
Wednesday 4 December 2013

Eureka Kung Fu Schoolgirls 02

As promised here is part two of my review of the Eureka Miniatures 28mm scale Kung Fu Schoolgirls. This time they are all armed with guns. Once again, I have come up with their names. Note that these girls come from a different school to the first set of Schoolgirls that I reviewed. Also, every one of them has dyed her hair a different colour.
At the far left of the group of seven girls is Yukimura with the green hair. She is running along (or possibly dancing), whilst firing her pistol off to her right. That'll give her a negative modifier to hit anything!
Next up is Mari and she holds her pistol in a two-handed grip at the ready. Note her big eyes, a
prominent feature of Manga characters. She has dyed her hair blonde.
Purple-haired Sumika is in a cool firing pose. She is armed with a pair of 9mm pistols and is probably ambidextrous. The term "both guns blazing" springs to mind with her.
Moving on, we come to the four girls carrying substantially heavier firepower. Crimson-haired Tamashi, in the centre of the group has a 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifle slung across her back. She is about to pull the pin from a grenade. She is my favourite figure out of this group. I just think she is so cool!
Fifth in line is Asuka, armed with a 7.62mm AK47 Assault Rifle. She has turquoise coloured hair and she is standing on guard with her rifle in a relaxed pose.
Getting ready to fire her 5.56mm M16 Assault Rifle from the hip is pillar box red-haired Mikasa.
Finally, we come to Yuri, who is the heavy weapon member of the group. This blue-haired young lady is armed with a 7.62mm M60E3 Machine Gun with shortened barrel and pistol foregrip.
I like this set of figures a lot, and although they have been on sale for quite a while it is only fairly recently that I bought them and painted them. I did think of painting them in the same colour scheme as the girls I reviewed last time but eventually decided on a totally new colour scheme. I see them as coming from rival schools, one teaching Kung Fu and the other, Gun Fu.
Set 100FAN04 Kung Fu Schoolgirls with Guns retails for AU$20.00 from the fantasy figures range of Eureka Miniatures, making them AU$2.00 dearer than the first set that I reviewed. Once again, they are true 28mm scale figures, so they do look small when compared to some other ranges. But, as I said last time, this isn't a bad thing.


  1. I think it is more fitting to this style of miniature, with all these hair colours.
    It really works well on them. The school uniform makes them look as a force.

    Nicely done mate

    1. I totally agree with you, Johnny, and thanks for the comment.

  2. Well I think you are now well stocked with Japanese School girls. Perhaps more than you'll ever need. They look cracking mate worthy additions to the collection.

    1. Yes, Clint, I think I do have more than enough Japanese Schoolgirls. Probably. I'm now working on increasing my collection of St. Trinian's Schoolgirls by painting the Crooked Dice Games St. Searle's Schoolgirls. Can you see a pattern emerging here?

    2. The St Searle's Girls are on my list as well. I have yet to decide uniform colours. And yes I do see a pattern.

    3. For my colour scheme, I'm basically following that from the CDG website but changing the tie colours to that of the official St. Trinian's school tie (dark blue with light grey stripes).

  3. I'm now having bad visions of the 2 rival schools having lethal turf wars. Not a subject I'd wish to game. Zombies, invaders from space or re-awakened giant dinosaurs are another matter, though :-) !

    1. Perhaps the two rival schools could join forces to fight a common enemy instead of each other. Any of your listed threats would do. Hey, it could happen!

  4. Hah weird - but very nicely painted! they are gonna make good zombie food :)

    1. Zombie food? Zombie food! No way, man! They're going to kick zombie ass. These girls are hardcore killers, WarRaptor!

  5. I prefer this set's poses to the precious one, but I really don't know what today's youth is coming to with all their coloured hair ! (The Manga eyes still distract from the modes for me)

    1. Aye, it wasn't like that when I was a lad, Joe. Things were much different in those days... not necessarily better but certainly different.

  6. Probably... :) You make me giggle Bryan. Once again great job, I see a high-school vs high scholl battle royale on the horizon! :)

    1. What can I say, Adam? You think you have enough figures then someone comes along with shiny new figures and you suddenly realise that you HAVE to have them. Sigh! I have a low willpower when it comes to buying new figures!

      I'd love to do a Battle Royale style scenario at some time. Or even a grudge fight between the Kung Fu Schoolgirls and the St. Trinian's Schoolgirls.

  7. Asian St. Trinians then, lovely figures and work Bryan!

  8. You're making my life difficult with these fine reviews I'm trying to stay laser focused on my long overdue Victorian Zombie project. Fortunately for me I placed my order with Eureka USA yesterday before I saw this most excellent review.

    1. Sounds interesting, Robert. If you don't mind me asking, what did you send off for?

  9. What can I say, these are cool!

  10. Yes these are excellent. I like the paint jobs better here with the colored hair. I have a few school girls but I think these need to be on the short list. The Crooked dice ones, too. I actually have three school girls who are very anime oriented with huge eyes, cant remember who did them, though.

    1. Thanks, Roger. There are a few Mangaesque figures in the Reaper Chronoscope range. I wonder if they're the ones you have.

  11. Very nice liking the different uniform and the hair colours are a lot of fun!
