
Saturday 31 October 2009

Diorama of Doom 2009

For Halloween, I thought I'd show you my entry for the Diorama of Doom 2009. This is a competition run on the Forum of Doom by the four companies that host the forum - Black Scorpion, Eolith, Hasslefree and Heresy. The diorama had to feature figures from any of the four companies, the more the better. Mine comprises Vampirella (a conversion of Hasslefree's 28mm scale Taxxis the Demoness), Echo (a Black Scorpion 28mm scale Demoness) and eight Heresy 28mm scale zombies. The gravestone directly behind Vampirella came with the Echo figure. The other gravestones came from Hasslefree. The tree is from the Citadel Warhammer Walls and Fences set. One of the restrictions placed on everyone was that the diorama had to fit on a CD or a smaller-sized base. Mine is on an old CD, covered with Polyfilla.

The story for the diorama is really simple. Vampirella interrupts a zombie summoning ritual by the Chaos demoness, Echo by decapitating her with a scythe that she found lying in the graveyard. A small number of the undead have already risen from their graves but they will prove no match to the Drakulonian heroine.

Here is a close up of Vampirella holding Echo's severed head. This was a real labour of love. I have never entered a painting competition before and I have no idea how well I'll do. Today is the closing date for the competition, so I'll find out soon how I've fared. There have been a lot of positive and heart-warming comments about my entry on the Forum of Doom. Of course it would be great to be a winner, but even if I don't I have had a lot of fun working on this project and that is surely just as important.


  1. Nice one, and well photographed too, photos on the FoD are bigger so worth look.

  2. Thanks, Phil. Regarding the size of my photos if you read the blurb underneath the title of my blog it says "left click on any picture for a closer view." This will open the pic in a new screen, where they are a lot bigger that they appear in my postings... and bigger than those on the FoD. I hope that helps - it is so easy to forget that little tip.

  3. Really beautiful, bloody and gloomy.

  4. I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
