
Saturday 11 January 2014

Assorted St. Trinian's Schoolgirls 01

Two of my favourite films are the two recently made St. Trinian's films of 2007 and 2009. They are such a lot of fun and hugely entertaining. I bought them both on DVD just after Christmas and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them again... especially all the special features. St. Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold has an extra disc full of extras, lasting longer than the film. Great stuff! This assortment of four 28mm scale St. Trinian's schoolgirls features two members of the films and two girls that I have invented.
At the far left of these two photos is Annabelle Fritton (played by Tallulah Riley). In the first of the two new St. Trinian's films she was the new girl - a fish out of water and a proper little daddy's girl. For her it was sink or swim time and when she discovered that her father was a crook she became a true St. Trinian's schoolgirl. She got a sexy make-over not unlike the figure shown above. This figure from the Copplestone Castings Future Wars  set FW46 Corporate Babes 2 is a very close likeness to Annabelle. Okay, so she should be wearing sexy stockings and suspenders instead of those boring white socks but I can live with them. She still looks sexy and dangerous with her katana. Admittedly, she never used a katana in the films but who cares? I love sexy Annabelle and I love this figure.
Next up is Kelly Jones, (played by the wonderful Gemma Arterton - drool!) the head girl of St. Trinian's in the first film (Annabelle becomes head girl in St. Trinian's 2) and an agent of MI7 in St. Trinian's 2. She is quite the action hero and she believes in leading from the front. This figure from Copplestone Castings Future wars set FW27 Corporate Babes is a really good likeness of Kelly. The hair is just perfect. Obviously, this is Kelly as head girl. She is armed with what looks like an old broom-handled Mauser pistol. In her left hand she holds a pink mobile phone. Once again, my only criticism of this figure is that she should have worn stockings and a suspender belt instead of white socks. Even so, it's still a great figure. Kelly rocks!
Third in line is Rachel Smith-Edwards, a unique figure made up by me and converted by me. She was originally a figure from Copplestone Castings Future Wars set FW45 Bodyguards in Bikinis but I added her skirt, shirt and tie from Milliput modelling putty. She belongs to the Posh Totty tribe of girls in St. Trinian's. The girls of St. Trinian's are divided into numerous tribes, often at odds with each other but united when their school is threatened. Rachel is armed with a 9mm pistol. Because she had bare legs it was very easy to paint her with stockings and suspenders. Yes, I admit I am a fan of stockings and suspenders! I'm sure I've mentioned this before.
The final figure in the photos is Regina Hilton. Her name was made up by me and like Rachel she does not appear in any of the films. This is a rather strange figure. A couple of years ago I sent away for the complete range of Ground Zero Games rather naughty Gentleman's Club 28mm scale figures. The good folks at GZG sent me about half a dozen complimentary figures, free of charge with my order. One of them was this lass. Try as I might, I can't find her anywhere on the GZG website. With her hockey stick held high as she charges forward, tie and ponytails streaming behind her, she is a perfect St. Trinian's schoolgirl. I just wish I knew more about her.
I must admit that I am not a big fan of Girls Aloud but I absolutely love this song of theirs. This is the first time I have added a video to my blog and I was surprised at how easy it was to upload. Thanks, Blogger. The song is the St. Trinian's Theme played at the end of the first film. It also appears on the soundtrack of St. Trinian's 2. So who wants to sing along to this incredibly catchy song? What's that? You don't know the lyrics. Well here they are -
Make us worthy, make us proud
Teach us not to be too loud
We'll try and fit in with the crowd
But we are St. Trinian's

We can't feel the way we feel
We were born to keep it real
Hockey sticks and balls of steel
We are St. Trinian's

You bite us we'll bite you back
Better be scared when we attack
Feel the fear, we're maniacs
St. Trinian's

Check out our battle cry
A song to terrify
No one can stand in our way
We are the best
So screw the rest
We do as we damned well please
Until the end
St. Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

So scam all the toffs
The neats and the freaks
Blackmail the goths
The slappers and the geeks
And if they complain
We'll do it all again
We do as we damn well please

The ASBOs and the chavs
The emos and their mates
To torment the slags
We offer special rates
And if they complain
We'll do it all again
Defenders of anarchy

We are the best
So screw the rest
We do as we damn well please
Until the end
St. Trinian's
Defenders of anarchy

Next time I'll be reviewing the eight Crooked Dice 28mm scale St. Searle's schoolgirls who have all transferred to St. Trinian's. Defenders of anarchy - you better believe it!


