
Thursday 14 November 2013

Vampifan's Views 41 - A special announcement

Hi, folks. I've a couple of pieces of news I wish to share with you, one bad and one good. The bad news first is that Blogger is playing silly buggers and won't allow me to add pictures or photos to my posts. That's frustrating as hell! I may try composing my posts on my laptop, which is working fine. Just bear with me.
The second piece of good news is the special announcement I want to tell everyone about. I have got myself a new girlfriend and our romance is blossoming fantastically well. Her name is Ashley and we met on an online dating agency website. She comes from Glasgow, but is French from birth and she is only 44 years old, 11 years younger than me. This romance all came about from when I was in hospital. Believe me, when you are recovering from major surgery, you re-evaluate your life. Until my hospital visit, I just assumed that I'd remain a bachelor all of my life. I last had a girlfriend in 1999 but for all of this century I have been single. I've never been married and never thought I would marry. As I lay in hospital, I thought long and hard about my future and came to the realisation that I no longer want to spend the rest of my life being alone. I want to grow old with a woman I love, with someone I can call my soul-mate and someone with whom I can share many happy moments. So, when I was discharged from hospital it wasn't long before I enlisted on a dating agency website. I struck gold with the first woman who wrote back to me, although I waited a fortnight before I replied to her as I was getting lots of offers on a daily basis. However, what made Ashley's comments stand out were the fact that she was the only person to call me by my name. The first word that she wrote to me was Bryan. Secondly, she was the only person who sent me their personal e-mail address. That seemed to indicate that she was serious right from the beginning.
We stopped using the dating agency to communicate and we sent each other lots and lots of private e-mails. In the weeks that followed I came to realise that we had such a lot in common. She was the one for me and I was the one for her. We have yet to meet as she is currently on a business trip to Malaysia. However, she will be flying home this weekend or early next week. She wants to fly in to Newcastle Airport, instead of Glasgow, so that we can finally meet. I asked her how long she wants to stay with me and she replied, "forever!" Ah, bless!
So, I am all excited about meeting her. A new chapter of my life is about to begin. I honestly have no idea how our relationship will impact on my hobby but I'm unlikely to give it up completely. I will, of course, keep on blogging, but if my posts become less frequent you'll know the reason why.


  1. Good for you my friend, I'm chuffed for you.

  2. Well you do need some good luck after that trip to the hospital. Really a piece of good news to hear.

    Not to be a sourpuss or anything...But do take care mate. I really do wish you the best and I hope this is good!

    Mind you...I met my girlfriend through a dating site actually, and we have been together for the last 8 years. Hopefully many years to come too!!!!!

    1. You aren't the first person to have told me to be careful, Johnny and I hear what you're saying. On the other hand 60+ e-mails in four weeks and six phonecalls from Malaysia these past two weeks do show a willingness to commit. I must say, the signs are all positive so far.

      You give me hope with you and Lone meeting in similar circumstances.

  3. That's great news Bryan! I too, thought I would be a bachelor the rest of my life, until in 2007, I got back in touch with my high school sweetheart(from way back in 1980). We were married in 2008. I wish you much happiness.

  4. You Dirty old man! 11 Years Dirty Dirty boy, French You Dirty dirty dirty old man you! Nice one mate. Hey I am only typing what you are all thinking!

    But seriously I do wish you both well and I really hope it works out for you both and that you live your life in happy bliss. I am really pleased for you. (Should I mention I have two Malaysian Nicknames, does she speak Malaysian? Need me to teach you a few words? There are no swear words in Malaysian but I do know a few impolite words!)

    1. LOL, Clint! I'm not sure if Ashley does speak Malaysian but she is staying with a Malaysian friend (female) of hers so she's bound to have picked up some of the language.

      As for learning new rude words, I'm always open to broadening my langage skills.

    2. I would like to apologise for my comment above. I was having a Steptoe moment. I would be grateful if you would substitute Lucky for the word Dirty in every occasion.

      As mentioned there are no Malaysian swear words about the worst you can say is "Shut up!" Which is "Diam" I found it pronounced more like "de-am" two syllables. But spoken fast and together.

      My first Malaysian nick name was Kacak. Which always sounded like Catcha when spoken in Malay. But when I did get that translated they changed it to "Gergasi berbarlu" Which means either Hairy Monster or Hairy Giant depending on who translates it or so I have found. If Ashley does speak Malaysian feel free to point to yourself and say Kacak as it means "handsome" all the best mate and I sincerely mean that.

