
Wednesday 15 June 2011

WWG Waste Disposal Units

I'm going to review some more of my World Works Games 28mm scale card scenery with this post. This time I'll be looking at waste disposal units, specifically, a dumpster, a rubbish skip, a dust bin and a litter bin. Mundane items, I'm sure, but well worth adding to your collection of scenic items.
At the left of the photo above is the dumpster, shown with its two lids open. The rubbish that you can see inside is just a curved piece paper with the rubbish printed on it. It is not glued in place because I thought at some point in the future I may sculpt some actual rubbish to fit inside. With the amount of work I've got to do, I doubt if that'll ever happen! So much to do, so little time! This is actually quite a complex model to make, especially those two arms at either side. The lids could have been left down but where's the fun in that?
In the front of the photo is a circular metal dustbin and a square-shaped litter bin. Nowadays, most metal dustbins have been replaced by plastic wheelie bins. I'm not sure if that applies in other countries but it's certainly true for the UK. The wire mesh litter bin is more ubiquitous and can be seen in many public access areas both indoors and outdoors. The dumpster and both bins can be found in the old Bits of Mayhem set.
Finally, we come to the skip. I was surprised to see that this was an asymetrical design. Perhaps this is an American design, because every skip I've seen in the UK has been symetrically shaped with sloping sides. Don't think I'm complaining, because I'm not. I'm merely making an observation. The skip can be found in the new TLX Mayhem Under Construction set.
Notice that I've shown the dumpster with its lids down in the photo above.
These are very useful models to use on your game board as they could be found almost anywhere. What makes these such a good buy is the level of detail on the texturing. When it comes to texturing card models WWG are second to none. A common comment I hear about my WWG models is "I had no idea they were card models!" That is a big compliment to my modelling skills and to the work done by WWG to produce such amazingly textured models.


  1. Nothing mundane about them or your skills, survivors always need something to hide behind or search.

  2. Those are awesome. Having built card/paper terrain myself and realising how difficult some models can be I have to say that you really do finish your models very well indeed. The attention to detail and the accuracy of finish is what does it - crisp lines. I look at your stuff sometimes and wonder if it paper or resin. Keep up the good work Bryan.

    I thought the term skip was european and there wasn't actually stateside equvelant. I have seen ones like that, albeit rarely. I assume WWG are US based, but they do have European artists, perhaps an oversight...or perhaps times have changed.

    Maybe a US reader can confrim?

  3. @Fran. Cover is so important in so many games and these offer good protection, especially the skip and the dumpster.

    @Adam. I thank you for the compliment on my modelling skills. Years of practice and an eye for detail and perfection are my secret.
    I think the Americans call their skips, dumpsters. As you say, one of my American followers will probably put me right. As for the nationality of WWG they are based in Vancouver, Canada.

  4. Yes we do call them Dumpsters. And yes over here most the trash cans (dustbins as Bryan calls them) do seem to be plastic with wheels on the bottom, though there are still some who use the old metal styled ones. Matter of fact the residents in my town have recently all received 2 waste bins on wheels, one for trash and one for recyclables (each bin has a different color lid to show if its recycling or trash), that are squarish in shape so the truck can pick them up and dump them via a claw and arm that extends off the side of the truck to grab the containers.

    As for the bin found in Mayhem Construction, these are around here in the US, I have seen a couple locally, though most construction firms seem to use the style in Bryan's last post.

  5. Beautiful & Useful.

    How many "ful" word can I use? :D

  6. The skip looks really good, all the rust spots and dents, that kind of skip does exist in England, well in does in Kent anyway the companies called PinBins.

  7. @Doug. Thanks for your input, Doug. I knew I could count on you to put me right. I currently have three wheelie bins at home, which are exactly as you describe them so they must be a universal design. Where I live, my green bin is used for ordinary waste and is emptied every week. In addition, I have a brown bin for garden waste and a blue bin for recycable stuff like bottles, cans, cardboard and paper. These are collected on alternate weeks.

