
Wednesday 3 August 2011

Copplestone Bikini Babes

I bring my trilogy of reviews of bikini babes to a close with a look at Copplestone Castings' set of 28mm scale Future Wars figures from set FW45 Bodyguards in Bikinis. There are five figures in this set but my photos show six figures. Don't worry, all will be explained later.
 Unlike the Foundry bikini babes, Copplestone does not give their figures names and I haven't got round to naming them yet. So, for identification we'll just call them Babes 1 to 6. Babe 1 at far left of my two photos is an oriental girl, dressed in a light blue bikini and dark blue high heels. She is armed with a deadly katana, which makes a very welcome change from all the firearms these girls have acquired. Note the big dangly ear-ring on her left ear.
Babe 2, with the platinum blonde hair, crimson bikini with white polka dots and red high heeled shoes holds a BA Pistol in her right hand. It looks like an IMI Desert Eagle and could be either .44 or .50 calibre. Either way, it packs a solid punch.
Babe 3 stands out from the rest in that she is the only girl wearing boots. I had the crazy idea that I'd like her to have a rainbow coloured bikini. It's crazy because there is so little material to play with. Still, I eventually came up with a colour scheme that I was happy with. She is armed identically to Babe 2.
Babe 4, in the white bikini and white shoes is armed with a Sub-Machine Gun that closely resembles the 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5. Copplestone makes generic weapons that look similar to certain contemporary weapons without being a direct copy, which is why I say it looks similar to the MP5.
Babe 5 has gone all girly with her costume - dark pink bikini matched with light pink shoes. She is the third babe to be armed with a BA Pistol.
That should have been the end of this review as those are the five figures that you get with this set. However, for some unknown reason, I get two figures of Babe 5 when I ordered them. Lucky me, huh? So, for Babe 6, I clipped off her BA Pistol and remodelled her left hand so that it held an ice cream cone. I also repositioned her lower right arm and hand. A different paintjob (white bikini with pink roses, red shoes and brown hair) makes her look just different enough from Babe 5. She is a unique figure, unless someone else copies my conversion!
These figures seem like they were made to go together with the Foundry Bikini Babes as they complement each other perfectly. I actually like them better than the Foundry Bikini Babes but it is a close call. I particularly like the Babe with katana. Another reason why these score higher than the two Foundry sets is that they are a lot cheaper. This set of five costs, just £8.50, making them £1.50 cheaper than Foundry.


  1. Very nice I Love Copplestones Future Wars range and intend to get most of his packs.

    I really like what you have done with these.

    I think Copplestone packs tend to be nicer to paint for some reason

  2. Great figures once again, my favourite figure has gotta be Babe No1, funny haircut big boobs and a bloody big sword, what more can a bloke ask for!!

  3. I agree the first one does stand out. Nice all around though...

  4. @Brummie. Mark Copplestone is a mighty fine sculptor. I have always enjoyed painting his figures. You are right that some figures are nicer to paint than others.

    @Ray. You're a man after my own heart. Babe 1 is the most outstanding figure of this pack. Have you noticed just what a peachy backside she has? Makes me want to give her a good spanking then kiss it better. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to take a cold shower now!

    @Dr. Willett. When I was a teenager one of my favourite pastimes was willet-watching aka boob watching. It's still one of my favourite pastimes today.

  5. Hubba, Hubba , I'm having a moment, copplestone does some great work, really effective paintwork, good flesh work sir.

  6. Copplestone Rules.

    Thank you Vampifan, in the Copplestone site I found the exams room that is exactly what I need for my hospital... :D


    By the way, Babe 1 is my favourite too .D

  7. @Fran. Thanks, I appreciate your comments on the flesh work. It was a fun project to do.

    @Zerloon. That was a lucky find for you! I think everyone like Babe 1 best of all!

  8. The figures are fantastic as is your paint job, Bryan. I do prefer them to the Foundry although many of them are nice too. With the proper thongs, etc the Copplestones seem more modern and less generic. Nice job on the conversion as well and taking the time to pattern the bikinis it really makes them stand out.

  9. Babe no. 2 is my favourite. Love the skins tones you've acheived. As Rog says, the paterns on the bikinis relaly make them.

  10. @Roger. The easy thing to do is to give them block colour bikinis. But that was never going to happen with me. Researching bikini colours (it's a tough job but someone has to do it!) showed an amazing variety of colours and patterns.

    @Adam. Well done for going against the flow and choosing Babe 2 as your favourite.

  11. I really like what you've done for the rainbow bikini. Such a small area to work with. I'd give her my vote for favourite, but that admittedly has more to do with paintjob than sculpt. They're all great.

  12. Brilliant as always VtG - keep up the good work!

  13. @Adam. Loving your new portrait! That rainbow-coloured bikini was quite a challenge, simply because I had so little an area to work in.

    @Colin. Thanks, mate. I always try to do my best.

  14. Excellent work Vampifan, they look sensational, must agree with everyone else, 1st place goes to chick with the Katana, and 2nd place goes to the chick in the bikini n boots !! whats not to love ?

  15. I quite agree, Extraordinarii - what's not to love?