    3. No offence taken, Clint, and thanks for the Malaysian lesson. I'd certainly agree with "lucky."

  5. Good for you mate! Best of luck to you both I hope it works out well for you.

  6. Good on ya, Bryan! Your first face to face meeting. How exciting! Hope everything goes well for both of you.

    1. Yes, I am feeling very excited. I hope this is just the start of a long and happy romance.

  7. I met my soulmate on Thailand and we corresponded for over a year via the internet before we got married. It is an excellent way to get to know a person. Good luck it is nice to hear a happy story, you will be very happy I am sure of it.

    1. Ashley said, you can learn a lot more about a person from how and what they write than a face to face meeting. With writing, you have to think about what you're saying. I do agree with her and fortunately, I do like writing.

  8. Good for you! Yes, this is a great news!

  9. Bryan,
    I hope all goes well. I love stories that end.. and they all lived happily ever after !!!

  10. Best of luck to you! I hope you showed her this blog so she knows what she's getting into.

  11. Great news Bryan. Good luck with recovery and relationships.

    1. Wow that's nice mate I to met my wife online we have been together for 6 years now and married for 4 years I can only wish you the best of luck everyone has a soulmate out there .

    2. On line dating is certainly a popular way to find your perfect partner. Thanks, Kim, and it's lovely to hear a success story like yours.

  12. Superb. I am very happy for you Bryan. I sincerely hope it continues as happily as it sounds like it has blossomed.

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it does, Adam, but to tell you the truth, I'm feeling very optimistic. We just seem to have clicked so well.

  13. Here's hoping everything turns out well with your latest life-game-changing project !
    I wish you all the best.

    1. Thank you ever so much, Joe. i do appreciate your best wishes.

  14. Excellent news. While we would all miss your posts (or at least their frequency) I can't think of a better reason behind hearing from you just that little bit less. Best of luck finding a long and lasting happiness with Ashley.

    1. Thanks, Carl. Believe me, this is not the end of my blogging or indeed of my hobby. I shall continue, although maybe not as frequently. We'll see soon when I discuss it with Ashley. How cool would it be if she wanted to join me in my ATZ campaign?

  15. Best of luck Bryan, I hope it works out well for you.

    1. I'm a glass is half full kind of bloke, Adam, so I live in hope.

  16. Hello Bryan i'm so happy for you! You deserve it! In your tragedy you have found love and it's beautiful. Where did she come from France? Maybe she's from my region hihi French wife are the best you can find, believe me. If you like frogs and snails for sure... ;)
    But always be careful and stay level headed. I don't know if this french expression is well translate in english.
    Like Siwoc take care Bryan but don't prevent yourself to be happy. Women are so acataleptic.. sometimes.
    Go on and give us more and more good news! I always hope to come to see you one day in England with my wife, only to say Hi if you don't have many time and give to you your Vampirella gift!
    Never forget, everybody here support and love you!

    1. I reply myself i'm a deviant mind! Just to say, i met my wife like you and Siwoc on a date site 7 years ago so the best is in front of you!
      Long life to King Bryan and his Queen!

    2. Ah, what a lovely thing to say. It's funny you should mention King Bryan and his Queen as that is exactly what Ashley called us a few days ago. Great minds thinking alike, huh?
      You have an open invitation to come visit whenever you want. I'll make sure to ask Ashley where in France she came from.I know her mother was French, which explains her French accent.
      Once again, you have proved to be a true friend. Thanks, Fengram.

    3. Thank you for your invitation :) Great minds in a small world! Tell us what happened when you will see her. And don't forget to spread a good scent! Hihi.
      Does she loves zombies?...... Humm remark, don't ask her for the first time ^^

    4. When I do my next monthly musings post I'll let you know how our first meeting got on. I honestly have no idea what she thinks about vampires, zombies and the undead or about my hobby. That is just one of many things we have to discuss.

  17. Nice one Bryan!!! That's superb news! Not sure if you know, but I met Kate online back in 2004, through a kind of dating site (it was originally one of those quiz sites which turned into a dating site). We became amazing friends very quickly and we finally met in 2007, and married in 2009! So I wish you the same luck my friend!! :D

    1. Hey, that's great to hear, Carl - another couple who met through a dating website and ended up getting married. I'm fervently hoping for a similar outcome.

  18. Congrats Bryan, I hope you'll both be very happy!

    1. Many thanks, Fran. That's all I want as well.

  19. Best of luck to you, Bryan. She sounds lovely. Hope this all works out well for you :)

    1. It's my birthday next weekend, Stefan, so meeting Ashley will be the best birthday present ever.

  20. Sounds great Bryan, best luck with it all, you deserve a reward :)

    1. Thank you, Roger. After what I've been through this year I surely do deserve some good luck.