    @Zerloon. Thanks and you can use as many "ful" words as you like, my friend. How about masterful and wonderful?

    @Ray. Well, that's something I never knew. Just because I haven't seen one in the flesh as it were is no reason for them not to exist. Thanks for enlightening me!

  8. Looking pretty good mate!

    It does make a great addition to any gaming zone. Should that be warzone?

  9. @Johnny. Warzone sounds about right to me!

  10. Brayn- Both the wheeled containers we have are blue, though the lids are different colors, the green lid says Recycling and the blue lid says Trash. I believe they are approx a 90 gallon (about 340.687 liters) capacity. They were kindly provided to all city residents by both the city and the waste disposal company.

    Zerloon- As Bryan said use any "ful" word you want, excluding Awful and similar "ful" words.

    Timmy- Bryan is a master builder of cardstock terrain, as you might tell from some of his builds, it is hard to imagine from looking at them that they are just "paper." And as Bryan has mentioned most the stuff you might see here is from the World Works Games Urban Mayhem line, with some of the newer stuff such as the one dumpster/skiff being from their newer Mayhem TLX line. With some items such as the Folding Unit Structure (FUS) seen in his last battle report as a possible base for Vampi and gang, is/was an Ebbles Miniatures model and is currently unavailable, though hopefully it will be coming back in the near future as a WWG product. Speaking of the FUS I need to get more ink and print me off some more to build and fold up (with a containment band to keep them folded) for my ATZ games, thinking of having them either in a warehouse or on the back of a flatbed semi-trailer, that the survivors will be able to come across and if they are lucky get out of the area for use in a permanent base. Then again I need an endless supply7 of ink, glue, blades and time to build everything I want to build for my game board.

    Bryan- Again as always keep up the good work, and you know if you need any info on the US culture you know how to get a hold of me, you know I would be willing to answer what I can (though there are certain regional things I may be unfamiliar as they are outside the Mid-West/Great Lakes region, just like you might not be able to answer certain things about Norther Ireland or the Scottish Highlands).

  11. @Doug. Many, many thanks for such a full and comprehensive reply. If ever I need a secretary for my blog I'll want to hire you!
    Regarding WWG and Mel Ebbles, have you seen the WWG forum recently? Mel is doing some sterling work for them. He's the main driving force behind the relaunch of their website and I can't wait for it to be unveiled. He's also been busy designing some new sci-fi cars which will be released in 12 different colour combos. They are too futuristic looking for a contemporary setting but I'll still be buying them for Gangs of Mega City One. It's good to know he's keeping busy because he'd be a great loss to the cardcraft industry.
    Doug, when Adam said "maybe a US reader can confirm" I just knew it'd be you who replied. I'll take you up on your offer to enlighten me on the ways of American culture as you're definitely my "go to man" Once again, many thanks for your input and kind words.

    @Timmy. What Doug said!

  12. Bryan, you are a witch! This stuff is beautiful.

    Came by to see what I've missed, been spending all my free time gaming and neglecting the blogosphere.
    I can see you are up to your usual standards!

  13. Hi Willy. Neglecting the blogosphere? That's sacrilege, man! And you a fellow blogger!!!!
    Don't worry - you're forgiven. Just make sure you check in next week for a new ATZ batrep, featuring the biggest gunfight I have ever staged!

  14. I really thought you might have bought some metal pieces this time Bryan. Which brings up a good point. I think Bryan's scenery looks so realistic is that he sticks to the card pieces rather mixing metal in and whatever else. Its something to think about when designing your city. What do I want it made out of. It may look better if its all the same style.

  15. @Roger. You raise an interesting point - what do I want my scenery made out of? Fpr me, it is predominantly card. I do use metal scenery as well. I have a number of small items like fire hydrants from Mega Miniatures that I use (check out my last batrep). For me, if I can get away with card scenery, I will.

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