
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Vampifan's Views 21 - Happy 3rd Birthday

This is a special Vampifan's Views post for two reasons. First of all, as you can see from the title of this post, my blog is celebrating its third birthday. On Friday 16th March it will be three years old. I have to say that I am very proud of my blog and it has pleased me no end to see it grow from strength to strength. What makes me most happy about my blog are the amount of wonderful friends I have made. Even though I have yet to meet any of my followers I feel that our friendship is something that will endure for many years to come, and that is something that money can't buy. So, I'd like to say a big thank you to all my followers. You guys are just the best! It's thanks to you that this blog is regarded so highly in the zombie gaming community.

My second reason for this post is to make a special announcement. Last Sunday I posted a review of the book, Can You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse? by Max Brallier. I received a pleasant surprise that evening when Max sent me an e-mail thanking me for the very positive review. He also asked me if I'd like to do an interview with him for my blog and would I be interested in receiving five autographed copies of his book? Hmm, tough decision there! Of course, I said yes. Okay, so this is where you guys come in. If you can send in a question (or more) to ask Max, I'll compile them all at a later date, say a week from now, and send them off to him. Those who ask the most interesting questions, as judged by Max, will receive a free autographed copy of his book, Can You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse? How cool is that? And, you have to admit, what an incredibly generous offer by Max. I'm sure that Max wasn't aware that his message coincided with my blog's third birthday, but I must say, the timing could not have been better. If you want to be in with a chance to win one of Max's books just leave your question in the comments section of this post.


  1. Hippo birdies 2 ewe!

    Congratulations Bryan, and I can see I'm going to have to read your review now ...

    1. Go read it, Colin, and if you like it, come back with a question.

  2. Congrats on one of my favourite blogs and people reaching three, Happy Birthday and....
    Q. Do you like your zombies slow or fast?
    Q. What do you rate your survivability chances out of 10 for a real zombie apocalypse?

    1. Thank, Fran. Your first question was one I had on my own list. I've crossed it off, so you can get the credit for it.

  3. Congratulations to my favourite wargaming blog. The zombie blogosphere wouldn't be the same without you!

    Q: What's more dangerous in a z-apocalypse: zombies or other (living) people?

    Whiteface / Oliver

  4. Congratulations on 3rd birthday! I still think your blog is a cornerstone to zombie blogging :)

    And that looks like a great offer by mr. Brooks, here are my questions:

    Q1: That might sound naive, but it's eating me up, lol. Are the Zombie survival guide's "recorded attacks" pure fiction?
    Q2: Where do you get the inspiration for stories in your books?
    Q3: If there would be a zombie outbreak, would you be confident enough to use your guide to help yourself survive?
    Q4: On average, how long did it take, from idea to publishing, of a book, as complex as Can you survive the zombie apocalypse?

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I'm really sorry to inform you but Max Brallier is not Max Brooks who wrote "World War Z" and "The Zombie Survival Guide!" Go put on a Homer Simpson mask and say "D'oh!" one hundred times for your sin!

      I can't ask this Max questions 1 and 3 but questions 2 and 4 are certainly valid.

      Perhaps I should ask Max if he's ever been mistaken for Max Brooks?

    2. Oh that a facepalm all over. I was sure they're not the same persons when I read your review few days back, and went to google about the author today and it jumped it. Well, apologies to Max Brallier and to Max Brooks.

      You could still change Q3 to "If there would be a zombie outbreak, would you be confident enough to use Max Brooks' guide to help yourself survive?"
      Which I find even more interesting, really, because that leads to next question; "Do you read works of other zombie writers and why so?"
      And asking him if he has been mistaken for Max Brooks (other than this time, of course!) seems valid.

      I'll go crawl under a a rock now. The internet's mask can't save me from blushing this time :#

    3. Here, got my "donkey pic".
      And while I was scrolling up fast, I saw the reason of my unforgivable sin, I've read "Max's books" really fast -.-.

      And really make sure you tell him I'm sorry! :D

    4. I feel your pain, Mathyoo! I love the Homer Simpson pic, by the way. I will add your modified question and your new one to the list, and yes I will apologise on your behalf.

  5. Happy Birthday Mate!

    Q1: OK, you've been bitten by a Zombie - what would you do in your last minutes?

    Q2: Now you're Dead, the Zombie Virus has taken you over - but your personality remains (for now - think the Fear Itself Episode "New Years Day") what would be your actions?

    1. Thanks, Doc, and more interesting questions!

    2. They came out of a debate we had in our house (between myself, my Son, and my Mrs) about what do Zombies think - or if they do think at all!

      We all look at Zeds as a mindless menace, but its more of a case that we don't understand them and their motivations (mainly because we cannot get a copacetic response from a Zed) and people find things/people/situations they don't understand much more frightening than those they do!

    3. I think we all assume that zombies are a mindless menace... but what if they're not? What interesting debates you have in your house, Doc!

