
Sunday 17 April 2011

EM4 NBC Troopers

Here is part two of my review of Biohazard Troopers by assorted figure companies. This time it is the turn of EM4 to take the spotlight as I look at their range of 28mm scale Future Skirmish Troopers who are described on their website as NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) Troopers. If you are thinking that these guys look very similar to the Copplestone Castings Biochem Squad that I reviewed last time, you'd be right. That is because these were also sculpted by Mark Copplestone when he was working for Grenadier. When Grenadier bought the farm and went belly up, Mark set up his own company and remodelled them. The original moulds were acquired by EM4, hence the similarity.
At the far left of my two photos is 0019 NBC Leader with MAR (Military Assault Rifle). What distinguishes these troopers from the Copplestone Castings Biochem Squad is the fact that these guys are all wearing helmets. Although I have painted their suits yellow, to distinguish them from the Copplestone figures, I thought that white was a good colour to use for their helmets. You can see that both leaders are in identical poses, pointing at something, whilst holding their rifles at the ready.
Next up is 0020 NBC Trooper with Light Laser. This guy replaces the Copplestone Castings trooper with flame thrower. To be honest, I'd have prefered another flame thrower trooper. Laser weapons are just too high tech for my tastes. If I used him in an ATZ scenario, I'd probably say that his laser was a flame thrower.
The next three figures are 0021, 0022 and 0023 NBC Trooper with MAR. They are very similarly posed with all three holding their rifles at at mid height. Once again, I have painted the underslung barrel of their rifles as a torch, rather than a grenade launcher. This time, there is no trooper with a shotgun, as there was with the Copplestone Castings figures. There is one other difference between this range and the CC figures - these troopers are all armed with a pistol in a holster at their right side.
In terms of sculpting there is very little difference between the two ranges, although of the two, I prefer the more recent sculpts in the Copplestone Castings range. However, where this range scores over their rivals is in the price. These figures cost £1.28 each, giving a total of £6.40 for all five. That is more than £2.00 cheaper than the Copplestone Castings range, which cost £8.50 for all five. If you are unsure in which range to choose, the price could be a deciding factor. Of course, you could buy both sets, as I have, and use them alongside each other as they are so similar.
Next time, I'll be reviewing the Hasslefree Hazmat Squad, and they are well worth looking at.


  1. Nice figures. I have all of them except the Laser guy, though I am planning on purchasing him and trying to do a little converting to turn the Laser into a Flamer. The ones I have are all painted Reaper Pro Paints Field Grey (it is more of a greyish green), the Leader does have his helmet painted Reaper Pro Paints Olive Drab to further distinguish him from his troops.

    I am in addition to purchasing the Laser Trooper, another complete set of these (with additional of 0021, 0022, and 0023) and painting them either in Yellow or White suits. I do want the Copple Stone Casting ones too, along with the Hassle Free and Recreational Conflict Hazmat teams. I jsut have to decide which ones to order first, it will probably be the Rec. Conflict along with their S.P.R.U. set (the 16 figure one) and their Zombies, if I can fit them all into the budget, luckily I am now working again so I do have a little extra money.

    As always Bryan Keep up the great work. I am always looking forward to seeing what you have to post.

  2. Many thanks, Doug, for such a comprehensive reply. The problem with convertong the laser guy is that he has his weapon tucked into his chest, which makes it very difficult to remove. If you do convert him, I wish you the best of luck and please take a photo of the finished result.

    It's a nice dilemma you have, Doug, which ones to order first. It's so nice to hear that you have more money to spend on your hobby now. Believe me, I know what it's like to survive on the dole.

    Thanks for your compliments. It's friends like you that keep me motivated.

  3. They are a nice set and yes initially for a more futuristic era but they work well and as you said price is the main differnce, you've done a lovely job on those my friend.

  4. Bryan- I am thinking for the conversion, adding a small extension to the barrel (with the pilot light on it) and maybe sculpting/affixing tanks to the backpack. Not planning on anything to complicated, just some simple additions to make the Laser look more like a Flamer.

  5. Superb models for a fantastic price. Great to see them all being reviewed in a row too Bryan.

  6. Those are excellent. You did a really nice job emphasizing the detail. Nice color choice, too. That yellow really amkes them stand out on the tabletop.

  7. @The Angry Lurker. There is denying that these figures are great value for money.

    @Doug. That sounds like a good plan and I'm sure it should work. I might well adopt your idea myself as I have some spare flame throwers from my plastic Citadel Space Marines.

    @Adam. The idea of reviewing all of my Bio Hazard Troopers together seemed like a logical idea to me. I'm glad you approve.

    @Luckyjoe. Yellow wasn't as bad to paint as white. I like how these guys have tirned out. Bright clothing seems very appropriate for these figures., although the figures painted on the EM4 website look amazing painted in camo colours.

  8. LuckyJoe- I have had success with painting yellows by first painting a base coat of the Reaper Pro Paints Desert Tan, followed by an over coating of the Yellow you plan on using. Now for White I typically try to use a base coat of a very light grey then an over coat of the White I plan on using. This depending on the figure typically gets the job done.

  9. Mate excellent job, as always never fail to impress with your reviews, I find both chem squads a little too hi tech with there laser weaps and non standard rifles, the paint work you've done on them is sweet, perhaps if were lucky we might see them throw done against each other in a batrep, perhaps both groups are trying to aquire the same OBJ? it might prove interesting with zombies all over the place in addition to the OBJ, Hehehe, great work Vampifan.

  10. Thanks for the kind words, guys.

    @The Extraordinarii. I like your idea of competing Bio Hazard teams competing for the same objective. With four teams or more, it could make for a good demonstration game.

  11. I've just noticed in my reply to The Angry Lurker I missed out the word "no" before denying. Ooops!

  12. Great figs as always, but the only down side is they will never get away with anything because your opponent failed to notice them!

  13. Hee, hee, they do stand out, don't they? Even if you were playing at night you'd still spot these guys.

  14. Hello again. I came across this rather amusing site and thought you might like to have a gander.

  15. Thanks, Brian. That was hilarious and sure brought a smile to my face.
