
Sunday 29 December 2013

Vampifan's Views 44 - Monthly Musings 25

And so we come to the end of another year... and what a year 2013 turned out to be for me. The obvious highlights were meeting up with Mathyoo and Joe (aka Zabadak) in April. That was a great week and we sure did have a lot of fun. Mathyoo stayed with me for the week, prior to leaving for London to attend Salute 2013. In June my health deteriorated to such a point that I was rushed in to hospital for an emergency operation to repair a hole in my bowel. Four months later I was discharged. In October I made a life changing decision and enrolled with the on-line Dating Agency. I fell in love with the gorgeous Ashley and we have been great friends ever since. Even though my stay in hospital was a low point in my life I did pull through and I made many good friends with the staff who looked after me so well. I was only too happy to attend the Christmas party run by the critical care team of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital earlier this month. The chance to meet up with such close friends was one I was not going to miss.
So Christmas has been and gone. What did Santa bring for Vampifan? Well top of the list was this statue of a tooned-up Vampirella made by Sideshow Collectibles. It cost me about $150 (roughly £100) and I think she is ever so cute and adorable! Continuing the Vampirella theme, my mum bought me the Vampirella Archives Volume 8, an anthology of old Vampi comics when it was published by Warren during the 1970's. Naturally I have the previous 7 volumes, but this is all new stuff for me as I didn't start collecting Vampirella comics until she was published by Harris Comics much later. Mum also gave me money to spend as I wanted, so I used that to pay for my tooned up Vampirella statue. I also got my Buffy the Vampire Slayer and True Blood calendars, which I buy every year. An assortment of sweets, toffees and chocolate, as well as socks and men's toiletries made up the rest of my presents. I had no complaints about what I got and all presents were gratefully received.
Looking to the future, what do I think that 2014 has in store for me? At some point next year I'm going to have to go back to hospital for another operation. Because my bowels are not functioning properly I have had a stoma bag fitted to my stomach. I've got used to it being there. I saw the surgeon who operated on me a couple of months ago and he wants to see me in April when we will discuss having my operation reversed. This is something I very much want to happen. Knowing the staff at the QE Hospital I have no fears in returning there and I have been told that it is a simple operation and I shouldn't be in for very long.
I will continue blogging. That is such a major part of my life that I just couldn't give it up completely. On the hobby front there is much to look forward to. 2014 will see the release of the following Kickstarter projects I have backed - Reaper Bones 2, Zombicide Season 2 second wave of figures, ATZ figures, Mars Attacks figures and 3D Forge Zombies, Survivors and Barricades.That's a LOT of figures I'm waiting for! Oh, check out these resin cast vehicles that have been added to the 3D Forge Kickstarter set. Nice!
3D Forge resin cast vehicles with metal extras
A few weeks ago I heard from Simon Hunter, another upcoming sculptor wanting to produce a range of zombie and survivor miniatures. I've seen the greens for five of his survivor types and very nice they are too. He's currently working on Zeke, an intelligent zombie, who will be his company's mascot. These 28mm scale figures are set for release in March 2014. I'll keep you posted on Simon's progress as and when I learn more.

I'll leave you with this extremely funny message and picture that Bob (aka Irqan) sent me. Enjoy!

Annual Apology
Over the past few months I have forwarded some inappropriate pictures and 
jokes to friends who I thought shared the same sense of humour.. 

Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite
a few people who have accused me of being sexist and shallow.. 

If you were one of these people, please accept my sincerest apologies. 

Looking to 2014 onward, I will only post or send e-mail with a cultural or 
educational content such as old monuments, nature and other interesting topics. 

Below is a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris . It is the oldest bridge
in Paris and took 26 years to build. It was completed in 1604.
 I wish you all a very happy New Year. Peace and goodwill to all my followers.


  1. Made me laugh that last bit. If they can reverse the operation Fantastic. Glad things are still going strong on the Ashley front. And I wish you the very best for the year ahead.

    1. That picture that Bob sent me had me laughing out loud when I first saw it and it still makes me chuckle now. Many thanks for your comments and good wishes, Clint. All the best to you too, my friend!

