
Sunday 2 February 2014

Crooked Dice 7TV Agents 01

I recently showed you my Savage Schoolgirls and not-Doctor Who figures that I'd bought from Crooked Dice Games (CDG). This review completes my round up of figures that I have bought from them but it certainly won't be my last as I plan on buying yet more figures from them. This batch can be classed as 7TV Agents. 7TV is the name of the rules set devised by CDG for use with their figures. It has spawned numerous spin offs and supplements. Despite me being very interested in their rules I have yet to get any of their rulebooks or supplements. I expect that will also change later this year.
First up is someone whom CDG have called the Man from 2000. Fans of Gerry Anderson's 1970's TV series UFO will instantly recognise him as Commander Ed Straker. Ed is in command of the Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation or SHADO as it is usually known as. This organisation is tasked with defending Earth from alien invaders. The figure is standing in a casual relaxed pose but he holds a pistol behind his back. I was a huge fan of UFO and I'd love to see CDG make more figures from the series, especially the female Moonbase crew. I had a huge crush on Lieutenant Gay Ellis played by Gabrielle Drake. With their metallic purple wigs they were very striking.
I'm not sure why, but I received two versions of this figure. I guess it was just a thank you gift, seeing as I did place a rather large order with CDG. CDG have given the Man from 2000 a name, Darius, so that is what I shall call this figure. Note that the figure comes with a choice of three heads and the option to give him a pistol in his right hand. I see Darius as some kind of business man, probably the CEO of a successful company. He makes a fine addition to my growing collection of civilians.
The third figure in line is called the Man from 3000 and he can be purchased with the Man from 2000. Collectively, they are known as the Men from the Future. He is instantly recognisable as Number Six, Patrick McGoohan's character from cult TV series, The Prisoner. I was not a fan of this show so it seems highly unlikely that I'll use this figure as anything more than a civilian.
The final figure of this group is Melissa Temple. CDG call her Ms. Temple, so I added her first name. CDG describe her as a fiery redhead with quite a temper who works in an office. It has only just occurred to me who she is based on - Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate), one of Doctor Who's many female assistants. I can't believe that I have only just spotted that one! So, technically, I should have posted her when I did my review of CDG Doctor Who figures. Once again, she works well as a generic civilian character.
The next batch of figures come in two pairs. First up is Pandora King, a martial artist and agent for Department X. I suspect she is based on the character, Annabelle Hirst as played by Rosemary Nichols in the TV series, Department S. Alternatively, she could be based on any one of Tara King (Linda Thorson), Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) or Cathy Gale (Honor Blackman) from the 1960's TV series, The Avengers.
Her male partner is Hugo Solomon, who is unmistakably a not-Jason King (Peter Wingarde) from the TV series Department S, as well as spin off series, Jason King. He was always a debonair ladies man, as well as being good in a fight. In CDG's alternative reality, he is also an agent for Department X. He is armed with a pistol.
Next up is the head of Project Time Lift, Benton Troad, a well-meaning, somewhat overweight man who cannot shake years of immersion in ministerial bureaucracy. I think he is a character unique to CDG's 7TV universe, although the fact that he is wearing a badge with the number two on makes me wonder if he also appeared in The Prisoner.
Troad's assistant is Bambi Gascoigne, whom CDG describe as being cool-headed and an all round good egg. She is dressed in casual but smart clothing. Both her and Troad could double as ordinary civilians.
These are a nice collection of figures with multiple uses, making them quite versatile.
They all retail at £4.00 each if you wish to buy them separately, However, the cheaper option is to buy them as two-figure sets - The Men from the Future, Hugo Solomon and Pandora King, and Benton Troad and Bambi Gascoigne. Each set of two figures costs only £7.50. At the time of writing the figure of Ms. Temple is out of stock.


