
Sunday 29 January 2012

Foundry U.S. Street Cops 02

This review is tied in to my last one, which looked at Foundry's first set of street cops from their 28mm scale Street Violence range. This time I'm looking at set SV065 Shot Gun Cops. Each of these figures is a conversion of the cops found in set SV031 Street Cops. Note, that once again, I received a bonus figure with this set, but I'm sorry to say, he's no longer available. The first five figures from left to right are the ones you get with this set.
I have painted these figures up in the uniform of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), just as I did with the last set.
The only thing that I don't like about the cop at the far left of my two photos above is the horrible name that the Foundry crew gave her - Bella Oxmix. Yuk! I haven't come up with an alternative name but I can assure you that she won't be called Bella Oxmix in my games. Okay, so a name change is dead easy but it doesn't detract from how well sculpted she is. She is sculpted in a relaxed pose, resting her shotgun on her right hip.
Next up is "Pizza Pete," a figure that almost surpasses Coronary Bob from the previous set for its humour and sheer awesomeness. Don't get me wrong, I think Pete is an excellent figure but I feel that Bob only just shades him. As his nickname indicates, Pete is very fond of pizzas and he has been depicted taking a bite out of a slice of his favourite snack. You just have to admire the humour and originality that have gone into this figure and Coronary Bob.
I haven't mentioned the Police Academy films yet, as so many of the Foundry street cops seem to be based upon characters from that series. That is certainly the case with the third figure in line, who passes a very close resemblance to the overly gung-ho Eugene Tackleberry. To be honest, he is too tall for an accurate representation of Tackleberry, so maybe you'd be better of using the name given to him by Foundry - Baker. The addition of the sunglasses is a nice touch.
Staying with the Police Academy connection, next up is Foundry's version of the unassertive, soft-spoken cop with the high-pitched voice, Laverne Hooks. She does become authorative and aggressive if she gets frustrated or pushed to the limit. Foundry named her Cully, another name that I don't like.
The fifth figure in this set is Taffy, holding his shotgun at the ready in a two-handed grip. He is a rather unremarkable figure. He's not badly sculpted but he doesn't really stand out from the crowd.
The sixth figure in line is the bonus figure that I was sent. Sadly, it would seem that he's no longer available, which is a shame, as I like the pose he's in. He's the only figure in this set who looks like he's about to fire his shotgun.
This set complements the original set extremely well. I don't mind that all of these figures are conversions of the ones found in the original set. By giving them shotguns instead of pistols their profiles have changed enough to make them seem like original figures. They are well-sculpted and not too big. On the whole, they will work okay if you add them to cop figures from other companies. For example, Hasslefree's Ken, with his choice of pistol or shotgun, would make for a great companion to either or both  of the two Foundry street cop sets.
As with most Foundry Street Violence sets, this set of five figures costs £10.00 from Foundry's webstore. C'mon, cops with shotguns - what's not to like?


  1. Those are very nice. I think my favorites are the first 3 Bella, Pizza Pete and Baker. I think Baker edges them out because of the sunglasses and aggressive stance. I was looking at the Foundry minis a while ago and this also caught my eye. It's a pity number 6 is no longer available.

    1. I agree with you about the best three, Joe. And yes, it is certainly a shame that the bonus figure is no longer available. I really liked him.

  2. I quite like the relaxed state of them. They stil look ready for action.

    Thanks for the review mate, good solid paintjob as always mate!

    1. Relaxed but ready for action - I like that description, Johnny.

  3. Great figures with a nicely done paintjob. Great as always Bryan

    1. Thanks, Simon, I'm glad you like them. Even though I painted them years ago there's not much different that I'd do if I painted them today.

  4. Great to see the figures that are no longer available (no, really); I bel0eive there was a"bonus" Sergeant Hall too for the SWAT sets. Surely there is a business opportunity here for Foundry to produce a "special" pack of such figures ?

    Needless to say great paint job, again I didn't realise the fourth figure was a female, now if only we could see where they all work !

    1. Joe, you're so right abot the bonus figures. Sergeant Hall was indeed a bonus figure if you bought the SWAT teams. Other freebies that I can remember were Miss Heaven and Miss Hell, available with some of the street girl sets; also when you ordered Alice White and the 4 slippery dwarves you got another three (yes, three!) dwarves to make the numbers up to a more appropriate seven. I really don't know why Foundry dropped these figures. It would be nice to see them make a come back.

      I like the subtle hint about their workplace. Coming soon is all I can say, and this time I do mean soon!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, War Raptor. I appreciate your compliment.

  6. Vampifan, I'm sorry its been a while since I posted on your site but the supremely stupid Blogger has prevented me until now...

    The minis look really good mate, black really gives them that authorative look, great stuff.

    1. No apologies needed, my friend. I can understand your frustration at not being able to comment. Anyway, you're here now, and that's the main thing. Thanks for the kind words.

  7. Nice job, Bryan. I like these guys in black. I did mine in dark blue. Most cops are going to black outfits these days.

    1. Hi, Roger. It's so good to hear from you again. It would seem most cops are wearing black nowadays. Here in the U.K. our "boys in blue" are now our "boys in black."

  8. Nice job once again, Bryan.
    Mine are still unpainted, but black seems to fit quite nicely. That reminds me I absolutely have to get back to painting minis once the move is complete!

    "[...]cops with shotguns - what's not to like?"
    Being on the wrong end of the barrel? ;)

    1. Ha, ha! Too true, you wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of the barrel!

      Best of luck with your moving, Stefan, and of course, settling in.

  9. Another great set of essential figures, great sizing on them and your paint job is as usual brilliant.....

    1. Many thanks, Fran. Essential? Yes, I think they are.

  10. Fantastic Bryan. Pizza Pete for the win! :)

    1. I quite agree, Adam. He's definitely a winner.

  11. Another great set Bryan. Looking at these made me realize that I don't have any police figures yet. Another set added to my wish-list!

    1. No police figures, Mike! Sheesh, you're going to have to rectify that. There are quite a few you can choose from but these two Foundry sets are amongst the best on the market.
