
Sunday 21 April 2013

Mystery Maker Zombies

Last time I mentioned that David/Darkoath had sent me a package of out of production 28mm scale zombie figures. I reviewed the five John Jenkins Designs Communist Party Zombies that he sent me. Also in his parcel were these three zombies. I have no idea who made them and neither did Darkoath.
At the far left is a male zombie in a two-piece suit. He has a large bite wound to his upper left arm and a smaller wound to his right arm. There are numerous bullet wounds to his back but no exit wounds on his front.
From the front, the zombie in the centre of the group looks unharmed. However, when you see him from behind that is certainly not the case. He has a massive wound to his back that reveals most of his spine. As if that wasn't bad enough, he has lost a large chunk of his hair as if he had been partially scalped.
Third and last in line is a zombie biker in faded denims and black leather jacket. His stomach is just a gaping hole with internal organs spilling out. There is a long diagonal cut to his back. His left hand, chin and neck are smeared in blood.
These are not particularly good sculpts. There is a crudeness to them that you rarely see nowadays. Their heads are too big for their bodies and their legs are too short. Their hands resemble a bunch of bananas. They are slightly overscale with each one being 30mm tall, from the soles of their feet to the tops of their heads. They do remind me of the sculpts from a figure company called Hero Miniatures who were active in the i990's before they closed for good. However, I don't ever remember seeing these three in their catalogue. They came with integral bases rather than slottatabs, but there was no identification marks on the bases. If anyone can identify who made them please leave a comment.


  1. I like that they are not "normal" in their proportions, gives them a real B-movie feel. These three will look fantastic shambling along with the rest of the horde!

    1. I love your comment about them being B Movie-esque, Rob. Despite their odd proportions, they do fit in well with the rest of my horde.

  2. Nice work Bryan, No idea who makes them either to be fair. They look almost Alienish to me but maybe that just there crudeness.

    1. I take your point about them being "Alienish" Simon.

  3. The horde will welcome them Bryan for their uniqueness!

    1. They have already been welcomed by the horde. Zombies don't discriminate, Fran.

  4. I'm not familiar with them, so no help there, but I don't think the sculpts are that bad. Maybe not Studio Miniatures good, but not all zeds can be. I like them.

    1. They're certainly not the best sculpts, Adam, but neither are they the worst. I'm happy to include them in my horde.

  5. I quite like the "old school" look of these, but I'm thinking that because of their size they've probably been produced in the last 10 years. They remind me of Dixon figures.
    Because of your colour scheme the centre one to me looks like he's bare-armed but with grey Marigolds on!
    I think they're a great addition to your hordem even if just for their uniqueness.

    1. I suspect these are older than 10 years but that's just my opinion.
      I loved your comment about the zombie wearing the Marigolds, Joe.
      And yes, they are more unique figures to add to my horde.

  6. Personally I prefer them to the Wargames Factory Plastics. More Horde zombies different poses and faces always look good. Well painted as always and perhaps it's nice not to know who made them. There should always be some little mysteries.

    1. Thanks, Clint. They certainly have more detail on them than the WF plastic male zombies. If no one can identify them, it's not the end of the world.

  7. Nope, I don't know these figures. They look a bit like the Golgo Island zombies, or perhaps the Blue Moon ones. But I don't think they come from either of these ranges.

    1. No, I don't think they're from either of those ranges, Hugh.

  8. Nice gruesome figures Bryan, well painted.

    1. Thanks, TE. They certainly are a gruesome bunch.

  9. Nice to see these painted up! Bryan when you get a chance please send me your mail address again. I'm getting ready to move and I found some more goodies for you!

  10. Bryan these miniatures were made by a company from Oz... They produced a range of Pulp figures in 28mm. I think I have them bookmarked. I will find them some day and let you know who made them!

    1. It would be nice to be able to identify them. No hurry, mate. I'm very patient.