  1. Lovely school girls, and matching lyrics.

    1. I quite agree, Dean. I just can't get that tune out of my head.

  2. More a fan of the old films than the new ones.

    St Trinian's! St Trinian's! Our battle cry.
    St Trinian's! St Trinian's! Will never die.

    Back to the figures. Nice conversions they all fit together well and The St Searles Girls should fit in with them very well, assuming you paint the same uniform colours. Looking forward to seeing them. Excellent work mate. I shall have a word with Jon Tuffney and see if I can get the GZG figure.

    1. Same here old boy, lovely work Bryan!

    2. @ Clint. I'll be sending off for the St. Trinian's Collection next month. It contains all four of the old films. It is so long ago that i watched them that I can hardly remember a thing about them. It'll be interesting to compare the new with the old.

    3. @ Fran. Thanks for the compliment, Fran.

  3. Beautiful paintjob with these school-girls!

    1. Cheers, Phil. They were another labour of love to paint.

  4. I have vague memories of the old films. The girls in those were more likely to wield hockey sticks than swords or guns, I think. Still, must move with the times I suppose...

    At least they're all wearing the regulation school tie. Some of them have even done the tine up properly!

    1. In one of the old films the Fourth form have gotten hold of a Bren gun!

    2. @ Hugh and Clint. In the 2007 St. Trinian's film in one scene the PE teacher shows the girls how to fire an Uzi sub-machine gun on full automatic! I never got those kind of lessons at my school! Clint, well remembered about the Bren gun.

  5. Fab job the figures from all the different sets and with the various modifications work a treat! Great job Bryan. How many do you have now?

    1. Thanks, Simon. Altogether, I have 16 St. Trinian's schoolgirls. These four, the eight Crooked Dice schoolgirls and four that I sculpted myself. But I want more characters from the two films, especially Tania and Tina the terrible twins.

  6. Being an American I never saw the films before but I have notice this recent school girl trend among British bloggers. As to your girls Bryan a job well done getting these different figures to match up so well through paint alone.

    1. Thanks, Robert and just wait until you see the next lot. The St. Trinian's films are quintessentially English and are very popular over here.

  7. Very nice job Bryan, I did watch the new movie on TV over the holidays, it was very bad, not a patch on the old B/W flicks with George Cole

    1. Sorry to hear you didn't like the new movies, Shinto. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this point.

  8. Definitely more a fan of the first films myself but to be fair I've never really gone out of my way to sit through the whole of one of the new ones and you know what.... If something makes you smile, run with it - 100%, soundtrack and all!

    1. Good advice, Adam. I certainly am 100% behind the films - new and old. I like ALL of the St. Trinian's films.

  9. I think I remember these from a scenario you ran two or more years ago as an experiment and was as impressed then as I am now with them. The simple colours I do like, but I think I prefer the dark blue/black skirts of the original films. Another scenario featuring these and your others would be good.

    1. Well remembered, Joe. I did run a scenario when I was play-testing some new zombie rules about four years ago and some of the St. Trinian's girls did take part. Another scenario using the ATZ-FFO rules and featuring my horde of St. Trinian's schoolgirls against a horde of zombies is something I must do.

  10. They look great. Are you getting some of crooked dice school girls to go with them?

    1. Thanks, gimzod. If you had read the last paragraph of this post you'd know that I already have them and that I'll be reviewing them next time.
