
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Foundry Freelance Assassins

Here is another set of figures from the Wargames Foundry Street Violence range - set SV032 - Freelance Assassins. I bought these figures years ago as part of the Dark Heart of the City collection. This is a very varied bunch of figures whom I'd describe as five individuals rather than a team of five.
At the far left of the group is Kitty Starr, an urban cowgirl. You can tell she's a contemporary cowgirl as no woman in the 19th Century Wild West would ever dress like her. Her hot pants and crop top remind me more of a trailer trash lass. Maybe she is, or maybe she just likes to dress sexily. She is armed with a pair of revolvers kept in holsters on her hips. It is impossible to identify what type they are.
"Razor Ruth" Kressel is dressed as one of the Foundry Street Girls gangers and would fit in perfectly with them. She is dressed in black leather bondage gear with chains hanging from her belt. She is armed with a 9mm Glock 17 Pistol, so named because it holds 17 rounds.
In the centre of the group is Sachiko, a Japanese Yakuza assassin. This figure is really small, measuring just 25mm tall, and yet she seems perfectly in scale, given that Japanese women are quite often small. She is armed with the traditional two swords of an ancient samurai - the katana (long sword) and wakizashi (short sword). I really should have added some tattoos to her - an oversight on my part.
The two males are massively overscale for 28mm scale figures. Normally, with the Foundry Street Violence packs you get one overscale figure per pack, but here we have two. First up is a character known only as "Brute." He is a dead ringer for the actor Rutger Hauer. He stands 35mm tall and yet I don't think he is overscaled. His height and build just looks right. He is unarmed but one look at those huge hands of his and you get the impression that he could crush skulls with them! He is a truly menacing figure.
Last in line is Garth Bellamy, whose expression suggests he may be a simple minded soul. Ha! Don't be fooled! He is a stone cold killer. His weapon of choice is a 9mm P220 Sig Sauer Pistol. He stands at 33mm tall and once again, he suits that large size.
This is very much an eclectic bunch of figures. I can see them as individuals but not as a collective whole. Still, don't take that as a criticism, it's merely an observation. I like them a lot. Set SV032 Freelance assassins costs £12.00 from the Wargames Foundry website.


  1. I must admit that this is one of my least favourite sets from the Street Violence range, for many different reasons. To me,they don't seem to fit as a group and seem to have been cobbled together. Like you say they could all have easily fitted in with other sets.
    As always though, you've done a great paint-job on them.

    1. You're right, Joe, they most certainly don't feel like a group. However, I can still find uses for them and they were fun to paint.

  2. When I saw them I immediately thought of Sin City. From Left to right:

    Nancy Callaghan, Gail, Miho (though a bit short), Marv (I do agree he does look like Rutger). The last is a bit trickier, it could be Dwight.

    1. That's a very good call, Jason. It is such a long time since I watched "Sin City" that I never made the connection.

    2. Nicely done, V. They are definitely Sin City characters. That will be Dwight on the end and Jason says. In the books Marv is a huge brute, so this sculpt is perfect. Using Sin City as the fluff in mind would help field them together.

      Will have to put them on my list, cheers V.

    3. Hey, cool! Thanks for the input, Arabianknight.

    4. Yes this is the Sin City set based more on the comic than the movie. They have the comic proportions with Marv being huge and Miho being tiny.

    5. Many thanks for that, Robert. Whilst I have seen the film I haven't seen the graphic novel or the comics.

  3. As Zabadak says perhaps my least favourite of the Foundry range. It is as well they you enjoyed painting them and as individuals they are not too bad, but they don't seem to stand out in any way.

    Nice brush work by you though.

  4. They still look pretty good to me. Would never use them as a group, more just like individuals.

    Nice paint job mate!

    1. Once again, I thoroughly agree with your comments, Johnny.

  5. Nice job. A great looking bunch of individuals. I quite like the big guys in this set.

    1. So do I, Simon. You wouldn't want to mess with them.

  6. I'm no expert but they do seem a strange and different mix of styles. I can't really see why you couldn't use them all together, I'm sure you'd team up with anyone during a Z war rather than be on your own??

    1. Fair comment, Ray. But as others have said they do work together as Sin City characters.

  7. The SIn City link ties them together, but otherwise, very eclectic, but then that's kind of the point sometimes. Not the best set as other have said, but they're still pretty darn cool

    1. As figures go none of them are bad sculpts. If you didn't make the Sin City connection, as I clearly didn't, then they do seem to be very eclectic.

  8. Agree with the previous comments: a strange mixture of styles and sizes. Nicely painted, though.
