
Wednesday 9 March 2011

Foundry Scabies Street Punks

I thought I'd take a look at some more figures who you'd class as Gangers. This bunch of five reprobates are from Wargame Foundry's 28mm scale Street Violence range and are listed as SV013 Scabies Punks.
In most of the Street Violence packs there will usually be one figure much bigger than the others - the brick of the group. This pack is no different and at the far left of my photos is Mongo Smash, who is all muscle and brawn. He is armed with a pair of Desert Eagle pistols, probably in .50 calibre going off the size of them. These are definitely Big Ass Pistols! I'm not sure if you can tell from my photos but he has a small length of chain running from his right ear to his right nostril. It's a nice touch for a punk. He has plenty of spare ammo clips in pouches on his shoulder harness. This guy would not look out of place in a Goliath's gang for Games Workshop's Necromunda sci-fi skirmish game.
The kilt-wearing punk standing next to him is called Rab. I gave him the surname MacDonald because it's a nice Scottish sounding name. He is primarily armed with a sniper's rifle with scopesight. He has a length of heavy chain slung over one shoulder and from it hangs two differnt types of hand grenade and a small teddy bear! Painting the tartan pattern on his kilt was a real pain in the ass but I'm happy with the results even if it isn't an authentic Scottish tartan (which it most probably isn't!).
In the centre of the group is Dougie Judd, whom I have designated as leader of this group. He is armed with the most powerful weapon of the group - a belt-fed Squad Automatic Weapon. He wears a T-shirt with the legend "SCABIES," the name of his gang. His bright green boots look like they could glow in the dark! He looks a lot like Keith Flint, lead singer of the Prodigy.
Next up is the first of the two females of the group - Slash. This stern-looking but shapely young lady is armed with a Heckler and Koch 9mm MP5 sub-machine gun, which is fitted with a shoulder strap. A useful tip for painting fishnet tights is not to paint them but draw them on with a technical drawing pen. I used a Rotring Isograph with a 0.18 nib. The ink dried slightly glossy so when dry I gave her legs a coat of matt varnish. My painting skills are good but there is no way I could have painted the lines of her tights that thin and that consistently.
Finally, is Kat Tyler, who looks to be the youngest of the group. She is also armed with an H&K MP5 SMG, but it appears to be a different variant to that used by Slash. I know that there are a lot of variants of this popular firearm, so that comes as no surprise. Her fishnet tights were done in the same manner as Slash's. I'm not sure if she's wearing that eyepatch as a fashion accessory or if because she has lost her right eye.
These make a nice bunch of well armed punks, who would not be out of place in a game like All Things Zombie. They could possibly work as Survivors but I'm sure most of you would agree that these are Gangers and should be treated as such. This set of five figures costs £10.00 from the Foundry website.


  1. Good group of figures, haven't used them yet because of their British look as my town is in the US at the moment but bleeding nice paintjobs and descriptions.

  2. The handsome chap in the middle looks like Keith Flint from the Prodigy!! Nice boots too!!

  3. @Fran. You're probably right about these working best in a UK-based setting but I'll still use them in Mayhem City, USA. Perhaps the Scabies was the name of a punk band and these are US-based followers.

    @Ray. Yep, Judd is the image of Keith Flint. There's no missing those boots, is there? The word "lurid" springs to mind!

  4. Excellent painting! There's lots of detailing on each of those figures. Love MacDonald's hair and the fish nets!

  5. Stunning work with the tartan! They look great as a group.

  6. Lovely - The tartan rocks!

    Thank you for the fishnet painting tip, great idea.

  7. Brilliant as always Bryan!

    When we will see another batrep? I want to see those PEFs in action!

  8. Thanks. guys. I'm happy with how the tartan came out, even if it was a bitch to paint! The tip for the fishnet tights is a good one. Technical drawing pens are useful tools to have. They're great for drawing in eyes, which can be a fiddly business with a paint brush, and they are especially useful for writing slogans on T-shirts.

    @Colin. I've no idea when the next batrep will be. I'd love to be able to do at least one per month but that isn't going to happen any time soon. It's as frustrating for me as it is for you. Perhaps more so as I have some intriguing ideas for new scenarios that I want to share. The best I can say at the moment is watch this space. If I can persuade my parents that they don't need to use our dining room table for a couple of days I'll be in business!

  9. Hey VtG, Oliver has saved your bacon and provided for my need for a batrep fix!

    I 'spose I should really play another game myself actually ... nah - it's far easier to whinge at other people!! ;)

  10. The problem with reading Oliver's latest batrep (and wasn't it a beauty?) is that it has fired my enthusiasm to play a new ATZ scenario. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms and I need my own batrep fix!!!
