
Friday 3 June 2011

Vampifan's Views 10 - 100,000 Hits

How odd that twice in two weeks I have had to postpone what I had planned to post due to events beyond my control. First up was when I was nominated for a Stylish Blogger Award. This time it is for another happy event. My blog has reached 100,000 hits! How cool is that?! I've made it in two and one quarter years! I wanted to post this news now on the day that it has happened rather than wait until my normal posting day of Sunday. By then this won't be news it'll be history.
When I started my blog I'd never have believed I could have reached such a milestone landmark so quickly. I'd like to offer a huge thank you to everyone who has visited my site and helped in making it so popular. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
As a reward, take a moment to ogle this luscious zombie hunter above, whom I'm sure we'd all love to have by our side when the apocalypse kicks off. Heck, I'd love to have her by my side even if there was no apocalypse! I downloaded this photo over a year ago and I've been keeping it on file for a special occasion. This seems a good enough time to post her here. Now if someone like Kevin White of Hasslefree Miniatures, for example, was to sculpt a 28mm scale figure of her, I'm sure there'd be a lot of happy bunnies just willing to snap her up. I'd be at the front of the queue to buy her. She is one seriously tasty piece of eye candy!
I'll keep this post deliberately brief. Next time, I hope to post the second half of my two-part review of Blue Moon Manufacturing's male zombies from their third boxed set.


  1. Boom baby!

    Well done mate. Still wait...that did not sound right.....

  2. She is a beauty. A 427 Mk111 AC Cobra - in black...wonderful stuff. ;)

    Congratulations Bryan.

  3. @Johnny. f I told someone who wasn't into blogging that I'd been hit over 100.000 times they'd probably think I was a masochist!

    @Adam. A typical wargamer's response! LOL! You tell me everything about the shotgun and don't even mention Miss Double D!

    I'll be honest with you, I had no idea what was the make of her shotgun, so thanks for putting me right on that.

  4. Well done Brian, that's a mighty big number, here's to the next 100k. Even I'd buy a figure if it looked like the rather lovely lady above......not quite sure if she'd go with the 15mm French Indian Wars though??

  5. @Ray. Thanks, mate! Okay, so she wouldn't fit in with 15mm armies but so what? Just stick her in front of your computer monitor and ogle her all day!

  6. Look at those Knockers. Cool that Zombie noticed that fire arm she got there. im more of a Remington 1100 kinda a man.

  7. Congrats Bryan, your blog has gone beyond blog. This is the Mecca of zombie gamers and fans.

    Thanks for the lovely pic, too :) theres just something about violent women...

  8. Thanks for your comments, guys, and thanks for your support

    @Roger. Girls and Guns - a combo that's hard to beat!

  9. That's quite an accomplishment, congratulations Bryan!

  10. Great picture for a great Blog. Well done Vampifan I really enjoy reading your posts and look forward to lots more.

  11. @Mikko. Thanks1 Surely you can't be too far behind me.

    @PhilH. Thanks for the kind words, Phil. I'm looking forward to reaching 200,000 hits.

  12. Damn, she can share my zombie apocolypse anytime. Just don't tell the wife I said so.

  13. Don't worry, Brian, you're secrets safe with me.

  14. Wow! 100000 visits. Congrats! You can start to look for your best pic when you reach the first million.

  15. Hmmm... she has no ammo on her. No armor for avoiding to be bitten. Every man will capture her. Shortest lifetime ever in Z-apocalypse. (yes, my girlfriend is reading my comment)

    And now, for something completely different : I actually PAINTED miniatures (not animals) ! ATZ campaign is near to begin !

    Congrats for your 100000th visit.

  16. @Fer. Hey, how lovely to hear from you agaon. Many thanks my friend. I think I may have a long wait before I reach 1 million hits!

    @Ulu. I kind of figured you weren't able to speak your mind!
    Wow, your campaign is close to all systems go. Very cool and I look forward to a launch date that hopefully won't be too far away.

  17. Bryan...erm...not the shotgun...the car!!! :)

  18. @Fran. Thanks, my friend. I can remember not so long ago when I had a lot more hits than you but in recent times your blog has just taken off in a massive way.

    @Adam. What amazes me is how you were able to recognise that car behind poster girl! I still can't figure out if it really is a car, never mind it's make. And now I don't know what make her shotgun is! Sigh, I really ought to get out more! :(
