
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Studio Minis 18 - Limited Edition Freebies

The three Studio Miniatures 28mm scale zombies that I'm reviewing today were part of the stretch goals offered when they ran their Indiegogo project for their plastic zombie sets. I managed to get two of each, thanks to the generosity of Stuart at SM. I gave away one of my Shaun of the Dead zombies to one of my followers (David aka Darkoath) who asked if anyone had a spare copy to donate. The other freebie zombie in the deal was the George Romero zed, and seeing as I already owned him the two that I received went to deserving homes.
At the far left of the trio is the Shaun of the Dead zombie I mentioned above. First Hasslefree, then Studio Minis and currently, Guillotine Games (for their Zombicide Season 2 project) have made zombified versions of Simon Pegg aka Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, Now anyone who has seen this wonderful film will know that Shaun survived and was never turned into a zombie. This makes me wonder why figure companies make zombified Shauns but no one has made a zombified version of Shaun's best mate, Ed (played by Nick Frost) who was turned into a zombie? Anyhow, that's just me idly speculating. This is a very nicely sculpted figure with a decent resemblance to Shaun, if he was zombified. I have given him a neck wound to add to the red that was on his shirt (movie reference alert!). Although he is carrying his cricket bat I would not class him as an armed zombie. He appears to be nothing more than an ordinary zombie who kept a hold of the bat when he died. He drags it along with him because he lacks the intelligence to let go of it. Zombies are dumb like that!
Next up is the first of my two skeletal zombies. These are so old that their skin is stretched tight over their bones, giving them a look that can best be described as skeletal. Their clothes hang in tatters. The flesh has been stripped from the front of his torso, revealing his rib cage. His intestines are spilling from a massive wound to his stomach.
The zombie at the far right of the photos is a conversion of the previous figure. I simply repositioned his arms and gave him a totally different paint scheme so that the two figures look different. He has a darker skin tone, denoting that he is of African/American origin. I have applied far more gore to him than I normally do. It almost looks like he has been showering in blood. He looks delightfully disgusting!
It is at this point that I'd tell you how much these figures cost but none of them are for sale on the SM webstore. Sadly, they were only made available to those who backed the plastic zombies Indiegogo project. I like these limited edition figures, but then I have always been a huge fan of Studio Miniatures' zombie figures.


  1. Great zombies again Bryan,
    Shame that Shaun zombie isn't for sale, I could see that one being a big hit! I know I'd buy one!

    1. It is a shame that they aren't on general sale, Dave, although I can understand the reason for keeping them as limited edition figures.

    2. Limited edition are nice but surely you would want to make money from the moulds, as always Bryan lovely painting!

    3. You'd think so, Fran. I'm sure they would sell if they went on sale.

  2. They look great, i think Simon Pegg made a zombie cameo in Romero's land of the dead

    1. You're right, SK. Both Simon and Nick Frost played zombies in "Land of the Dead" after being invited to appear by George Romero.

    2. Don't wanna be that guy, but I thought it was Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright who played zeds in LOTD

    3. I was waiting to see who'd spot that deliberate mistake... ahem! Good call, Dave. Of course you're right (or should that be Wright?)

  3. Replies
    1. Quite right to put the emphasis on BLOODY, Bob!

  4. Excellent figures and great paint-work as always Bryan,

    1. Many thanks, Joe. Need I say they were a LOT of fun to paint?

  5. Fantastic! These are great paint jobs. I'm ALWAYS impressed with your painting skills.

    Though these guys would definitely sell like crazy, it's important for companies to keep their word in their crowd funding campaigns. Telling someone something is a limited, campaign only miniature then releasing it later is pretty shady to my mind. I LOVE what Guillotine Games is doing with a batch of their models, essentially using it as a pre-sale letting everyone know that they'll go into general release next year.

    1. You raise a very good point, Jon, and it is why I understand Stuart's decision to keep these as limited edition figures. As for Guillotine Games, their Kickstarter project for Zombicide Season 2 has been a phenomenal success and thanks to all of their amazing stretch goals I am in for more than twice my original pledge!

    2. I hear about Season 2's Kickstarter. I'm actively fighting spending a lot more. I'll be going after the KS exclusive miniatures (which I'll be happy to get) and passing on the rest. I'll just get the non-exclusive stuff over time.

      I think this game is going to end up with a LOT of options.

    3. Zombicide has me hooked! I'm glad it'll be closing soon as I have spent far more on it than I originally intended. Damned stretch goals and my lack of willpower!

  6. Those are great, especially the last one. I always want to use as much "blood" as possible, but then hold back to save the paint job lol.

    As for Zombie-Shaun...I guess that cricket bat is just too iconic to pass!

    1. Sometimes, Mathyoo, you just have to accept the urge to go right over the top with red stuff! I certainly wouldn't want to do it with every figure but if kept to a minimum I see nothing wrong with it.

  7. Nice job they look great, That is a very good point about there being no zombie Ed perhaps give Kev White a nudge see if the would do one.

    1. Seeing as Kev sculpted the only Ed/Nick Frost currently available, he'd certainly be the right man to sculpt a zombie Ed.

  8. Very nice Bryan, done well in your usual style.

  9. Shaun of the Dead, awesome film! It's a cool mini, I'm sure it would make a decent amount if sold. Great paint work as always Bryan!

    1. Shaun of the Dead was a great film and is certainly one of my favourite zombie movies. I've no doubt that zombie Shaun would sell well. Carl.