  1. I'm am big fan of Crooked Dice Miniatures. These look splendid I have never been a fan of the Pandora King pose though despite this I really like your colour choices on her. Hugo Soliman is also top notch.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. I must admit that CDG's stuff is growing on me. There are still more heroes I'm after, especially the not-Captain Scarlet range. And I haven't even started on the villains. More expense, more figures to paint. Will it ever end? Don't answer that - it's just a rhetorical question.

  2. Very nice work as usual sir. How many non zombie figures do you have now?

    1. Thanks, Bob. I have been collecting figures since the late 1970's over 40 years ago. Over that time I have amassed thousands, most of which are 25mm or 28mm scale. I still have a large collection of 54mm scale Wild West figures. I have figures from many periods and genres but by far my most numerous are my modern day figures. I have never counted them all, Bob, but estimate will be fairly accurate.

  3. Nice looking set I especially like the not Prisoner figures.

    1. Cheers, Robert. Whilst I wasn't a fan of the series, I do like the figures.

  4. The timing of your order must have been perfect. I was just commenting on Facebook with another CD fan about having missed out on her this month (Temple) when they ran out of stock.

    There've been requests for more SHADO on the forum for some time, particularly dealing with mess topped females ;)

    You've picked a good mix here, and done them up nicely. Versatility is what draws me to them. While not my thing, the man from 2000 also makes a good Austin Powers with a swap of the flamboyant agent head. Converting up a bunch of them for another 70s show right now.

    1. Thanks, Carl. If CDG made more not-SHADO personnel I'd be after them like a shot.

      You are so right about their versatility. You idea for converting the Man from 2000 into Austin Powers is a good one. The variety of heads on offer makes conversions relatively simple.

    2. I know you're happy with your rule set, but though you might interested. They are adding Vampire rules in about 2 months with the "Vlad's Army" expansion. NOt sure yet who the "Vlad" figure will be, but if they make a Capaldi Doctor figure based on the first costume shot, I might be itching to covert that. Time will tell.

      They are also pretty responsive to their suggestion thread ( should the need arise. ;)

    3. Carl, of course I'm interested in the "Vlad's Army" expansion. If its got vampires in then that's enough for me. I'm also interested in their Zombie supplement and Ghouls and Girls supplement, so I suspect I'll be spending a fair bit with them.

      I recently saw the new photo of Peter Capaldi that you mentioned and he certainly is harnessing a vampire vibe for his costume. Andy at Heresy Miniatures is working on a sculpt of him right now.

  5. World domination is yours on a plate.

    1. Mwahahahahaha! Bow before me, lowly minions!

  6. I've never understood the need to have a figure representing a TV character and wheher these do or not I couldn't say, save for the Jason King figure (who does) and the prisoner figure (who imo doesn't). They're all pretty good sculps nonetheless and make interesting civilians.
    (You're paint-jobs are boringly good btw)

    1. I've never had my paintwork described as "boringly good" but I do get what you're trying to say, Joe, and I take it as a huge compliment. Thanks.

  7. They look great Bryan all of them. CD figures offer great versatility I have several of there characters just for conversions!

    The men from the future and quite a few of there figures all have official rules for various casts in the 7TV rulebook so can be used as there tv counterparts with your own rules and then use them for the official lists.

    1. They are great for conversions, Simon. I can see that I am going to have to invest in a set of the 7TV rules.

  8. I've got the core 7TV rulebook and it is very pretty indeed. It's also quite a unique subject matter and is therefore something of a "must have" if you're at all interested in the genre. Not that I've played 7TV itself (yet), but as you know I'm quite fond of the Doctor Who Miniatures Game from which 7TV originates.

    1. Hugh, I am becoming more and more convinced that I need the 7TV rulebook and supplements. Even if I never play it, I'm sure I can mine it for source material to use in other games.

  9. Great job Bryan. Hugo Solomon is my favourite of the bunch. I've been tempted by 7TV, especially after seeing David's work on the convention display boards in recent years

    1. I am becoming even more tempted to buy the rulebook as well, Adam. I'm sure it won't be too long before I succumb.
