
Sunday 11 December 2011

Cold War Minis Corpses

A couple of months ago I mentioned in one of my Monthly Musing editorials that I'd painted two extremely rare Cold War Miniatures' 28mm scale corpses that were sculpted for their The Dead Will Walk range but never got put into production. The two I have are of the redneck in baseball cap, holding a metal club and the priest brandishing a cross.
The photo above shows the two figures that the corpses were based on. Both of the standing figures are available from set 14 - Survivors.
This photo gives you a much clearer view of what the corpses look like. You can see that these are human corpses not zombie corpses, as the brain is intact on both figures. The red-neck has been bitten in the stomach, whilst the reverend has been chewed on in his legs. I like how even in death, he retains his hold upon his cross.
Now, I should stress that these two figures are not available for sale, so don't go looking on the CWM website for them. I mentioned the story of how I got hold of them previously, but it's worth repeating again. One of my oldest followers and close friend, Roger, aka Rogzombie, wrote to CWM on my behalf. How he knew about these ultra rare figures I do not know but knowing how much I'd like them he put in a request to Richard of CWM to ask if he could let me have a set if there were any still available. Obviously, Richard did still have a set going spare and he promptly sent them off to me. He mentioned in his covering letter that he was going to make corpse figures of his five survivors but the plan fell through as he was unhappy with the quality of his sculpts. It is a shame as I think it's a great idea, given that there are far too few corpse figures available. Despite that, these two figures did have a very limited production run and that's how I ended up with them. Once again, I'd like to offer my sincere thanks to Roger and Richard for ensuring I could add these amazing figures to my collection.
Here's a photo from my last batrep that shows both corpses in situ. Oddly enough, it was the corpse that I placed in the red hatchback that attracted the most comments. I'm managing to build up a fair-sized collection of corpse figures and it is something I will continue to add to. Even if the corpses have no effect in a game, you have to admit that they make for great "set dressing" on the gaming board.


  1. They look great! And as you mention the zombie gaming really lack corpses. Well gaming in general could use more casualties.

    They could represent recently dead survivors, so they may have stuff on them you can use. Ammo, gun, knife or a map.

  2. I totally agree with you, Johnny. And, as you say, being survivors, they ought to be worth checking out for useful items.

  3. Very cool Vampifan. Did you paint both versions of them at the same time?

  4. Thanks, Simon. No I didn't paint them simultaneously. The corpses arrived long after I'd bought and painted the survivors. Of course, that made it easy for me to choose a colour scheme for them. It was a simple matter of matching the colours.

  5. They are pretty darn cool and you've done a fantastic job of matching the colours, especially as you painted them at different times.

  6. Nice job on those, especially as Zombie Ad pointed out, you've painted them at different times. Do you keep a painting log to help you remember, or just paint from memory?

  7. Yup. I like to see lots of casualties scattered about the place.

  8. @Zombie Ad. Thanks. I think they're "pretty darn cool" as well.

    @Luckyjoe. No, I don't keep a painting log (who does?) but I do have a very good memory of what paints I use.

    @Dangerous Brian. I quite agree.

  9. @Henry's Tat. Brief and to the point - I like it!

  10. You can never have enough corpses my friend...good work.

  11. They look great Vampifan, I agree corpses can really bring a board to life, so to speak.

  12. Adam, I've noticed that when I do a batrep, just how often people will comment on how great the gaming board looks because of the amount of corpses I have strewn about. Corpses are here to stay in my batreps.

  13. Very neat mate. Keep well over the festive season.