  6. Congrats, Bryan.

    If I ever happen to cross the channel, I'd be very happy if we could arrange a meetup :)

    Damn it! All good questions that came to my mind are already taken! :D So a very lame one...
    Q: Will the book be translated into other languages? Preferably German ;)

    1. Hi, Stefan, and thanks for the e-mail. I'll discuss your proposal later on this month.

    2. I can hardly wait to see what the rest of the guys think :)

  7. Congratulations Bryan!

    Q: Why zombies?

  8. Happy 3rd Birthday! Your blog is one I always find myself visiting. I go back and re-read the older posts while waiting for new ones. I guess that makes me a Vampifan groupie. :)

    Q: How long would you expect Zombies to last once an outbreak occurs? Personally I'd say they would rot away after a couple of years.

    1. Ha, a Vampifan groupie! I'd be flattered if you were young, female and pretty but now I'm freaked out. LOL!

      Good question, Joe.

    2. Don't make it weird, Bryan. :)

  9. Congratulations Bryan. 3 years! Epic! here's to many years more to come.

    Q. Zombies and gaming go hand in hand like descriptions of the time of day and the phrase 'of the Dead'. What are your guilty gaming pleasures?

    1. Many thanks, Adam. That's a damned good question, although you have interviewed a few authors yourself, so I shouldn't be surprised that you came up with a good 'un.

  10. Happy Birthday Blog!

    Q: Should a boy kiss on the first date?

  11. First thing first: Happy Blog Birthday!! :D

    Second thing... well, second! XD

    Q1: How come to mind to write a "game-book" (I'm sorry I don't know the proper english term)?
    Q2: Tell us, you were a LoneWolf fan?
    Q3: Do you plan to write other book based on zombie?
    Q4: Zombie seem to get a big attentions from media, but we are talking about rotten, semi mute, non sentient walking corpse... Why so much talking about them?


    1. Thank you, Zerloon. Your first question was on my list but I'll give you the credit for it. These types of books are often refered to as Fighting Fantasy books here in the UK.

    2. Fighting fantasy books? How curious... I'm pretty sure there are book about every genre,maybe fantasy was prominent?

      Thank you for the credit! :D

    3. When these type of books were at their height the vast majority of them were fantasy orientated, hence the term.

    4. Over here it roughly translates "adventure playbook" and yes, the majority of them were fantasy orientated, but I think I remember renting one from the library that was sci-fi and another some kind of Indiana Jones adventure style. But that was loooooong ago. Do they still have libraries nowadays? ;)
      Best I remember the single player books from DSA (kind of a German D&D) and the 2005-attempt to bring these books back to life by my favorite author. Nice gimmick here: He provided a page at the end of the book with random numbers so you could point at the page with your eyes closed and did not need to take any dice with you.

  12. Your blog has always had some good context. And you have surely inspired others (including myself) to start a blog. Congrats on the 3 good years so far Bryan!

    As for the question:

    If there were a breakout of zeds, where would you go to and why?

    If you were to get to choose a celebrity to tag along with you, who would it be? (This is after the breakout)

    Thanks for doing this blog mate, thank you for being there for advice and a pat on the back.

    1. Many thanks for the kind words, Johnny. I love your second question. It's making me think who I'd take?

  13. Happy Birthday Bryan you always post up such great, well thought out content. I'm already looking forward to this years adventures of Team Vampifan.

    Question. What movies/books inspired you to write this one?

    1. Thanks ever so much, Simon. Your comments are always welcome. I have some major plans for Team Vampifan this year, starting with a new scenario very soon.

  14. Happy Birthday Vampi! As one who's discovered you and your blog in the past year, I have to say you've inspired me to try and do more with my gaming (which at least 1 of my friends commented positively on when he saw my first attempt at a cardstock building).

    I have to questions for Max, although I'm sure to have plenty for Bryan as the modelling goes on!

    1. Thank you, Russ. I'll be only too happy to answer any questions you have for me.

  15. Happy 3rd Blog Birthday Bryan!!!! And what a Birthday pressie, very, very cool!!!!!! Well done!
    Now for my question.
    If after an Z outbreak, someone close to you, family, girlfirnd, lover, best mate, gets infected, what do you do, put them out of their misery or lock them in the cellar and feed them tip-bits?

    1. A cool pressie indeed, Ray. Good question. Even though the answer should be kill them, how many of us would have the courage to go ahead and do it?

  16. Great stuff, rock on to more of the same.

  17. Great work on the blog my friend, keep it up.

    My question
    If there was a zombie outbreak what would be the top three things that you would first acquire? and why ?(dont answer part B if obvious)

    1. Lots of good questions coming in. Thanks, TE.

  18. Happy Birthday and congratulations Vampifan! Great work!

  19. As always Bryan, a good and hopefully same wavelength review. And your site is the first I open up every day!

    Q: To have so many endings, where did your inspiration come from?

    1. There are a LOT of endings to the book, so a good question, Ross. Thanks.
