
Saturday 19 November 2011

Vampifan's Views 15 End of an Era

No, I'm not early for my end of the month musings. This is a special and rather poignant posting to let you know that my father died yesterday. He was 81 and had not been in good health this last year. I was with him in hospital when he died and I have honestly, never seen a more peaceful death. He was sleeping when my mum and I visited him for the last time. The hospital minister joined us soon after and shortly after the minister led us in prayer dad just stopped breathing. it was as if he knew it was his time. I have heard that your hearing is the last sense to go, so maybe he hung on until our prayers were over.
Obviously, I'm sorry he has gone, but because of his condition his death was not unexpected. I am feeling quite calm and serene but I have a load of things to do and people to call so forgive me if my blog takes a back seat until after the funeral is over.
I am blessed with the best friends and neighbours any one could wish for, so I will pull through this but my mum is going to take a lot longer to recover. Fortunately, she has me to look after her and I will be strong. I just need some time away from the computer to do what has to be done. I'll try to resume normal service as soon as possible. In the meantime, thanks for listening.


  1. Sorry to hear that with your father. My condolences. Just take your time.

  2. My sincerest condolences at this sad time.


  3. I'm so sorry Vampifan. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  4. My condolences, Bryan. As someone who's caring for two elderly, terminally ill parents myself, I can empathise with some of what you're going through.

    But it sounds like your dad had the best of all possible endings.. pecaefully and surrounded by his loved ones.

    Stay strong for your mum, do what needs to be done, and when you're ready, we'll all still be here waiting for you.

  5. I wish I had the words. Take the time you need, and we'll all be ready when you get back. In the meantime, take care of your Mom. Y'all are in our thoughts, and prayers.

  6. My deepest condolences on your loss Bryan....

    I lost my father to cancer, we also knew it was a mater of time. Yet how much you try, you can never really be ready for it. You know why? Feelings...The love....

    And that you still have, right in the heart!

  7. Sorry to here your sad news, my deepest sympathy.


  8. Sorry to hear the news Bryan. Take care of the important things and don't worry about the blog! We'll still be here when you're ready and able to post again.


  9. Sorry to hear of your loss. It seems he had a good innings. I'll tilt a glass in your direction tonight.

    My condolences to you and yours.

  10. Sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences.
    At least he seems to have had a placid death, with his loved ones, after a long life. Hold to that thought and take care of your mum.

  11. Bryan, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother during this time of loss.

  12. My condolences to you and your family, in mass tommorow, i will say a decade of the rosary for your father and family

  13. I've just logged on to my computer to check if anyone had responded to my post. I most certainly did not expect so many heartwarming messages of sympathy. Your condolences have meant so much to me and my mum. We thank each and every one of you.

  14. My condolences to your and your family.

  15. I am sorry to read of the death of your father. I lost my dad 12 years ago and I know that no matter how expected the parting, the grief is real. Please know that I hold you and your family in prayer. Peace.

  16. Bryan- You have both my condolences and that of my Mom and Dad. It's always hard when you loose a close loved one. Just remember as long as you keep remembering your father he is never really gone.

  17. My condolences to you and your family.

  18. My condolences to you. There are many ways to go, it sounds like your dad had the best!

  19. I am gutted to hear about your loss Bryan, I cant even imagine what it would be like, my deepest condolences to you and yours brother, I await your return, take care.

  20. Bryan friend, I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am glad that his death was peaceful. That is the best one can hope for. It is (somewhat) easier for a child (fullgrown, yet child nonetheless) to prepare for the death of a parent, but it is much harder for a partner to prepare for the death of their partner. I am glad you recognize the importance to be a strong base for your mother in this time.

    Bryan, I have not been around as long as most, but I recognize how you have been a strong focal point for the zombie wargaming community online. But right now, we don't need you as much as your family. Be strong for them, and don't feel bad to have your own points of weakness right now. We'll still be here when you come back.

  21. I am also just wanting to pass on my condolences.

  22. Sorry for this very sad news. Tempus fugit.

  23. My thoughts are with you and your family.


  24. Condolences, Bryan.


  25. Very sorry to hear of your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts an prayers.

  26. Sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost mine in '92. It's a real hit, but you all will get through it. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  27. My thoughts are with you and your mother.

  28. I haven't been on my computer very much these past few days but I do like to check up on my blog. My mum and I are overwhelmed by all of your messages of sympathy. I wish could thank you all individually but for now a collective thank you will have to suffice. Thank you so much!

  29. Commiserations dear chum. May your God walk with both of you at this time.

  30. Sorry to hear this, Bryan. All my best wishes to you and your mother.


  31. My sincerest condolences to you and your mom, Bryan. Take all the time you need.

    As Adam said we'll still be here waiting patiently when you return.


  32. Sorry to hear about your loss, thoughts are with you.

  33. My condolences Bryan to you and your mother.

  34. Bryan, I am sorry to read of your loss. However, the peaceful manner in which it transpired is something that I am thankful that you and your Mum have had.

    As you have said, your mother needs you more than we do. I can assure you that however long you take away from your blog there will be plenty of us here when you return

  35. So many comments and so many words of sympathy. I'd like to thank everyone who very kindly left a message. It is like this has become an electronic book of remembrance for my dad. I know that he'd be overwhelmed by your comments. He always had a keen interest in my blog, even if the subject matter didn't always appeal to him. It was very comforting to know that I had his support and admiration in working on my blog every week. Hopefully, I'll get back to normalcy once the funeral is over.

  36. I am sorry to hear about your father. I have been reading your blog for about a month, but was not able to read it for the last week, so I just saw this entry.

    My sympathies,


  37. Saddened to hear this I was Informed Indirectly and Peruse your site every so often wish you all the best.

  38. I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

  39. My condolances Vampifan, very sad news indeed.

  40. My heartfelt thanks to you all. Now that the funeral is over I'll resume normal service as soon as possible.

  41. Really sorry to hear this, you have my deepest sympathies my friend, my apologies for my delay in responding.

  42. I sorry for your loss Bryan. You and your mother have my deepest sympathy. Sorry I am so late in reading and responding.

  43. @Fran and Zombie Ad. No apologies needed for the belated responses. Your condolences are more important and greatly appreciated.
