
Wednesday 21 December 2011

Studio Miniatures Zombies 12 - Halloween Horrors

Here we have yet more zombie goodness from those fine chaps at Studio Miniatures as I take a look at their most recent offering of 28mm scale figures - Halloween Horrors.

This set consists of four figures wearing fancy dress costumes prior to being zombified. When I first saw the guy dressed up as Superman, my first thought was, do I really want to paint him as Superman? The answer was, no. He's not Superman - he's Superzombie! Painting the "Z" on his costume was far easier than painting the "S" I can tell you! Superzombie has had his right hand bitten off and has a light wound to his stomach. He was a lot of fun to paint!
Next to him is Bumble-Beeboy or Waspboy. His costume is rather bulky, suggesting he is based on the bee, but it does have a very pronounced stinger on his tail, so he could be based on a wasp. He has been savagely attacked in the stomach, where his internal organs are threatening to spill out.
Moving on, we come to the Harry Potter lookalike, probably the only one in the group most appropriately dressed for Halloween. I think he's a fantastically well sculpted figure. Yes, he is a very young looking Harry but a lot of Harry Potter fans are of that age so it does make sense. His coat has been holed in a few places but overall, he appears not to have suffered any obvious wound.
Last of all, is my favourite figure out of the group - the Playboy Bunnygirl. She might be a zombie, but she's a damned sexy-looking zombie! Playboy bunnies, mmmm! She has suffered a bite to her upper right thigh. I have coated her mouth, chin and neck in fresh blood to show that she has recently fed.
Speaking of painting, these figures and the wedding party zombie that I posted last time were the first figures that I have painted using the Wargame Foundry acrylic paints. I have switched over to them after becoming increasingly pissed off with Games Workshop's paints. I'll talk at length about this in another post, possibly my end of the month musings but for now I'd just like to say that I've become a huge fan of the Foundry paints.
These are another excellent set of zombies and all of them are perfectly sculpted. My only criticism of them is this - why are they called Halloween Horrors? I don't associate any of their costumes with Halloween, although the Harry Potter lookalike might get away with it. But the others? No way! They're just dressed in fancy dress, so why not call them Fancy Dress Freaks or something similar? For a Halloween set, I'd have expected to see them dressed as vampires, skeletons, werewolves, mummies, ghosts, witches and even zombies. That one would be quite a challenge to pull off - a zombie in a zombie costume!
This set costs £12.95, which is the same price as the Till Death Us Do Part set I reviewed last time, making it not so good value for money. Despite that, I had no hesitation in buying this set, simply because of the quality of the sculpting.
My next post would fall on Sunday, which is Christmas Day, so I'll probably post it on Christmas Eve instead. See you then.


  1. SuperZombie is my favourite but they are all good and a welcome addition to any game.....

  2. Superzombie Rules! :D

    You're right, another great set of minis, maybe a little off theme, but who cares? :D

  3. nice job. now you just need zombie batman. 8)

  4. @Fran. I like the zombie bunnygirl best of all but Superzombie was the one that was the most fun to paint.

    @Zerloon. Another vote for Superzombie!

    @Werewolf8. Indeed, zombie Batman would be very cool.

  5. Those are very nice. Playboy Bunny is my favorite. As far as not being very Halloween-like, that's about the kind of we get around here these days. Very few monsters, lots of cutesie stuff. Plus whatever toy line is popular at the time. Great job on them, anyway.

  6. Thanks, Joe. This year at Halloween I noticed that nearly all of our trick or treaters were dressed as vampires. Influenced by the "Twilight" films, perhaps? The few that weren't vampires were still dressed as scary monsters like demons and skeletons. I dunno, maybe we're more hardcore Halloween at this side of the pond.

  7. Very cool loove the Bunny Zombie. Hasslefree are doing a teenage batman fig at the moment that could be zombified..

  8. Thanks, Simon. Yay, more love for Playboy bunnygirl!

    There's also lots of Heroclix figures that I'm sure could be converted into zombies.

  9. A zombie with superman's powers? I might as well give him my brains now.

  10. Great looking figures! Love the SuperZ dude!!

  11. @Sub-Radar-Mike. Or see if you can get hold of any green krypronite on e-Bay! LOL!

    @Ray. Superzombie sure has his fans.

  12. They look lovely as always. I really need to get this set in the new year.

    "Zuperzombie iz gonna bite yoou in two piezes, ya?!"

  13. As with most of Studio's sets, this is on my list of ones to pick up. I think the beeboy is my favourite of the group, although all of them are great.

  14. @Johnny. Given his superstrength, he probably could! Ouch!!!

    @Adam. Yay, Bumblebeeboy has a fan. Say, you're not his dad, are you?

  15. Dang, there's so much zombie-goodness out there these days and only so much time available to paint and play! I hadn't seen these and of course now I've gotta have them. I have a project in the early stages that would suit Bunny-zombie perfectly.

    I'm also interested to hear your thoughts on the paints you use. Keep up the great work Bryan!

  16. Mike, there IS such a lot of zombie goodness out there. I'm trying my hardest to keep up with it all, so that I can inform you of what's available.

    I've been thinking that a full article on paints and my painting techniques may be warranted.

  17. I agree with them all super (excuse the pun) models and painting.

  18. Thanks, Irqan, and your pun is excused!

  19. Great set of figures and great paintjobs on them (as always). Its not a set I'll be putting on my "to get" list though (alomg with Xmas-related figures) as I don't thinkt hat they too specific.

  20. Good set of minis Vampifan, superman Zombie is by far the best followed buy zombie Bunny.

  21. @Joe. I understand. These aren't your ordinary run-of-the-mill zombies.

    @The Extraordinarii. Thanks for the compliment.

  22. Reminds me of Bumblebee Man from The Simpsons.

    Ay ay ay, me gusta!

  23. Thanks, Robert. I can't believe that I never made that connection!

  24. Great minis and great paintjob!

    Bryan, i wish you a merry christmas and all the best for 2012.

    Whiteface / Oliver

  25. Thanks, Oliver and best wishes to you and your family. I hope you have a great Christmas.

  26. I like superhero dress.I think it looks different from other type of dresses.

    Zombie Fancy Dress Costumes
