
Sunday 20 March 2011

Vampifan's Views 09 Happy 2nd Birthday

Vampifan's World of the Undead celebrates its second birthday this week. It's hard to believe that I've been working on this blog for two years now but it has been the most amazing fun. When my blog celebrated its first birthday I noted that it had 48 followers and had received about 30,000 hits. A year later, those figures have risen to 132 followers and 85,000 hits, proving that it is becoming more and more popular. So, I'd like to offer a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has popped by to look at my humble efforts to popularise the undead. Without any shadow of a doubt, what I have most enjoyed about writing this blog are all the friends I have made across the globe. There are people who follow my blog whom I would class as close friends and as a solo gamer that means a great deal to me. If any of you visit the North East of England you're more than welcome to drop in for a chat or better still, a game of All Things Zombie. Anyone wanting to stay longer, there's a spare bedroom that is never used and I wouldn't dream of charging anyone if they did want to stay.

Speaking of ATZ, I've had numerous comments asking when my next batrep will be? I'm afraid I can't give a definitive answer. I might get a game in over the Easter holidays, which is late this year, but that doesn't mean I will. A lot depends on the health of my parents. I live at home with them and spend a lot of time looking after them. My father is disabled, having lost his left leg ten years ago and my mother is getting on and not in the best of health. Both are in their 80's so they rely on me a lot to look after them. However, they like to go away on holiday for long weekend breaks about four times a year. Those are the times I get to play ATZ because then I can commandeer the dining room and set up Mayhem City (or at least a part of it) on the dining room table. Unfortunately due to ill health my parents have had to cancel two holidays in the past four months. In fact, my father has just returned home from a week long stay in hospital. They have three holidays booked over the summer months so I'm hoping they can get away, as much for them getting a break away from home, which they deserve,  as for my own selfish purposes for playing ATZ. What is really frustrating about not being able to play is that I have loads of ideas for scenarios. On the plus side, the delay allows me to get more scenery made. One project that I am working on is building a headquarters that Team Vampifan can operate from. If they are going to stay in Mayhem City (and they will) than they need to find somewhere they can call home. Fortunately World Works Games cover what I need. My secondary goal for Team Vampifan is to recruit more survivors. I have some very specific figures in mind that I want to add to the group but it's up to the dice gods if they want to join Team Vampifan. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

On the figure painting/collecting front I easily achieved my goal of collecting 500 zombie miniatures and painting them. The current total is about 660 fully painted zombies. I suppose my next goal should be to amass 1,000 zombie miniatures and I'll do my best to achieve that target but I'm not setting a time limit. As long as the figure companies keep on making zombie miniatures I'll keep on collecting and painting them. At the moment I have 20 Blue Moon 28mm scale zombies on my painting table and more waiting in the waiting to get painted queue. I've given up buying any more miniatures for Lent just to give me a chance to catch up on all the figures waiting to get painted. Mind you, after Lent all bets are off and I'll succumb to temptation to buy more nice new shiny toys very easily.

For me, the highlight of the past year so far has to be the publication of Dadi e Piombo magazine number 44 with my article on zombies seeing print. I was glad that the six copies I gave away for free all found good homes. I'm only sorry I didn't have more to offer. It certainly helped to raise the profile of zombie gaming to a much wider audience, which can only be a good thing.

I know that many gamers are not interested in this part of the hobby but those who have expressed an interest quickly discover just how friendly and enthusiastic we are. To us weirdos, having fun is the number one goal of gaming. To be honest, this has always been my goal in any game I've played. I have no time for rules lawyers or munchkins who want to win at all costs. I've also noticed how many new blogs dedicated to zombie gaming have sprung up this past year. My attitude to them has always been to help, encourage and support them whenever I can. I don't see any one as a rival but as a friend. You may not have noticed in My Blog List to the left of this post, a new blog has just emerged, called Nothing But Zeds! It's run by Steve Simpson, who's new to our hobby. I've offered him a lot of advice via e-mails we've shared and if you're interested in supporting him pop over to his site and say hello. To anyone else out there who is thinking of starting their own blog my advice would be - go for it! What I love about our corner of the blogging community is that everyone is so friendly and only too happy to offer help and advice.

So, let's raise a glass of whatever your favourite tipple is to VWotU's second anniversary. If year three is anywhere near as successful as the first two years I'll be a very happy bunny. I plan on sticking around for a long time, so expect more of the same for year three and hopefully some nice surprises as well. Thanks everyone for reading and for your kind support.


  1. Happy Birthday!! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Happy Birthday VWotU, Pints of Guinness are on me down at the new improved card stock Winchester.

  3. @Ray. Thanks, I plan on keeping 'em coming for a long time.

    @Doug. Keep me a seat warm, mate. Say, that wouldn't be the same Winchester pub that starred in Shaun of the Dead?

  4. These were great 2 years!
    Happy birthday Vampifan!

  5. Yep, they were two great years. Thamks, Brutpaul!

  6. Many happy returns Bryan! Always love reading your work.

  7. Thanks, Mikko. You do a darned good job yourself.

  8. I know the situation and it's not easy but ever down in Kent, myself and the rejects will put a game on for you, you are the main reason I got into blogging and zombie gaming. Congratulations and hears to many more years.

  9. Fran, that is so very kind of you. I'd love to take you up on the offer and if I do find myself in your neck of the woods I'd certainly get in touch with you. It'd be a real pleasure to meet you, Ray and the other rejects.

