibble and her height does not bother me but it might for some scale purists. Once the zombies got hold of her she clearly went down fighting and refused to let go of her frying pan. Her clothes are badly ripped and torn. She has been bitten in both lower arms, right thigh and left lower leg.
The next pack is called Zombie Children and that's exactly what you get - a young girl and boy. The girl wears a long dress that wouldn't look out of place in medieval times. She appears to be unwounded so could easily double for a human child if you so desired. The boy clutches his teddy bear to his chest and sports the pigeon-toed stance that readily identifies him as a zombie. There are a few holes in his jumper, especially noticable on his back and his shoe and sock are missing from his left foot. Other than that, he is unharmed. Given how few zombie children are available this set is a very welcome addition.

Zombie Hick is the name given to the set shown to the left above. The hick in question typifies the red-necked country bumpkin. With his beer-gut straining his vest, baseball cap and surly expression he probably thought the zombie menace would be no problem for him and his rifle. He'd show 'em who's boss, right? Wrong! Zack made a mess of him. The way his head rests on his right shoulder suggests a broken neck. Both arms suffer extremely large bite wounds and of course, what flesheater could resist such a corpulent stomach? It has been ripped open, exposing his intestines, which are starting to flop out.
The Preacher pair shows that blind faith in the good Lord is not enough to protect you from a horde of flesh-eating zombies. The human preacher clutches his bible to his chest and waves a cross defiantly in the air. Rather curiously for me, he wears a stetson. Perhaps he was a Texan preacher. None of which did him any good when the zombies caught up with him. They tore chunks of flesh from his neck, lower back, stomach and all four limbs. He still keeps hold of his cross but the bible has long gone.
I particularly like all four sets. The idea of having a "before and after" combination of figures is a good one and I wish more companies would take up this idea. I know that Hasslefree do a few combos and Cold War Miniatures have one example but I'm struggling to think of other firms who do this. All four sets retail at $5.50. Zombiesmith offer a three pack deal featuring the homemaker, hick and preacher figures for just $15.00. However, by far their best deal is their Zombapacalypse offer of 28 figures for just $60.00. That includes the 20 figures reviewed in parts 1 and 2 and the 8 figures reviewed above. That's a saving of $17.00 over buying them individually and it's how I purchased them. At just over $2.00 per figure that is a fantastic offer and if you don't already own these fine figures it is the deal I'd recommend you go for.


  1. Nice review as usual, Vamp. When I originally ordered my ZS minis I went for just the 20 zed horde. That's a fine deal, but I certainly would have gone for the whole enchilada if I'd known how good the average quality of the line is. As you say, for about $2 a mini it's a deal that is not to be beat.

    As for the preacher, I was all ready to correct you for calling his hat a "Stetson," (which in casual conversation in my experience invariably refers to a "ten gallon" or "cowboy" hat. A quick trip to wikipedia turned up the fact that Stetson's first hat was in fact very much along the lines of the preacher's headgear, though with a rounded rather than flat crown. I think his hat is intended to be a so-called "town hat," which was commonly warn in town with one's Sunday best clothes. You see them a lot in old pics of town lawmen like Wyatt Earp.

    I suspect his somewhat antique hat choice is because the "fire and brimstone" preacher is an old archetype in the US, dating to the late Victorian/Old West period. I imagine that's also why you see a fair number of minis like this wearing old-fashioned morning suits or even hammer-tail coats from the same period.

    Man, you run a Deadlands campaign for two years and you really get the Old West factoids jammed in your brain...

  2. You'll have to forgive me, John, I'm just a dumbass Brit. The hat looks like a stetson to me. I'm no expert on American headwear. Heck, I'm no expert on British headwear either, lol! So "town hat" it is - sounds good to me. I love how you remembered all that stuff from playing a Deadlands campaign. Who says role-playing isn't educational?

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