
Sunday 9 August 2009

Heresy Miniatures Zombies

This review looks at the range of 28mm scale zombies from Heresy Miniatures. These were sculpted by the talented Andy Foster, an all-round nice guy. Do keep an eye open for John Price's interview with Andy on John's Screaming Alpha blog-site. Heresy make two packs of zombies, each containing four figures. At first glance they would appear to be designed for a fantasy setting with four of them armed with melee weapons and one wearing a horned helmet, which may seem rather anachronistic in a modern day setting. But I have no problem in including them as part of my horde of contemporary zombies. Hopefully, I can persuade you to consider them as well.
From HV027 Zombies pack 1 above, starting at the far left is a crouching zombie, holding a meat cleaver in his left hand. His only wound is a massive one, as his stomach has been ripped open, causing his innards to spill out. Most of these zombies are naked, so I decided to add them to my small group of toxic zombies (see my reviews for the Eureka zombies and Spinespur zombies ) This of course, meant painting them in shades of green instead of shades of grey.
Next in line is an unarmed zombie with the flesh stripped from his knees. His arms were separate components and are very thin. I thought I'd have problems gluing them in place but I didn't. I used superglue for the initial positioning then I reinforced the joint with a further coating of superglue. The superglue that I use comes with a brush in the nozzle so I can "paint" the glue where it's needed. This is a very thin and emaciated zombie with an incredible amount of detail on him - as indeed, they all have.
Moving on, we see a zombie armed with a scythe. For a contemporary setting I'd have him as a former agricultural worker to explain his choice of weapon. Whether he can use it or whether it's just a prop in his hands will depend on the rule system you use. The same applies to the other three armed zombies. Some rule systems don't allow for zombies to use weapons (ranged and/or melee), whilst others do. This zombie bears no obvious wounds.
Last in line is what I consider to be the sickest zombie out of the range. He carries a sickle in his left hand, which would make him another former agricultural worker. Hmm, I see a theme here.
What makes this figure stand out from the rest is his stomach wound. Look closer at the photo and you can see a huge rat burrowing its way into his stomach. Note how the rat's tail wraps around the zombie's leg. Andy, what were you on when you sculpted this guy?! I love him! He's just so gross!

HV030 Zombies Pack 2 contains more of the same. Three of the figures are simply conversions of those found in pack 1, which may put some of you off but not me. The one original sculpt is the first in line and as you can see he's been ripped in half. I have to admit when I first saw this zombie I thought he was rising from the ground. It was only when I got a closer look that I released he'd lost the lower half of his body. If I have one criticism of him it is that his right arm is just too long. That apart, he is another great sculpt, and as I've said before, zombie draggers are always welcome.
To make the zombie with the out stretched arms different to the one in pack 1, Andy has sculpted some clothes on him - a pair of trousers, a left boot and a horned helmet. Who would wear a horned helmet nowadays? A biker gang member, perhaps. If you really think it looks too out of place in a modern day setting, clip the horns off and paint it up as a beanie hat. Problem solved! This figure also came with separate arms and once again, I had no bother in gluing them in place.
Again, Andy has done a similar trick to the next zombie in line. He's added clothes and long hair and replaced the scythe blade with an axe-type blade. It's enough of a conversion to make him different, so I'm happy to accept him as a part of the group.
The zombie at the far right of the group has had his left arm extended to replace the sickle holding arm of the similarly posed zombie in pack 1. He too has a huge stomach wound but no rat feasting on him. Most of his internal organs are missing as the gaping hole in his stomach reveals his spine. It makes a nice change from seeing intestines dangling from a stomach wound.
Both packs cost £5.00 each, but if you buy more than one of each pack they drop down in price to £4.50 each. Heresy are like Hasslefree in many ways (not surprising as they both form part of the Forum of Doom) in that they send your figures out very quickly (they usually arrive within two days here in the UK) and they include free sweets with your order. I got a lollypop with my last order! I have nothing but praise for Heresy as a company. If you've never dealt with them before, don't hesitate in sending them an order. They are well worth supporting. Have I persuaded you to add these extremely well sculpted zombies to your horde? Only you know the answer to that one but I hope you'll at least consider them.

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