  10. Happy birthday mate! And yes, the reason for playing a game should be to have fun!!! Often I/we at my club has made unmatched armies to face off. It gives it that more of a challenge just to have your command squad and 4 squads of troopers trying to hold out against an ork horde, hoping the minefields will slow them down and give you time for reinforcements.

  11. Happy birthday, VWotU!
    Your site is still my main source for everything zedful! After reading ATZ for many, many months your blog and Willy's blog gave me the necessary motivation and inspiration to finally jump headlong into zombie wargaming and blogging. Thank you!

    Whiteface / Oliver

  12. Bryan, Happy birthday to your inspirational blog!

    I'm sure I speak for many of us bloggers - and probably lurkers too! - when I say thank you for your efforts, entertainment and inspriation that you give to us all! Now keep it up!

  13. AWhhhh geez Vampifan, cut it out, hehehe Happy Birthday mate and congrats ! 1000 zeds ....are there even 1000 unique Zeds sold ? mind blowing stuff, thanks for all the excellent posts, cool batreps and the many Zed reviews.
    we salute you from downunder !

  14. Happy Birthday to VWotU Bryan.

    You truely are a trailblazer Sir. Congratulations and Thank you.

    Family comes first. All the best for the health of your parents.

  15. Happy Birthday to the blog and congrats on all the great work you have posted up here. Your WWG buildings inspired me to get back to building my card city for some 15mm action. I had the fisrt version of ATZ and had shelved it but your reviews and comments drove me to invest in the BDTZ edition which, in turn, led me to get Haven, I Zombie and the Risks and Rewards deck. Keep up the posting and best of luch with the family!!

  16. Wow, so many comments to respond to!

    @Zerloon. Many thanks.

    @Lord Siwoc. You are so right - surely having fun is more important than winning? Sadly too many people don't get it. That was one of the main reasons I quit my local wargaming club about 20 years ago.

    @Oliver. It is comments like yours that justify the existance of my blog. To hear that my site (and Willy's, who does a sterling job) inspired and motivated you gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

    @Colin. Only you and I know how many e-mails we've shared and I value our friendship immensely. Thanks so much for your support and do keep an eye out for your PEF counters in my next batrep. They will be used!

    @The Extraordinarii. I'm not sure if there are 1,000 unique zombie miniatures at present, but I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time until there is. The zombie bandwagon shows no sign of coming to a stop anytime soon. This really is a golden time to be collecting zombie miniatures.

    @Adam. It's true that family has to come first. Thank you for your concern and indeed for your enthusiastic support.

    @MiniGeek. Again thank you for thinking of my parents and for your wonderful comments. It's such a great feeling to hear that my work has inspired others.

  17. Happy birthday!

    Thank you for sharing with the community, and more importantly, for those detailed batreps. They have given me important and valuable pointers for how to play ATZ.

    *Thumbs up*

  18. @apeekaboo. The whole idea of writing such detailed batreps was to help new players get a better understanding of how the rules work. I'm glad I succeeded in that goal.

  19. Ok, everybody has allready say it, so I'll go for an change : "Joyeux anniversaire!"
    It's alway a pleasure to read a new post from you. Keep up the great work. I wish the best for your family (and not only so you can write an other great batrep ;o) )

  20. Thanks, Karl. I know enough French to translate your good wishes. There will be more batreps soon. It is just a case of when, hopefully sooner rather than later.

  21. Happy belated Blog Birthday! It's hard to believe you've been providing us all so much excellent Zombie fun for two whole years.

  22. I'll tell you something, Luckyjoe, these past two years have flew over for me. It seems true when it is said that time passes quickly when you're having fun!

  23. Hay big happy birthday. The whole reason i have my blog is because of your blog! As always i cant wait to see the next Battle report but i understand your situation.

    Oh and a massive thanks for mentioning me in your last blog, it ment a great deal to me, Thanks Vampi!

  24. Congrats on the birthday and like others, you have provided inspiration to us all. I particularly adore your buildings from WWG.

  25. @Steve. Glad to see you back on line, mate. I was more than happy to plug your blog for you. As I said, we're not rivals, we're friends.

    @Graham. Thanks. The scenery building side of the hobby is something I thoroughly enjoy, even if it can be so time consuming.

  26. Happy birthday Vampifan and thank again for the magazine. Yours batrep gave me some motivation to paint figures (people who know me wouldn't believe that I am really painting, 'cause I'm the Prepainted Addict), some Mega Minis meat... civilians.

  27. Hey, Ulu, I'm glad you enjoyed the free magazine. Congrats on picking up a paint brush and doing some work. Some people don't like the Mega Minis figures and I used to be like that... until I bought some. Yep, you've got to feed your zombies. Give some fresh meat and that'll keep 'em quiet for a while.

  28. Congrats Bryan. You have about the most impressive blog I have seen for anything.
    Your dedication has made it something to look forward to and you always have something new
    to tempt us collectors with.

    Keep up the good work. I'll try to send a pm on fb soon. I am painting zeds again, well a little as I am very busy but every brushstroke is therapy.

  29. Thanks, Roger and I'll be sure to keep a look out for your new painted zeds.

  30. Did someone say weirdo!? I'm here! Between work and my minis projects I have been a bit late making my rounds. Keep up all the fine entertainment Bryan.
    I'm off to Steve's new page to pester him a bit.

  31. Weirdo and proud of it, Willy! Thanks for dropping by and for being such an enthusiastic follower these past two years.
