
Sunday 4 November 2012

Foundry City Workers

This set of Foundry figures from their Street Violence range is unique in that none of the figures are armed. This is set SV064 City Workers, which comprises five ordinary civilians.
I'll use the names given to them by the Foundry staff to identify them. At the far left is old Mr. Rossiter, who has bent down to tie his shoelaces. It is a very unusual pose but all the better for it. Note his briefcase that is standing to one side. From his smart clothing he would appear to be a corporate type or a store manager.
Next to him is another corporate type in a trench coat. He is carrying a brief case in one hand whilst speaking on his mobile phone in his other hand.. Foundry rather unimaginatively have called him Mobile. I painted him as an African/American, as opposed to the Caucasian colour scheme given to him by Foundry's painter. I used this figure as Mbole Ebunike, the mayor of Night City, in my Cyberpunk 2020 campaign. If you look at the back view of him you can see that some of his papers are visible as if he closed his briefcase in a hurry and hadn't noticed they were sticking out.
In the centre of this group is Haggis (presumably a nickname) the street cleaner. He's taking a rest from sweeping the streets to wipe his brow. Once again, full marks for originality on his sculpting and pose. He wears a high-visibility jacket over his jeans and T-shirt.
Fourth in line is Grant, who has the look of a student about him. He is very casually dressed in hoodie jacket, jeans and trainers. He wears a backpack, which may contain some of his books for his course-work.
At the far right is Miss Pargiter, the only female of the group. She holds a black umbrella and a briefcase, suggesting she is another corporate type. Note that her hair has been tied back in a severe bun. Her pose and mode of dress implies she is not a woman to be messed with. I have based her on a 20mm diameter slottabase, rather than my standard 25mm slottabase, which was far too big for her.
For a group of civilians this is an eclectic mix, representing social classes from the lower class to the high class. My opinion on civilians is the same as my opinion on zombies - you can never have too many. These are useful figures to have in many a game because they are so generic. They are all very well sculpted and for once, Foundry have omitted to include one over-sized figure in the set, something that I know annoys some of you in regards to the Street Violence range.
The City Workers set costs £10.00 for the five figures on Foundry's webstore.


  1. Great work mate, I had these myself..a great set!

  2. Very nice! I was just looking at these the other day. Thank you for reviewing them!

  3. Some very nice work Sir. That looks like Fran in the Hi-Viz vest, but it can't be, the figures actually working!!!

  4. These are nice set. Civilians are always useful at the start of the apocalypse. Plus can be used for other game settings.

    1. It's true that civilians like these can be used in so many settings.

  5. Great job once again! You have inspired me to finally get some minis up on my blog. Enjoyed it so much im gonna have to follow your example, dust off my camera and do it more often.

    1. Great to hear that I've inapired you, Dave. What can I say but woot?!

  6. Those are really nice! I wish I could find some scifi civies for some blade runner/ fifth element gaming. I may end up doing a zombie campaign just to game with COBs( Civilians-On-Battlefield)
    On an unrelated note, you should check out Tommygun's sector 17. Soylent green vending machines, trashbins, cases of american beer, MRE cases, water pallets...all sorts of PDF furniture you may enjoy for your upcoming campaign. I've been making all kinds of objective markers and concealment barricades with them. You can smoosh the beer cases to add debris to the table and trashbins too!
    Keep up the great work, your card models are fantastic! ;)

    1. Thanks for the comments, David. With regards to the Tommygun's web pages, I already have them bookmarked and I have downloaded a lot of his stuff. The fact that all of his models are free make it a "must visit" site. I like your idea about adding litter to your game boards.

    2. One of my biggest complaints about tables is that they're so clean, or bare. I'm guilty of it as much, or more, than anyone else.

      I hadn't really considered making a bunch of Tommygun's stuff for my modern 28mm table.

      Thanks for the reminder!

    3. I get round this problem by using WWG's Streets of Legends ground tiles. What is so awesome about this set is that the tiles come in three flavours - clean, dirty and apocalyptic. At the start of a zombie apocalypse most streets will be clean or relatively so. As time moves on after a few weeks, most streets will be dirty and after a few months I'd start adding apocalyptic looking streets. Having said that, adding your own litter is still a good idea.

  7. Yes this is a very nice set. You have done a wonderful job with them too Bryan! I wish Foundry would do more modern civilian miniatures!

    1. I wish that Foundry would make more contemporary civilians as well, Darkoath.

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