
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Studio Miniatures' Zombies 14 - Left4Dead 2

At the beginning of May I reviewed the first four figures from Studio Miniatures' range of 28mm scale "Only The Dead Are Left" zombies. Today, I'm showcasing the second set of figures in this range. As with the first set, these figures are based on different zombie types from the computer game Left 4 Dead (which I'll abbreviate to L4D).
To give them their L4D names we have from left to right, the Charger, the Spitter, the Jockey and the Witch.
As indicated by his name, the Charger likes to charge into melee, grab a victim and either run with him until they hit a wall or if there is none in range, he will slam the victim repeatedly into the ground. What makes him such a threat is his powerful right arm, which is covered in a rocky kind of shell, making it impervious to most damage. I have covered his right hand and lower arm in the blood of one of his victims. Note that he wears a shoe on his right foot but his left foot is bare. Surely that will affect how he runs!
Next in line, is the Spitter, a female zombie with the ability to spit balls of green acid at quite a distance. She is one of the very few zombies capable of ranged combat, which makes her a serious threat. However, once she has spat she must spend the next turn recovering before she can move and/or launch a further attack. This is her Achilles Heel. In ATZ, she'd be classed as Stunned after she makes a spit attack. When she dies, she secretes the acid from her body, leaving a puddle that is deadly to anyone standing in it. The figure sure is an ugly-looking bitch!
The Jockey is a hunch-backed zombie noted for leaping onto a victim's back and clinging on. If he wins a contest of strength, he can force the victim to move in a direction of his choosing, usually somewhere fatal or dangerous, e.g. off a high ledge or close to a Witch. The grip of a Jockey is so strong that it requires another person to prise him free. I have painted mine with a blood-smeared mouth and chin and hands covered in the blood of a victim.
The Witch is one of the most powerful zombies in L4D but is very rarely encountered. If left alone or not otherwise disturbed, then Survivors can avoid her. However, gunfire, torchlight or moving close to her will attract her attention. She will concentrate her attack on the person who disturbed her. If she kills her victim she will run away to find a new hiding place. A Witch (they only ever appear singly) is very hard to kill and will shrug off most damage, including fire. Once again, I have painted her hands and lower arms coated in the blood of one of her victims. This is definitely a running theme of mine with these four figures.
This picture depicts the four types of Infected as they appear in the L4D game. Obviously, these are not all to the same scale. I cut and pasted these together just to show how close the Studio Minis' sculptor has got in creating his versions of them.
If you wanted to use these special types of zombie in games like ATZ or NMRIH, you'll have to devise your own house rules for them. Coupled with the previous set of figures, Studio Minis have covered most of the Special Infected types from the L4D games. I don't play computer games, so whether I'll use these as L4D zombies (unlikely) or just use them as normal or smart zombies in ATZ (most probably) remains to be seen. This set retails for £14.99 from Studio Miniatures. Yes, that does make them expensive, but you are paying for quality and these certainly are not your ordinary run-of-the-mill zombies.


  1. The figures match the video game representations perfectly, and you've really captured their look with your paintjob. These zombies are must haves for anyone looking to recreate L4D scenarios. Having said that, they're not for me however, as I prefer my regular shambling zombies, without the special abilities.

    1. I feel the same way, Adam. However, I couldn't resist buying them and I've no doubt that I'll find a use for them.

  2. You did a nice job on those, Bryan. They make a great addition to your horde.

    1. Thanks, Joe, and yes, they do add to the horde.

  3. LFD and the follow up LFD2 are my go to video games. These look fantastic. I will eventually being getting both sets, and hope that I can do them justice. Your reviews are spot on, and you painting is excellent. Thanks!

    1. This is just the type of comment I like to receive, so many thanks, Charles. Feel free to copy my paint schemes if you so desire.

  4. They look great! The spitter must be my favorite from the bunch, there's something funny about that sculpt, hehe!

    1. She certainly doen't look human, Mathyoo, with her giraffe-like neck and massive mouth. I'm guessing her pot-belly is where she stores her acid and is not an idication that she was once a fat lass!

  5. Really good to see these painted up. When money permits...... I'm sure you know the rest. Lets Hope I can paint them to that standard!!!

    1. When money permits - the lament of gamers everywhere, Clint.

  6. They are very nice miniatures Bryan and you've done a cracking job on them. I don't play game either. I'm sure there are rules for some zombies types but I'll double check because I'm not 100% on that

    1. Thanks, Simon. I'm sure that someone has probably already designed their own rules for the L4D zombies. It's no big deal for me, so don't go to too much trouble.

  7. They look excellent representations of those "specials" from the game, your paintwork does them real justice.

    1. Many thanks, Joe. They were a lot of fun to paint.

  8. These are great, Bryan, I dont remember seeing them before. You did a great job with them.
    Since they already have a background it would be easy to introduce them as 'bosses' into a game if you desired. A good option if you play a lot and need a diversion.

    1. I quite agree, Roger. Also, if you already play "Left 4 Dead" then these are surely must have figures.

  9. These zombies are pretty cool, nicely painted Vampifan, I think I like the two in the middle best.

    1. Thanks, TE. I like them all but for very different reasons.
