
Saturday 30 June 2012

Vampifan's Views 25 - Monthly Musings 11

Vampirella by the legendary Frank Frazetta
The big news for this month was that I got to play my ATZ scenario "Assault on Precinct 13" and it was the most epic game I have ever played. This game was most notable for the number of "firsts."
It was the first time I had played ATZ on a 6' by 4' board. It won't be the last!
It was the first time that I used the optional rule from I, Zombie regarding PEFs (Possible Enemy Forces). If you rolled doubles for Activation, a new PEF was placed on the board. I rolled quite a few doubles!
It was the first time that I ran an ATZ game that lasted for five days (Monday to Friday) although I only played on three of those days. Monday was setting up day (actually just over two hours) and Friday was clearing up day. I played for about five hours each day on Tuesday and Wednesday but on Thursday I gamed for nearly 12 hours from 10.30am to 10.00pm!

The good guys suffered very badly in this scenario with far too many of them dying. To find out who lived and who died you'll have to read my batrep.
The number of zombies that appeared in this scenario was the largest amount in any game in my campaign so far. How many? Well, Ive decided to have a bit of fun here and make a competition of it. I want you to make a guess at how many zombies appeared in the scenario. Leave your answer in the comments section and whoever is the closest will win a mystery prize of something that has appeared on my blog this year. To give you a clue, the answer is more than 50 but less than 150. I won't reveal the answer until I post the final part of my batrep, which won't be for a couple of weeks. Read on for the reason behind the delay.
Another first for this scenario was the amount of photos I took - 170+. That'll give you some idea of how epic this game was! As a consequence, I will be splitting my batrep up into four bite-sized chunks. I am hoping to post part one next Wednesday, so you won't have long to wait.
I was asked by Hrodgar on the Board of the Living Lead forum if I could post some teaser photos of the board I played on. I said of course I could. So, check these out.
 The northern edge of the board is closest to the camera. How impressive does Mayhem City look?
 A view from the western edge of the board.
The eastern edge of the board showing some new models from my WWG Mayhem Junkyard set (fences and JCB digger) and in the top right hand corner, my Stoelzel's Structures Cottage.
This is where most of the action took place. Obviously, there are no figures on the board but the initial three PEF markers have been placed. Well done to you if you can spot them!
I added a little gadget to the sidebar of my blog that lets you know how many 28mm scale zombies I have painted and how many I have unpainted. Figure painting and card modelling have taken a back seat this past week as I was too focussed on playing ATZ. Normal service will resume very soon. Currently on my desk getting painted are 9 Red Box zombies, a Red Box demoness, 4 Studio Minis cops, 4 Studio Minis U.S. Soldiers and 3 Reaper college students.
Speaking of Studio Minis, have you seen their plastic zombie figures that they are working on? You can learn a lot more about them by clicking on this link - I have already made a pledge for $100. I think these figures will be the best plastic zombies on the market. They already make the best metal zombies on the market, so high quality is guaranteed.
Seanan McGuire aka Mira Grant. I've fallen in love with her!
On the reading front, you'll know by now that I recently read Blackout by Mira Grant, seeing as I gave it a glowing review not so long ago. I am currently reading Tooth and Nail by Craig DiLouie. Anyway, getting back to Mira, Varangian, one of my followers left some interesting comments about her on my blog but he made them a week after I'd posted my review, meaning most of you will have missed them. He informed me of an interview with Seanan McGuire (the real name of Mira Grant) held here -
It was from this link that I found this delightful photo of Mira that appears just above. The interview is quite long but very well worth reading as she certainly knows her stuff when it comes to zombie plagues and viruses. I loved the bit where she harrasses the real CDC for info about what might work and what won't work regarding a zombie virus. You can't say her Newsflesh trilogy of books are not well researched. Varangian then managed to make me very jealous when he informed me he was hoping to meet Mira next year. She'll be one of the guest speakers at JordanCon 2013 held next April. For the benefit of my American followers, details can be found here - I wish I could attend but it seems highly unlikely.
I'll sign off now and I hope you have as much fun reading my epic ATZ batrep as I did playing it.


  1. That is one awesome city! I love those buildings! So my guess will be 137..probably way out!! lol I take it that you finished painting the hospital zombies then?? Hope you had fun painting them :)

    1. Thanks, Carl. I had painted your hospital zombies before I played this game but I'm really sorry to say that they didn't make an appearance. I'll review them once I get my batrep out of the way.

    2. Oh cool! I look forward to seeing/reading about them :D

    3. I was wondering, with those Stoelzel structures, when you buy them, do you have to print them out or do they send you them already printed? I'm thinking about getting some, so was wondering what to expect :)

    4. Carl, as with all card models that are available on the Interweb, you download them as PDF files. Then you have to print them out and assemble them. I've been collecting tham and making them for quite a few years now so if ever you need any help or advice, please just drop me a line.