  2. Nice! It sounds as though things are an upswing for you. I am VERY glad to hear that.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Cheers, Jon. Things are certainly going well for me. Long may it continue.

      All the best to you for 2014.

  3. Happy New Year and all the best to you!

  4. Some real highs and lows there. We're all rooting for you and wishing you every happiness. If that could include some more battle reports then it would be delightful :-) !

    1. Thanks, Hugh. Batreps are something I'd love to do more of.

  5. A veritable roller-coaster of a ride for you in 2013, but much to look forward to in 2014.

    1. I must agree that 2013 has been a roller coaster ride for me, with a combination of highs and lows. Yes, Joe, I am looking forward to 2014.

  6. Good to hear you're on the mend, I'm sure all will go well in the New Year. Thanks for the hat tip.

    1. Bob, I lost three stone in weight during the eight weeks I spent in the critical care ward. As a consequence I now feel a lot fitter. I just hope that I don't put it back on by over-indulging in this festive season!

  7. Certainly has been a roller coaster of a year for you! I hope 2014 brings you everything you wish for!

    Some nice gifts there Bryan, look forward to your posts in the new year!

    1. Many thanks, Simon. I appreciate your kind comments and I greatly value our friendship. You're definitely one of the good guys.

  8. Despite the downs it sounds like a great year all in all Bryan.

    Thank you for being such an inspiration sir. All the best for 2014

    1. Yes, Adam, 2013 certainly had its down moments but all in all, it had far more highs. I'll look back on 2013 with fond memories.

  9. That's not a doll I'd want to sleep next too, way too Chucky for me, lol!

    Thanks again for letting me stay with you and showing me around, I know I keep saying it, but I had a great time. :)

    1. But, Mathyoo, she's so adorable! I just think she looks so cute and playful.

      Hey, it was great having you stay with me. I had a great time as well and I hope we can repeat it in 2014. Joe and I would love to see you again. All the best for the New Year. Let us hope it brings much joy and happiness.

  10. Well said old boy, good luck in 2014!

  11. Happy new year my friend ! I wish 2014 will be a beautiful year for ashley and you :-)

    1. Many thanks, Fengrom Roi. I have high hopes for 2014, especially regarding Ashley. I wish you and your family every happiness for the New Year.

  12. Happy new year mate! I am really happy we still have you around! Your blog is the main reason I got into blogging!

    It sounds like you are onto a keeper mate. Make her feel loved and special.

    1. It is always a pleasure to hear from you< Johnny.

      I hope to be with Ashley for a very long time and believe me, I do make her feel loved and special.

      I'd like to wish you and Lone all the best for 2014. Enjoy good health and happy times together.

  13. Happy new year and all the best wishes to you, Bryan! 2013 hasn't been very kind to you, so I think 2014 owes you a hell of a good time. Enjoy life!

    Whiteface / Oliver

    1. I'd certainly like to think so, Oliver. Being so close to death gives me a greater appreciation of life and I will enjoy life. I wish you every happiness for 2014.

  14. Happy new year Bryan! I hope 2014 brings you much joy and happiness! :)

    1. Thanks, and I wish the same to you too, Carl.

  15. A slightly belated Happy New Year! Have a great 2014!
    The pic made me laugh out loud especially because I went to Paris over New Years Eve and that's the main reason I am posting late. Seen the bridge, but it was certainly too cold for that kind of mini-skirt. :D

    1. Stefan, I was so hoping you were going to tell me that you met the young lady in the photo! A belated Happy New Year to you too.

  16. Very best wishes & please post some more pictures of old bridges.....

    Roderick Shaw

    1. But Rod, that would be so boring. One of the first rules of photography that I learnt was always have something of interest in the foreground!

  17. Maybe something for you:

    1. Er, thanks but no thanks, mate. I don't speak Spanish and I'm perfectly happy with my English version. Still, if I have any Spanish readers, make sure to check out the link.

  18. A new Zombie Game

    1. Hmm, very interesting. I am tempted but I really want to cut back on my figure expenditure. Decisions, decisions.

