
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Foundry SWAT Troopers 02.

Here we have the next two sets of SWAT Troopers from Foundry's 28mm scale Street Violence range - SV021 SWAT Team Suppression and SV028 SWAT Team Hammer.
The photos directly above and below this caption show the figures from set SV021 SWAT Team Suppression. Note that these are not new sculpts but conversions of the figures in the two sets that I reviewed last time. All five have had head swaps and are now wearing helmets and gasmasks. Note that I have painted this team and four out of the five in the next team with gloves on.
At the far left of these two photos is Connors. As before, I'll use the names given to them by the chaps at Foundry to identify them. He is firing a .44 Desert Eagle Pistol and has a 5.56mm Steyr AUG Assault Rifle slung over one shoulder. As I mentioned last time, neither of these weapons are standard issue SWAT firearms.
Next up is Dell, a female officer. In addition to the head swap, Foundry have made one other change to this conversion and it's an important one. Dell is firing her 9mm MP5KA5 Machine Pistol correctly, unlike Officer Lords, the figure she's based upon, who was firing it "gangsta-style" to one side. It's just a simple alteration but it's one that I approve of.
Standing a good bit taller than his colleagues is Bleach, who appears to have raided a military armoury and got himself a 5.56mm M249 Squad Automatic Weapon. SWAT Teams do not possess SAWs and have nothing heavier than Assault Rifles in their arsenal. Please take note, Foundry!
I have no complaints about the fourth figure in line. This is Dean, who is holding his 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A Sub-Machine Gun at the shoulder. Most SWAT forces use the MP5A SMG as their primary weapon, although some forces replace it with the 5.56mm Colt Commando CAR15 Assault Rifle.
Last in line is Harris, another female officer, although it is hard to tell. This is my favourite figure out of this set, as she has been very cleverly converted by giving her an entry shield (entry shields are much larger than riot shields). I just love how she is resting the barrel of her 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A SMG on the top lip of her shield for extra stability.
These next two photos, shown above and below, feature the five figures from set SV028 SWAT Team Hammer. Apart from one figure, these are also conversions from SWAT Team Alpha nad SWAT Team Takedown.
Leading this group at the far left of my two photos is the only unique figure in these two sets, i.e. he isn't a conversion of a figure from the first two sets. This is Sergeant Baker and he is a two-piece casting. His bullhorn is a separate component that had to be glued in place. He is not wearing his gasmask, presumably to make using the bullhorn that much easier. He holds a 12 gauge Ithaca Model 37 Pump-Action Shotgun in his right hand with the butt resting on his right hip. The shotgun has a small tactical torch fitted just beneath the barrel.
To his immediate left is Rosina, another female officer. She is equipped as standard and is a rather average figure. She's not badly sculpted but nothing about her is outstanding.
Next up is Scott. I dunno if that's his Christian name or surname. He carries a one-man ram (heavier ones require two men to use) used for breaking down doors. Rams are colloquially called "keys" by many teams. Replacing the SAW with a Ram is a good choice and more in keeping with a SWAT Team. So, another good conversion by Foundry and I'd nominate Scott as my favourite figure out of this set.
Taff is the fourth figure in line and she is yet another female officer but I wouldn't blame you if you made her male. I mentioned last time that female operatives are exceedingly rare in SWAT Teams and yet Foundry have made four in these two sets of ten. That's far too many! Taff is firing her 9mm MP5A SMG from the shoulder.
The final figure in this group is Beale and he is armed with a single round 37mm Grenade Launcher. Its most likely munitions are a plastic baton round, or a tear gas or smoke canister. It's an interesting choice of weapon but not out of place in a SWAT team.
You'll notice that I've painted these in the same colour schemes that I gave to SWAT Team Alpha and SWAT Team Takedown, featured last time. This means that I can combine all four sets to make a very large contigent of SWAT troopers.
If you order these sets from Foundry they retail at £10.00 per set for five figures. I must admit that I'm a big fan of Foundry's Street Violence range. Their figures are just perfect for using in a zombie apocalypse campaign.


  1. They're just such characterful figures, great work by foundry and you obviously my friend.....

    1. Thans, Fran. They are characterful and very well sculpted.

  2. Another great set. All your SWAT most look great as a whole, painted the same. The female percentage does get a bit over the top at this point I think.
    The giant with the ram is probably my favourite figure from these sets. The other figures are all mostly too close to other sculpts to be a favourite for me. I do really prefer all the gangsta guns turned upright however.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Adam. I totally agree with you about the amount of females in these sets. Very unnecessary. I too, was pleased to see the officer with the Machine Pistol firing it correctly and not "gangsta-style."

  3. Another great review. I was just looking at these on thewarstore but their pics are too small. Yours really let me see the detail on these minis. Thanks, that's very helpful. And as usual, they are very nicely painted.

    1. Hi, Joe. I'm glad you found my photos of use to you. That's always pleasing to hear but does beg the question why some firms use such lousy pics on their website?

  4. Great review and great paintjob.

    I too am a big fan of Street Violence, hust don't like the giant figure... I mean, ok there is someone taller than other, but in every blister?

    But is a very minor complain. :D

    1. Thanks, Zerloon. I have to agree that when you get one big guy with each pack it does start to get a bit much. I don't mind them too much but I can certainly see where you're coming from.

  5. They are really nice figures Bryan. I have my eye on these also as they have a nice mix of kit.

    Always bugs me when there are no pics do people want to sell us toys or not?

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Simon. It bugs me as well, when firms post no pictures or very lousy pictures of their product online. As you say, do they want to sell us toys or not?

  6. How many SWAT guys do you have now? A minor precinct? And how many cops?

    I dare not think of a scenario with a building with cops holding one of your teammates locked up in the cells....

    "We need a tank...."

    1. Hmm, I'm not sure how many cops and/or SWAT Troopers I have. I know it's a lot! I have well over 100 in total - so a fair-sized precinct's worth!

      Hee, hee, I have been thinking of scenario ideas to get one or more of Team Vampifan locked up in my police station.

      Yep, a tank would be good! Fortunately, I have one of those as well!

  7. Good work on the paint-job,it is quite difficult highlighting dark colours, but you've pulled it off. I only like about half of the Foundry SWAT figures, even though they're all actually very good sculpts.
    Your photographs are really helpful for picking up details too, that I would otherwise miss.

    1. Thanks, Joe. Again, it's very nice to hear that you find my photographs helpful. You're right about highlighting dark colours - it isn't that easy but I'm pleased with how these have turned out.

  8. Ok, let me start by saying that you did a great job in the painting and 'the choosing of colours' departments (as you always do), BUT, as far as Foundry's choice of poses and weap kits go, I gotta say, they messed up big time, non regulated weapons, large number of female members (not very likely), cinematic gun poses!, swat members missing some of their protective gear!, for all of the above reasons I bypassed these miniatures, and actually ended up buying TAG swat, But If your not as anal as me, then these minis are just what you needed !! and you did a great job on them too. :)

    1. TE, I agree with all of your criticisma about these figures. However, I bought them when they were first released way back in the 1990's and they were the only SWAT troopers available back then. Nowadays there is a far greater choice of figures and most of them are better than the Foundry figures reviewed here. You have to remember that I've been collecting figures for well over 30 years! Despite their obvious failings, I still maintain a fondness for Foundry's Street Violence range. By the way, I do have SWAT Troopers from other companies and they will get reviewed in time.

  9. Awesome. Bullhorn Baker and Harris are my favourites.

    1. Thanks, Adam. Interesting choices for your favourites. I can agree with Harris but I still prefer Scott to Baker. Still, we're all entitled to our opinions.