    5. I hesitate to say this VtG, but that's not COMPLETELY true ... sell pre-printed card buildings - they print them on card and send them to you. I got a bunch of their stuff a while ago and it's pretty good.

      However, they are the only company I've found that do that - all the others deliver as pdf files

    6. Wow, I never knew that, Colin. I've never heard of them before. Thanks for the heads up. I shall go check them out.

    7. If you look at this post on my blog:

      you'll see some of the jungle buildings I got from them ... they are 10mm scale so not very detailed, but they do their job perfectly! IIRC, I have their 28mm farmhouse sitting in an envelope waiting to be made; it's here:

    8. The farmhouse looks very impressive, although to me, it looks more European than American. That's not a criticism, merely an observation.

    9. Hm, maybe it is called "European Farmhouse" for that reason? ;)

    10. D'oh! I totally missed that!

  2. OK, I'll stake out my position with a guess of 88 zombies, although I'm probably wrong, because if it were less than 100, you'd have likely said more than 50 and less than 100, not 150. Oh well.

  3. What an awesome city set up, very impressive Bryan, the corpses really look great in there too. You've often preached how much corpses add to the display of a game, and this is a perfect example. It takes an awesome setup one notch higher.
    I still can't belive how epic this game was, and just how much play time it took. Can't wait to see it played out.

    Mira Grant is alright on the eyes as well, I'll check out her interview, as it sounds worthwhile.

    I'll go ahead and guess that 129 zeds show their faces during your game.

    1. Thanks, Adam. Adding corpses to your gaming boards just adds an extra dimension that feels so right.

      As for Mira - brains and beauty - what a combination!

  4. Good looking set-up.
    I'll be looking at the Mira grant interview too, I think she's my favourite author in the zombie genre too.

    I'm guessing 109 zombies as you've used the doubles = PEF option.

    1. Mira is certainly my favourite author when it comes to zombie literature.

  5. Your table setup is amazing, as usual. Can't wait to read the report(s). My guess is 148.

    1. Fortunately you won't have long to read my batreps. Part one will be posted in a few days time.

  6. 124 zombies!!!

    The most important part was that it was fun to play!! That is after all the part that makes us do this again and again. Really looking forward to the bat reps on this bad boy!!!!

    1. Oh, it wasn't just fun to play, Johnny, it was the MOST FUN I've had playing ATZ! And yes, that is the main reason why I and others keep coming back for more.

  7. Gah! Ironmonk took my number guess :/

    I'll try 149.

    Bryan, if for some reason you could work out the transportation/passport stuff to go to JordanCon I could get you connected with roommates. I think we might be able to swing the pass as well, so long as you volunteer to help run a couple games of ATZ.... Plus, I'll even throw in roundtrip transportation to and from the airport!

    Yeah, it's a pipe dream, it'd be great to get you out though.

    In the meantime, and much more realistically I'll look forward to these AAR. I'm alreadya bit worried about our heroes! I've been reading about these characters for what? Two years? I'm kind of invested!

    1. Varangian, that is such a generous offer that I'm very tempted. Sadly, you're probably right about it being a pipe dream, but even so, dreams have come true before.

      I thought that being a Rep:6 Star that Vampifan was immortal... and then I read the rules about Star qualities and read that no matter how high your Rep is you can always be killed by zombies! Gulp! Believe me, that was a wake up call, because I'd forgotten all about that rule.

    2. Vampifan still has his "Get out of Jail Free" card though, because as a star he has the ability to "Cheat Death"

    3. Sorry, Joe, but I don't think he can. You can only "Cheat Death" when "killed by someone with an equal or higher Rep." Zombies are Rep:4 and Vampifan is Rep:6. That makes him just as prone as zombie fodder as anyone else.

    4. Oh how mortal even our alter egos are!

    5. Don't feel too badly about it. I thought the same as you until I re-read the rules prior to playing this scenario.

  8. Also: You weren't kidding about the Studio Miniatures Zeds. Their work on those plastics is GORGEOUS.

    I think I need another couple of hundred zombies... It might just have to wait a while though!

    1. You've got plenty of time to put in a bid as there's still 70+ days to go, so no hurry yet.

  9. Gosh, that time of the month again. Awesome table. I've got to checkout the batrep so I'll post again with my guess. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Irqan. Don't leave it too late for making a guess. In the case of a tie, whoever posted first will win the prize.

    2. I will then go for Nelson: 111 !

  10. Wow that police station really is HUGE. Looks like everything on this game is huge...but my guess with the zombies has to be a bit lower, so I'll just roll with 75.

    Now make us happy and post part 1 of the report tomorrow :P

    1. I wish i could, Mathyoo, but first I've got to type it. I'm still working on prepping my photos and that'll keep me busy for most of today and possibly tomorrow.

  11. 128 Zombies!

    ¡Genial! Awesome! I love this city. Congratulations!

