
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Grekwood Miniatures' Zombies 02

Carl from Grekwood Miniatures (GM) recently redesigned the four nurses with the bandaged heads after numerous demands for nurses with ordinary unbandaged heads. The bandaged head nurses can now be found in the demons section of the GM webstore. and these four new figures are now part of the official Hospital Zombies set.
Carl has made a couple of other changes to the figures. First of all, they have all lost whatever weapons they were carrying, and secondly, the length of their uniforms have increased to knee-length. They now look like proper nurses.The first decision I had to make was what colour do I paint their uniforms? White was an obvious choice but I'd already painted the bandage-headed nurses in white uniforms and I wanted a complete change for these ladies. Having visited my local hospital many times last year when my father was ill, I decided to go with the colour schemes used by nurses in the NHS nowadays, i.e. blue and mauve. Yes, I know that my ATZ campaign is set in America and that American nurses may wear different coloured uniforms but I'm not that bothered. They look good to me and that's the most important criteria.
The nurse at the far left wears the mauve-coloured uniform (Foundry Deep Mauve 58). She has a small cut on her face and a bite wound on her right leg.
The blue that I used on the other three nurses was Foundry Deep Blue 20. The zombie nurse second from the left has a small cut to her left arm and a bite woumd to her right leg.
The blonde-haired nurse has had a a bite taken out of the right side of her face and a second bite on her upper left arm.
The zombie nurse at the far right of the group has sustained a couple of bite wounds to her legs. I smeared her hands and lower arms in blood, which most probably has come from a victim she has attacked.
These are a nicely sculpted set of figures and I am sure that they will appeal to zombie fans far more than the bandage-headed demons, whom they have replaced.
The four Zombie Nurses in Uniform retail for £9.50. If you haven't bought them and the other three Hospital Zombie sets, you can buy all four sets for the reduced price of £34.00, saving you £4.00.
Incidentally, I'd like to point out that Carl has made a model of a hospital, which can be downloaded as a PDF file for you to construct yourself. You will need foamboard to build it. It currently consists of a couple of wards and a connecting corridor with entrance. Whilst this does sound rather basic, further expansions are planned, including the option to "zombify" the interior with lots of blood splatters and gore aplenty. Guess which version I want to make? The PDF costs just £4.00 and can be found on the GM webstore. It's worth buying just for the best set of building instructions I've ever seen on any card model!


  1. Superbly done Bryan, They must obviously have been working in foreign climes when the apocalypse occurred but perhaps work in a nursing home.

    Nice sculpts by Carl and they look great sir!

    1. A private hospital or nursing home would be a good explanation for their uniform colours, assuming they are incorrect. I've no doubt that some of my American followers will put me right on this matter.

  2. Lovely work Bryan, looks like the set of a bad porn movie, well that's what Ray said?

  3. Those are fine looking nurses that you have painted.
    Can't wait to see them in a hospital.

    1. A hospital model is something I'd love to make but I suspect it'll happen later rather than sooner. Sorry, Adam.

  4. Don't worry about the niform colours, all of the nurses that I have seen over here are in the scrubs style clothing in a myrad of colours and patterns. The outfits your nurses are wearing work nicely for volunteers or adminitrative staff though.

  5. Cheers for the review and the plug!!! Nicely painted too, we have painted up a pack of these for ourselves with a mixture of colours like you have chosen :)

    1. I'm only too happy to help you out, Carl. Such great products deserve as wide an audience as possible.

    2. I put a link to the review on the GM Facebook page :)

  6. Nicely painted Bryan (congrats on reject dice as well).

    Colours: the maroon colour was issued to student nurses in Kent about 12 years ago (some of the qualified nurses called the students "Plums" the colour has since been withdrawn.) And strictly speaking they should be in trousers. Current student Nurse colours are white top and grey trousers.

    Dark Blue is often used for senior nurses ("Grade F" and above)Again they tend to be in trousers as well. SO as far as I am concerned for the south east of England the coloures are correct.

    Hope that helps and does not "muddy" the water!

    1. I agree, most nurses wear trousers. The skirts are more the stereotypical look. Plus it looks better on a mini, easier to spot from a distance hehe

    2. No problem at all with skirts (but I am not shaving my legs not for me you understand). I was just commenting on the fact that I felt Bryan had the colours correct for my part of the world. Not in any way at all meant in a negative way about the sculpts which I like.

    3. Yeah I agree with the colours, I've seen them in England and Wales...before they all started wearing the scrubs! Not sure what that's about! And no worries, I knew what you meant :)

    4. I think I'll keep out of this conversation and just let you guys get on with it! :)

      Clint, I never did discover which nurses wore plum and which nurses wore blue, or indeed why, but I do know they are still popular colours in the NHS today.

  7. They look really fine, but if they were my nurses, I think I'd change my own bedpan! :)
    Really nice scary work.

    1. I don't think I'd like to be a patient in any hospital with these nurses, Mike.

  8. They are great! And well painted Bryan!

    1. Thanks, Johnny. If you haven't already got them, you'll need them for your Gravesend Hospital.

  9. Nicely done Bryan, though I'm a little pit off by their head-gear. do nurses still wear such things ?
    As for the colours of their uniforms, in the RVI Newcastle, Ward Sister wear blue and Radiology wear mauveI guess though any colours are acceptable.

    1. Just thought I'd let you know, these are more of a "classic" style nurse, as today's nurses generally wear scrubs, and before that they pretty much wore a long dress like top with trousers. So I thought the classic style nurse would be cool and more visually interesting :D

    2. Thanks for that input, Joe. I trust your knowledge given the amount of hospital visits you've had to endure this past year.

      I, too, wondered about the hats, but I admit they don't bother me too much. Carl, your answer is cool enough for me.

    3. I guessed as much Rovanite (about the "classic" style, the hats don't worry me that much.

  10. They look great as usual Bryan, I like the colour choices you chose and of course you have the right amount of gore.

    1. Regarding the gore, it is so easy to go over the top with it, but if you look closely at these figures you can see that they have very few wounds on them. Sometimes less is more.

  11. Great job as always, Bryan. Also, congratulations on your Rejects win.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I was really gobsmacked to win Fran's dice. That was a complete surprise!

  12. These look great! Seems the colors are correct for where you live, which is fine. I work in a Catholic hospital in the States and all the staff here wear scrubs - grayish-blue for floor nurses; brown for C3 (supervisors) and black for technicians (respiratory, flebotomy, etc) . Our students wear blue pants and a white top that is jacket length. Just a FWIW...

    1. Thanks for the FWIW, Ironmonk. It's all useful info to file away.

  13. Good paintjob! For me, since you like the looking, there no problem if color are incorrect.

    1. Agreed, Zerloon. I'm happy with how they look and I won't be changing them now.
