
Sunday 11 September 2011

Forces of Valor UH-60L Black Hawk Helicopter

I mentioned in my last editorial that I had ordered a Forces of Valor 1/48th scale U.S. UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter from Well, it arrived soon afterwards and I'm mightily impressed with it. Now this is  not a blog-site for modern military hardware but I bought this model for a very specific need and that is to use it in my ATZ campaign. So because of that connection, I figure it warrants a review here.
Here we see it on its clear plastic flight stand in all of its glory. This is a die-cast metal model with hard plastic fittings. The four main rotor blades and tail rotor were separate plastic components. As were the stub wings (called the External Stores Support System)  and the ordnance you can fit on them. The model comes with optional external fuel pods, which I haven't used. You also have the option of omitting the E.S.S.S. altogether for an unarmed version. That's something I'll probably do when I get my second model.
This photo shows it from above and behind. Note that the passenger door slides open and shut. I've shown it open here to give you a look at the seats inside. The interior detail is just as impressive as the exterior detail. In the previous photo you can clearly see one of the two machine gunners operating a 7.62mm M240H machine gun from just behind the cockpit.
This photo above shows the right side of the helicopter with the passenger door fully closed. The markings on the helicopter are for the Baghdad 2003 campaign. I like the way it tilts forward on its stand. The stand is detachable, by the way.
This is a view of the Black Hawk that very few enemies would want to see. Eight Hellfire missiles and eight Hydra rockets pointing at you is something to give you good cause to raise the white flag. 
This photo shows the left side of the Sikorsky Black Hawk. The rotor blades and tail rotor move, as does the two front wheels but oddly, the back wheel does not move. According to Wikipedia, each UH60L Black Hawk costs $5.9 million dollars. My model that I have here cost me £42.99.
Here I show the rear of the helicopter. As I mentioned in my intro, I bought my model from good old Amazon because they offered the cheapest version of this model that I could find on the Internet. There are much cheaper versions if you fancy a plastic kit model. I thought about that option but rejected it because of the time it would have taken me to make and paint it. Plus, a die-cast model is far more durable and because I want this model for gaming purposes rather than a display model, paying the extra for the die-cast model seemed like a sensible decision. I'll admit it is pricey but I could afford it and I really wanted one. I'm very glad I did buy it and now I can't wait to use it in action.
I'd normally end my review here but I figured I'd give you a bonus picture of the Black Hawk in action. It has just landed on my only WWG building with a helipad - my unfinished police station. This is the first time I have ever shown a work in progress card model, so I hope you appreciate it. So many of you made requests to see the police station that I had to show you it. I need to fit a ladder up to the helipad, along with a radar dish and a couple of searchlights to complete the exterior. Inside, I need to make a lot more furniture. You'll be pleased to know that I am currently working on it and this time I will finish it! The figures shown above are from my range of Black Scorpion 28mm scale U.S. Army soldiers to show how well the Black Hawk lines up against them. I think that the Black Hawk is a perfect fit for my 28mm scale figures.


  1. The chopper looks great, perfect scale. great job on the cop shop, im looking forward to seeing the inside

  2. Thanks, Shinto. I'll try and take some work in progress shots of the police station interior and post them later.

  3. That IS one great model,the detail is superb and as for scale it fits in really well. I loved the front-on view, you certainly wouldn't want to beon the recieving end. Her's hoping that the Batrep in the future involving it, is not too far off !
    Nice unexpected preview of the Police Station too; looking forward to thefinished model more than ever.

  4. Wow, thats really nice mate, she looks like one mean SOB ! cant wait to see her in the classic zombie scenario.....escape via the chopper.

  5. @Joe. She is a beauty, isn't she? That front view of her is very intimidating... if you're human. A zombie just wouldn't be concerned about its weaponry, just the noise it makes and the fact that there's food inside.

    I'm glad you liked the preview of the police station. I've finished furnishing another room. Just ten more rooms to go to finish the interior.

    @The Extraordinarii. The escape by helicopter scenario is most certainly on the cards. I'm just not sure when.

  6. Wow! That Blackhawk is perfect. Forces of Valor make some very nice models, and that is one of their best. Scales in just right, too. The Police Station is looking great, thanks for the preview. I know you will wow us with the interior.

  7. That is a fantastic looking model, even for the sake of just owning, not even gaming.
    It looks really nice atop the massive police station. Can't wait to see the finished version of that beast. Thanks for posting.


  8. @Luckyjoe. You were one of the guys I was thinking of when I decided to show my W.I.P. (Work In Progress) police station. I rather suspect I will wow you with the interior. Thanks for the kind words.

    @Adam. When I first opened the parcel with the Black Hawk in my first reaction was Wow, that looks even better than I had imagined it. It looks good in the photos I've taken but much better in real life!

  9. I want this so much!!!
    Now go and get some soldiers from empress minis. That would be a perfect combo.

    Whiteface / Oliver

  10. @Oliver. I'm not familiar with Empress Minis so I'm off to Google them now. Mind you, I like my Black Scorpion minis. I have 36 of them and I don't really want a lot of modern day military types. Still, no harm in looking.

  11. Wow that looks fab and fits well size wise. I'm so jealous that police station looks awesome.

  12. @Brummie. It's kind of funny how 1/48th scale figures are too big to mix with 28mm scale figures but 1/48th scale vehicles fit in perfectly.

  13. Yes, the Black Scorpions minis are great, just too much on the large side for my taste. I can't see them together in a game with Hasselfree minis.
    But if I had 36 of them I'd use them too and not try to replace them. More than enough soldiers for ATZ.

    Whiteface / Oliver

  14. Oliver, I had a look at the Empress Minis range you mentioned and I must admit that I'm very impressed with them. Thanks for pointing them out to me as I'm sorely tempted to send them an order. I agree that the Black Scorpion minis are "heroically" scaled but they'll suffice for now and I don't mind a bit of height difference amongst my figures.

  15. Very impressive piece of kit, the police station is looking that way aswell.

  16. Too cool for a single Elicopter!! :D

    Good scenery too!! :D

  17. @Fran. Impressive is a word I use a lot when I look at my Black Hawk.

    @Gnotta. Wow is a good word to use, also!

    @Zerloon. Two helicopters would be twice the fun. I'm hoping it will happen soon.

  18. Oh well - I missed this when you posted it a few days ago. Nice chopper!!!!

  19. @WarRaptor. You're not the first person to comment on how impressive my chopper is! Err, we are talking about helicopters, aren't we?

  20. That is awesome Bryan! I'm with Rog, I want 4! :)

  21. Four Black Hawks would be awesome!

  22. Where can I buy one of these I had one as a kid and lost it I bought it from toys r us I think maybe 8 years ago wanted to get one for the memories

    1. I bought mine in a model shop in Newcastle, which has sadly closed down now. My best bet would be eBay, but I'm not sure how often they appear for sale. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.
