
Sunday 1 May 2011

Size Comparison Photos - Biohazard Troopers

I'll wrap up my reviews of the Biohazard Troopers with a group photo of one of each firm's standard troopers. As with the size comparison photos of the zombies that I showed last year, I'm using my figure of Vampifan as a control figure. He'll appear in every size comparison photo I take. So, here they are.
From left to right they are Vampifan, (by Copplestone Castings) then Biohazard Troopers from Copplestone Castings, EM4 Miniatures, Hasslefree Miniatures, Horrorclix and Recreational Conflict. You can see immediately just how much the Horrorclix Scrubber towers over the others. The Recreational Conflict SPRU Trooper appears slightly larger than he actually is because I added some modelling putty to his head to make it bigger. This puts him on a par with the Copplestone Casting Biochem Trooper. The EM4 and Hasslefree figures are similarly sized and the smallest of this group but the EM4 Troopers are more bulky than the Hasslefree figures.
If you are still undecided which set to buy then hopefully this post may offer some help in making your mind up. I've reviewed figures from five ranges that I like. I know that Black Cat Bases make a range of five Hazmat Troopers but I really don't like them. I'm not sure if anyone else makes Biohazard Troopers. Given the amount of figure companies around I'm sure to have missed someone. Let me know if there is anyone else I've missed and I'll check them out.

Coming up next - what you've all been waiting for - my first ATZ batrep of 2011. I have spent three days last week (Wednesday to Friday) playing the tenth scenario of my campaign and a hell of a lot happened in it, including Team Vampifan's first encounters with Ragers (nasty!) and Smart Zombies (not that bad!). I took almost 70 photos of the action, which are far too many to show in one post, so I'll be splitting this batrep into two (or possibly three) parts. Oh yeah, Team Vampifan is back! Rejoice!


  1. Nicely done and very helpful, some big size issues in the line up alright.

  2. Thanks, Fran. I think if you ignore the Horrorclix figure the other four match up very well.

  3. Very helpful indeed Bryan. I love the way you've shown the LAPD style height chart too. Each time I see you Vampifan model I am amased at the T-Shirt. I need to find a figure to represent myself so I can do ATZ DAY 1.

  4. Thanks for this one mate. Not having any biosuits in my collection this will help me decide on which to get. Aaaand looking forward to the battle report!!!

  5. @Adam. Thanks for the compliments. You definitely need to find a figure to represent yourself in ATZ - I'm pretty sure it's the law!

    @Johnny. I can't tell you how happy I was to play that scenario. I've been itching all year to get a game under my belt. I'm very confident you'll enjoy it!

  6. That remains to be proved....hehe... Well you have not let me down yet. So clearly I am looking very much forward to this!!!

  7. Great post as always. All these figures would be great additions to any colection.

    Can't wait to see your batrep.

  8. @Johnny. I did mention that it has Ragers and Smarties in. I can't remember anyone else posting a batrep with them in, so this could be a first.

    @Doug. I'm happy with my collection of Biohazard troopers, that's for sure. I have so much prep work to do for my batrep that I've already made a start on it. It will be fun!

  9. Oh, another batrep is coming!? Even if I am not commenting or posting much at the moment, I am still around reading and lurking.

    I haven't tried ragers yet and I don't remember anyone doing a rager batrep. This is definitely a job for experienced zombie hunters like Team Vampifan. We'll just wait and see what happens ;o)

    Whiteface / Oliver

  10. Hi, Oliver. Good to hear that you're still around. I can't remember anyone doing a batrep with Ragers in either... or Smart Zombies either. You'll see both types in my batrep.

  11. Yay! Batrep. Does this mean your parents are doing better health wise? My best wishes to them both.

  12. Hi, Brian. Yes, indeed, my parents are doing well. Even though they haven't gone away they allowed me to take over our dining room for three days so that I could play this scenario. I was very grateful to them. I've passed on your best wishes to them and they thank you kindly, as do I.

  13. Victory Force minis have some biohazard suits.

  14. Thanks, Ulu. I hadn't seen them before. They don't look too bad and I like that they offer them with hoods and/or masks.

  15. Thanks for the comparison (and the previous reviews). I really like those Hasslefree minis, though for price I am tempted by the Copplestone guys.

  16. Donogh, in terms of sculpting, the Hasslefree figures just can't be bettered but they are expensive. I like the Copplestone range as well. Whoever you go for, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

  17. Good stuff man, I am really looking forward to the batrep, bring on the Ragersssss!!! Argh!!!

  18. @Biff. Cheers, mate!

    @The Extraordinarii. I'm just off to proofread my batrep before posting it. Soon, my friend, very soon!