  12. Your set-up looks awesome mate! Looking forward to the Report on Wednesday.
    I started re-reading 'Feed' the first book in Mira Grants trilogy this morning and had forgotten how nicely written it was :D

    1. "Feed" just blew me away when I read it. It certainly warranted my 10/10 review. the whole trilogy is damn near perfect. Hey, want to make a guess at the number of zombies in my game?

  13. Board looks awesome Bryan, good setup and the corpses lying around all over the place really do add to the overall feel, I'm feeling the atmoshpere, quick question does the batrep actually go indoors, inside the must, right?

    My guess for zombie involvement is 99...they always move in even packs

    1. Yes, the action does move inside. I'd like to say more but that would spoil the story. Just read the batrep and keep thinking, "this is not going well!"

  14. gtreat set up, i cant waut to see the betraps, the police station looks fantastic

    1. I love my police station and it was as much a character in this scenario as the humans and the zombies.

  15. i can spot 3 pefs one beside the blue car another behind the garabage truck and one near the green van, i guess about 98 zeds this game

    1. Congratulations on correctly spotting the three start-up PEFs. No prizes for that but wallow in the warm glow of satisfaction in being the first to spot them.

  16. Looks like it's going to be filled with Awesomesauce. The zed count will be around 115, in my highly unprofessional opinon. Thanks for the pics!

    1. I'm glad you liked the pics, Charles. They've certainly generated a lot of interest.

  17. Hallo mate. Nice to see the set up. Gives me loads of ideas and inspiration. Thank you.

    As for the guess, I really have no idea lets say 111 human zombies 2 dog zombies, 5 cat zombies and a penguin zombie!

    1. I'm not going to comment on your guess for human zombies but I can tell you that there were no zombie cats, no zombie dogs and definitely no zombie penguins! Laughing my ass off!

  18. Man, that is one sweet table. Beautiful scenery and I can't wait to read the batreps. I noticed the Cottage right away, too.

    1. Thanks, Lucky Joe. I figured you appreciate seeing the Cottage. Sadly it never got used in the scenario, but it's all part of the eye candy. Do you want to take part in the zombie numbers lottery?

    2. Oh, yeah. I forgot. I'll go 140.

  19. What a fantastic looking setup Bryan!!!! I'm gonna guess at 84 Z's

    1. Thanks, Ray. Once again, congrats on your number of blog hits.

  20. So, I need to have a go as well. Are we talking about the number of Zs on the board *concurrently*, or the total to appear at any point in the game?
    Either way, 142 zombies, I think. Though going by the size of the table and the time taken to play the game, I'm somewhat surprised that it's less than 150! Not really "Two Hour" Wargames :-) ...

    1. It refers to the total number that took part in the game, Colgar6.

      In this case, it was more like Twenty-two Hours Wargames!

  21. 144... And I can hardly wait for the BatRep! :D

    1. Only two days to wait now. Be patient, my friend.

    2. Patience is not my strong suit with teasers like that one, Bryan :) If you say it was epic, it's going to be EPIC!

      Thanks for the word on the plastic zombies, btw. Pledged a few bucks myself to help reach the goal and gain a nice perk.

    3. Good for you, Stefan. Perks are nice as well.

      Just think, this time tomorrow you could be reading part one of my batrep!

  22. It's exactly this kind of game that puts the 'tG' in VtG!! A fantastic looking table Bryan - you should be immensely proud of what you managed to put together here ...

    As for Zeds - I think I'll go for 103

    1. Thanks, Colin, and yes, I did feel proud of this game. It succeeded way betond my expectations.

  23. I am really looking forward to your batrep! Stunning terrain, your version of Mayhem City is looking better every time.

    There will be blood...and 121 zombies!

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. QUOTE: "There will be blood!"
      That's quite the understatement!
      There will be GALLONS of blood!

  24. Awesome looking table you've got going there,
    I'm going to go for 127 zombies slaughtered

  25. One more day. It's a day off, plenty of time to go back and reread the AAR's until this point.... might have to carve out some time today to do that, so I can jump straight on it when it posts....

    Yeah, seriously, I'm this anxious about a blog post.

    1. Varangian, my good friend, you'll pleased to know that I have almost finished typing in part one. All of my photos are prepped, and I mean ALL of my photos. Yes, all 174! That was a mammoth task, but it means I only have to concentrate on the typing for parts two, three and four. I'm not making any promises but if I get finished typing this evening I'll post late tonight.

      Fingers crossed, eh?

    2. That's great! How many tissues did you have to use whilst typing it up?

      None for the first? Loads for the rest? I see where this is going....

    3. Good news1 It's just been posted - half an hour ahead of schedule!

      By the way, no tissues were harmed in the typing up of this batrep!

  26. Thanks for sharing! I took up the Deadline series upon your recommendation and have had a good time so far. I also really like the studio mini zombies.

    Oh, and my guess is 97 zombies.

    1. Welcome on board, Raspoutine. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Mira's trilogy.
