
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Foundry Outlaw Trash

This set of Foundry Figures Street Violence 28mm scale figures from set SV023 Outlaw Trash are ideal post-apocalypse figures. Although described as Outlaws, there is no reason not to use them as Survivors or a player character group in a game of ATZ.
The set contains five figures - three males and two females. At the far left of my two photos is Gunther Brockmann, whom I have nominated as the leader of this group. In a lot of the Foundry Street Violence sets you get one figure who is much taller than the others. I figured that the biggest, strongest and toughest character in this group would be the leader. He is well armed with a pair of Big Ass Desert Eagle Pistols in his hands, a 7.62mm Sniper Rifle slung over his shoulder, and he has a selection of Grenades hanging from his belt. His chest is festooned with ammo pouches. No chance of him running out of ammo! All five of the gang wear long duster-type coats. Gunther has ripped the arms off his coat. Just look at the muscles on his arms.
To his left is Zob Gondek, who wears a skull and crossbones T-shirt. In his right hand, Zob holds a Hawk MM1 40mm Grenade Launcher with a 12 round ammo drum. In his left hand, he holds a Bowie Knife. He also carries a selection of Hand Grenades. He has had three extensions added to his hair in the colours red, yellow and green, suggesting he is a follower of the Rastafarian faith.
In the centre of the group of figures is Aaron "Airborne" McQuarrie. He is armed with a Squad Automatic Weapon in his right, a Sub-Machine Gun in his left hand , and an assortment of Hand Grenades hanging from his belt. I have no idea of the make of his firearms but in ATZ, that is not important, so I'm not that bothered. He has exactly the same coloured hair extensions as Zob. He wears a string vest, which wasn't the easiest of things to paint. He has ripped the right sleeve off his coat.
The female second from the right is Carol Roach and she is holding a 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5KA5 Machine Pistol in a two-handed grip. She is left-handed. She has a pistol in a holster on her left hip as a back-up and slung across her back is a katana. She has braided her very long hair into dreadlocks and added two rows of light blue beads at the end.
Finally, is Cyrise Montoya, who is something of a cowgirl, going by her Confederate flag T-shirt and her little cowboy hat. She is armed with the popular 9mm Heckler and Koch MP5A Sub-Machine Gun, which has two ammo clips taped side by side for a quick reload. She is also left-handed. She also has a Pistol in a holster on her left hip, a knife tucked into the top of her right boot and a Hand Grenade on her belt. She is the only gang member not to be wearing goggles.
These would make for a good Wolf Pack in After The Horsemen. They are a well-armed and capable looking gang that could be used in any post-apocalyptic setting. Heck, I could even see them being used as a Cursed Earth gang in a Judge Dredd setting. I like these figures a lot. They are well sculpted and very usable.
The set of five figures retail at £10.00 from the Foundry Figures webstore.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tito. They are rather nice, aren't they?

  2. Another very good set from Foundry, you've really gone to town and picked out the details on these.

    1. These are one of my favourite sets from Foundry, Joe. I certainly enjoyed painting them.

  3. Great figures and a great paint job. I love Foundry's Street Violence range.

  4. AB FAB. Love them. Great characters to them all.

  5. fantastic brush work on this set, the girl with the cow boy hat and south flag shirt is great, reminnds me o Axl Rose

  6. This is a great set from the SV range. I've heard some suggest that the asian woman's coat may denote a certain profession, but I don't know that for sure.

    1. I don't know either, WQ, but she is a very nice figure.

  7. Nice one Bryan. Not a bad figure in the bunch. A well executed set of outlaws.... or as you say survivors.

    1. Thanks, Clint. As I said in my review, this is a very usable set of figures.

  8. Nicely done Bryan. Really love the two ladies. I didn't realise one of them had a grenade launcher the last time I looked at these I'd swear it was a smg. Funny how the eyes deceive you sometimes lol

    1. That's an easy mistake to make, Simon. I can assure you that Zob is armed with the MM1 Grenade Launcher. The cylindrical ammo drum is the big giveaway. Actually, when I first saw Airborne, I thought he was holding a pistol with attached silencer in his left hand. Close inspection reveals it is an SMG, but I've yet to identify just what type.

  9. One of my favourite street violence sets, great work Bryan.

    1. Yep, they're one of my favourites as well, Fran.

  10. Love the Rebel T-shirt!! Nice work!!

  11. Nice! These are great models, and you really brought them to life.

  12. My favourite Foundry figure pack! The detail on these is great, love the armor shirt on "Airborne" and the Pouches on Gunther's chest. The ladies are cool as well, a lot of character with that japanese thing going on and of course the Southern Belle with her CSA shirt and cow hide hat :D

    1. You have good taste, Robert. These are amongst the best figures that Foundry produce in their Street Violence range.

  13. Nice set of figures Bryan and well painted!

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