
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Zombicide Zombies - Season 1 Female Walkers 01

Having looked at the male Walkers from the Zombicide board-game last time, it is now the turn of the female Walkers to shuffle into the spotlight. The females come in two poses and consist of eight of each pose. I must admit that these are a rather sexy bunch of zombies, if ever such an adjective can be applied to a walking corpse. What they all have in common is a penchant for showing off their panties. Now being a zombie, it is highly unlikely that they even care that their lingerie is on display. But still, I do wonder what went through the mind of the sculptor when he created these figures!
At the far left of this group is a female Walker wearing a brown jacket, a sandy coloured dress and sandy coloured shoes. I painted her with no obvious wounds. After all, not every zombie will show bloody wounds. So from the front she looks okay apart from her unhealthy skin colouring. From behind just check out where the hole in her skirt is located - right over her bum crack! Fortunately for her, she did remember to put her panties on.
For the Walker in the pink outfit, I decided to cover up the hole in the back of her dress with a bit of modelling putty. I just didn't want all of this group to have the same wardrobe malfunction. Her mouth, chin and neck are smeared in blood, but I suspect the blood came from a victim she fed on.
For the Walker in the pale lilac outfit I decided to make the hole in her dress the location of a bite wound. This helps create variety amongst the group. Her right hand is smeared in blood and she has left a bloody hand-print on the front of her dress.
The fourth Walker in line was painted as an African/American, hence her darker skin tone.She was shot between her breasts and blood has spurted out of the wound. Her white panties are a stark contrast against her brown skin.
The final batch of female Walkers are even more blatantly suggestive than the last lot. These ladies have had the front of their skirts ripped away. How unfortunate and how revealing!
For the Walker at the far left of the group, I decided not to give her any obvious wounds. I also decided to give her a suspender belt to go with her stockings. Her stockings have been holed in a few places.
The Walker in the red dress and purple jacket has been bitten in the left cheek and her hands are smeared in blood. I almost gave her red panties but at the last moment I decided that white would be a better contrast.
The Walker in the green jacket has been bitten in the lower left leg. Blood is smeared over her mouth, chin, neck and hands. Her panties are pink and she is wearing Stay-Up tights, so she doesn't need a suspender belt.
Finally, is another African/American female. She was bitten in the left shoulder and has bled profusely from the wound. Her hands are coated in blood, possibly her own or possibly from a victim.
As with the male Walkers, the detail on their hair and hands could be better defined. I really have no idea as to why the females have been so blatantly sexualised. It doesn't bother me that much but it is not something I'd expect to see in this day and age of sexual equality. Perhaps it's a French thing. Guillotine Games, who make the Zombicide game are a French company. 


  1. "Bryan and the Shamblettes" It's a master class in painting the same figure but getting a different look each time. As for showing their undies I would think it's a sculptor thing exaggerate the bust and show the knickers then we'll make it clear they are girls!!

    1. "Bryan and the Shamblettes" - what a great idea, Clint! I think you're right about the sculptor.

  2. Looks brilliant - and consider the idea with the suspender belt promptly stolen :-).

  3. More Zombie Line-Dancing goodness.

    I think the first figure is loosely base on the classic Marilyn Monroe pose.

    1. Damn, I had never thought about the Marilyn Monror pose but that gives me a great idea for the next female Shambler I paint. I like your thinking, Joe!

  4. Wow, great job on these. Clint is definitely right about Master Class.

    1. Many thanks, LJ! It just goes to show what can be achieved by paint alone.

  5. Fantastic! I love both the number and quality of sculpts. As usual you've done a beautiful job with them.

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Cheers, Jon. It's always a pleasure to hear from you.

  6. They're quite elegant sculpts, supermodels caught on the catwalk? Nice work Bryan!

    1. Hmm, that's a cool theory about them getting caught on the catwalk, Fran.

  7. Nothing wrong with sexy zombies! Nice job on these not really properly looked at the Zombicide normal zombies the big guys yes but not the norm's.

    We'd all love us a Jenna Jameson Zombie :D

    1. Nope, there's nothing wrong with sexy zombies, Simon.

      As for a Jenna Jameson zombie, you're most welcome to her. I find any woman with plastic tits a complete turn off. I saw Jenna in "Zombie Strippers" and I just thought, "ugh, pet, put them away!"

  8. Very nice, the first ones remind me of that famous Marlin Monroe subway vent scene, perhaps you should paint on up to look like her lol

    1. Joe mentioned the same thing earlier, SK, and I quite fancy doing a Marilyn lookalike conversion.

  9. I see what you mean by sexualized. I give you a hand for a job well done in personalizing these figures.

  10. Zombies sexy?? Hahaha all I can do is laugh..... love the paint jobs man, my fav is the one with a chunck of flesh bitten out of her ass.

    1. I have to admit, I was smiling when I painted her ass wound, TE.

  11. I am soooo stealing the ASSBITE idea!

    They really look great and I must concur...Their hands are crappy.... But hey...They are zombies.....



  12. I know this is an old post, but thought I'd clear up your question about the female zombies...I sat in on a panel last year with one of the French creators of Zombicide. It's kind of funny really...Apparently the American side submitted artwork and the French side did too. The Americans told the French that they had to tone down the sexualtiy (the end result is actually toned down if you can believe that), and the French told the Americans that they had to tone down the gore. So you're end result for the walkers is actually less gory and less sexual than originally proposed.

    It seems that sexuality is much more liberal in France, and gore is more highly tolerated in the states.

    1. Yes, I have come to that conclusion as well, Ranger322.
