
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Foundry Figures The B Team

I've been looking at a lot of figures to use as Survivors in a zombie apocalypse setting recently. Staying with that theme, here are a group of figures who certainly qualify as Survivors - The B Team from Foundry Figures' range of 28mm scale Street Violence figures.
Okay, so Foundry may call them the B Team for copyright reasons, but we all know these are the A Team from the old TV series or more recent movie. At the far left of my two photos is the leader of the group, Hasdrubel Jones, aka John "Hannibal" Smith. As ever, he is depicted chewing a cigar and is dressed in a safari jacket. The rifle he is holding looks to be a 5.56mm Ruger AC-556F, and indeed, is the weapon of choice for all of the team.
Next up is the iconic Mr. Z (presumably pronounced mister Zee and not mister Zed) or as fans of the A Team would call him, Bosco Albert "B.A." Baracus. He is festooned with loads of gold jewellery, his trademark bling, and wears dungarees and a cut-off T-shirt. The mohican haircut is another trademark of the character. Also, note just how muscular he is. You don't want to mess with this dude!
Third in line is "Mad Dog" Malone aka "Howling Mad" Murdoch. Is he really mad or is it just an act he puts on to fool others? He is the most casually dressed member of the team with his rumbled pants, T-shirt, leather jacket and baseball cap.
The final member of the team is Starbuck as named by the folks at Foundry or Templeton "Faceman" Peck as he is known in the A Team. He is the most smartly dressed member of the team in his three-piece suit, shirt and tie.
Last in line is a woman called Sissy. She is not a member of the team but presumably, she is the person who called the A/B Team for help. "Mah house is surrounded by zombies! Ah need heyulp as soon as possible!" She is the archetypal damsel in distress. Actually, she is perfect for an ordinary, generic female civilian. You can never have too many of them!
These are well sculpted figures and are ideal if you want to run a cheesy, tongue in cheek game of ATZ. How well would they cope with a horde of flesh-eating zombies? That's up to you to decide. In the TV series they never seemed to shoot anyone. Either they were lousy shots or terrific marksmen if they were aiming to miss.
I must admit I was never a fan of the show, even though I watched quite a few episodes when it was first aired. I have not seen the recent movie, so I can't comment on that but the trailer moved me to apathy. I'll probably watch it when it is shown on terrestrial telly as I have no intention of paying money to view it.
I recently bought a Corgi 1/48th scale version of the A Team van at a local toystore. I understand that WWG make a kitbash of the same van but it is not a model that I've bought yet. If you're desperate for an A team van, it might be worth checking out if you can't get a die-cast version of it. This is set SV037 from the Street Violence range and the pack of five figures cost £10.


  1. They are cheesy and it was quite an awful TV series but the new movie is very good, very well painted and presented my friend. Sorry....but I love it when a plan comes together.

  2. Thanks, Angry Lurker. Given the money spent on the new movie it had to be better than the TV series. I'm glad to hear someone liked it as I've heard nothing but negative comments about the film. However, as I keep saying time and time again, the only critic who counts is yourself.

  3. I pity the fool! Very cool. I hadn't picked up on these figures. Could see them working superbly for a show participation game.

  4. Good point, Adam. I don't think I'd want to use them in a campaign (unless they make a one-off appearance) but in a demo game, they'd work fine.

  5. Brilliant! This is a great find! Having watched the cheesy series I just looove this!!!

    The paint job backs it pretty good up too.

  6. Thanks, Lord Siwoc. I'm glad you like them. I must admit, they were fun to paint.

  7. There's nowt wrong with a bit of cheeze, especailly when its on toast, the figures look great, I like Hannibal the best, with his fat cigar. Cool!

  8. Very cool figs. I liked the movie too - I thought they cast the A Team perfectly.

  9. @Ray. It would seem that the word most closely associated with these figures is indeed "cheese!" And as you say, there's nowt wrong with that.

    Vampifan, who has been known to polish off a whole packet of McVitie's Cheddars in one sitting!

    @WarRaptor. And another thumbs up for the film. Perhaps I have misjudged it. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, LOL!

  10. As a small side note: the girl is supposed to be the reporter Amy Allen, who appeared in the pilot and through the first season.

  11. Those look great. Mr. T is my favorite. Nice job.

  12. Hated the A-team, could not stand them, but top marks for your effort mate :)

  13. Oh maaan! Foundry have a lot of godies! Thanks for showing the way to them!

    Now to get an order without the little miss at home knowing about it hehe

  14. @WQRobb. I would never have known that, mate. Thanks for the info.

    @LuckyJoe. Pity the fool who doesn't like Mr. T!

    @The Extraordinarii. I know where you're coming from, so no offence taken. I was never a big fan of them myself but the figures do have merit.

    @Lord Siwoc. Hee, hee, Foundry does have loads of goodies! Okay, so they might not make any zombies but their Street Violence range is great for adding cops, mercenaries, gangers, civilians and survivors to your games. I have almost all of the figures in the range so look out for more reviews of this range in the future. Oh, and good luck in slipping your order past the missus!

  15. CHEESY=FUN!!!
    Any time I get a laugh, cheesy is A+ in my book!

  16. I can't argue with that sentiment, Willy. Too true, my friend!

  17. Come on Lurker! That show was awesome in the 80s :) Terrible show if you watched it today maybe :)

  18. I wouldn't have recognized Faceman, but the other three miniatures of the A-Team are perfect. All five minis received a great paintjob, with the woman / Amy being my favourite.

    Whiteface / Oliver

  19. @Major Mack. I'm sure that if I watched the TV series today I would just cringe at how awful it is. Back then however, I was a much less demanding critic. Heck, I even liked "Blake's Seven" and how cheesy was that?

    @Olliver. Many thanks for the compliment on my paint jobs. As I said earlier, they were fun to paint.
