
Sunday 20 May 2012

West Wind Zombie Rock Fans

I rather suspect that when folk check out West Wind for contemporary zombies, they look no further than the rage zombies from their Road Kill range. Well, I'm going to show you a set of four 28mm scale zombies that you might not have seen before. These are from set GHB0006 Zombie Rock Fans and they can be found amongst the Gothic Horror range under the Bad Moon Over Memphis category. There are some nice figures in this category and I'll showcase my favourites amongst them over the next few weeks.
The West Wind website only shows one of the four figures and he's not even painted. I don't think this is a very good marketing strategy as we gamers like to know what we're buying. Anyway, I took the plunge on your behalf, dear readers, and I can now show the four figures that comprise this motley crew.
The figure at the far left of my two photos is the one shown on West Wind's website. He has something of a Native American vibe going on about him. At first I thought that those tufts of hair sticking out of his head might be feathers, but they're not. They are definitely part of his hair. I gave him brown leather trousers and waistcoat to reflect his heritage. The bone that he's holding aloft in his left hand still has sinews of flesh attached to it, so he'll no doubt enjoy chewing on that. His wounds are quite severe. His guts are spilling out of a massive hole in his belly. His right eye is on the point of popping out of its socket. He also has bite wounds to his right cheek, right shoulder and left elbow. His musculature is very well defined, making him a very nicely sculpted figure.
Next to him is another zombie who could also be of Native American origin, although I've painted him in more traditional bikers' garb - black leather jacket and faded denim jeans. I don't know what's going on with his hair - it's all over the place! He's holding a bone, which is adorned with small feathers so it could be some sort of fetish item used by a tribal shaman. His wounds are almost identical to that of the previous figure. His right eyeball has popped out of its socket and hangs down his face. His belly wound is not as severe as the first zombie's but is still bad enough. Note that he is bare-footed.
Third figure in line is a zombie with a very impressive Mohican haircut. He wears a badly ripped T-shirt, faded denim jeans and black leather boots. He has a blood-soaked bandage on his left arm. He has been bitten in both shoulders and has a small puncture wound in his lower right leg.
I'm not sure if the fourth zombie in line should still be standing. He has had the top of his skull removed to reveal his brain. That should prove fatal to any zombie, so we must assume that the brain was not damaged when he lost the top of his skull. He is dressed in similar attire to the previous zombie but his boots are sandy brown in colour.
It has to be said that these are not your normal run of the mill zombies and are someting of a niche choice. I like them, simply because thay are so different from the norm. Be aware that these figures are heroically scaled for 28mm scale figures. The two standing zombies are about 32mm from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads, which does not take into account their weird hairstyles. Hence, they look even taller. The second two zombies are crouching down, making it harder to gauge their actual heights. Suffice to say, some of you may find them too tall for your liking.
They retail for £6.00 for all four figures, making them very good value for money. So, where would you expect to find a group of zombie rock fans? I'll provide the answer next time, when I show you the group they are most likely to be following.


  1. Those look great. I could see them mixed with EM4 or copplestone's armed rock band.:D

    1. Well that's a possibility, Mathyoo, but wait until Wednesday and you'll see just who they are fans of.

    2. Elvis impersonators? Everyone loves Elvis! :P

    3. Sorry, Mathyoo, but I'm keeping quiet until Wednesday. Yeah, I know, I am a rotter! Ho, ho ho!

  2. Very nice. I think I like the mohawk best. That orange you used really draws the eye.

    1. In hindsight, I should have taken a side on photo of him to better show of his stunning haircut.

  3. Nice group of z's Bryan, - another four towards the "target" of 1000 individual z's eh ?

    Nice paintjobs as always, but these look to have much darker skin tones.

    1. The target of 1,000 zombies has taken a huge leap forward this weekend, as I have ordered Victory Force's Zombie Horde II. That's another 100 zombies to add to my horde, Joe. I'm sure I can reach the 1,000 mark this year.

  4. A nice set. It shows you certainly need to dig through some of the ranges to find certain figures. I like what you have done with these.

  5. Ooooh.... Thanks for this review Bryan!

    I reaaaly like these! And being an old time heavy metal head these will be sure to be on my list to buy!

    1. Thanks, Johnny, and I bet you're not the only metal-head reading this review.

  6. Very nice zombies that a lot of us wouldn't have heard of. I hink my favourite is the last one, I really like the head kinked sideways as though he just heard a delicious human hiding in the closet.

    1. Thanks, Adam. I love your description of what the fourth zombie in line might be doing.

  7. Superb looking zombies. The first one looks like he may have been the lead singer. His instinks have him leaning back really getting into his vocals using the bone as his microphone. Rock On!! lol Great job as always Vampi.

    1. I like your thinking, Morbious. Maybe all four are former rock stars themselves.

  8. I just noticed the deal they have going from VFM now. I would have loved some of those but the price is a bit high for me at the moment. I hope to get a bit lucky in some minor packs later.

    1. I totally agree with you, Johnny. $195.00 for 100 figures is a big pull out, even if you are saving $50.00 on the deal. I am lucky in that I can afford them but I sympathise with those who aren't able to.

  9. That is certainly a great looking bunch of zeds; great in a horrific rip you limb from limb kind of way!

    1. Thanks, Michael. It looks like some of these guys have already been doing a bit of ripping victims from limb to limb, especially the first zombie in line.

  10. You don't have to be in the band to be IN the band. Nice work I'm with the Elvis gang huh huh,!

    1. I hear you, Irqan. And we have another vote for them being Elvis fans. I'm still not saying.

  11. They look like there were touring a while, lovely niche models as you say and really well painted my friend!

    1. Thanks, Fran. They were fun to paint simply because they were so different.

  12. Replies
    1. I like that option better than Elvis fans, Tony.
