
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Vampifan's Kill Krazy Kommandos 02

As promised here is part two of my review of my Kill Krazy Kommandos gang. See my last post for part one. This time I'll showcase three more males and four females. All but two of these seven figures were sculpted by me. I'll point out the metal figures when I come to them.
The two figures to the left of this photo above were based on the Citadel 20mm scale figures from the Games Workshop short lived Dark Future game. At the far left is Jose Luis Chavez, who is armed with a pair of .44 calibre IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistols. I think I've sculpted his head too big. I'm not very happy with this figure.
In the centre of the group is Wes Mosley, another non-Hispanic member of the gang. He is shouting out an insult at someone. In his right hand he holds a .44 calibre Smith and Wesson M29 Magnum revolver (counts as a Big Ass Pistol in ATZ). He also has a .44 calibre IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistol in a holster on his right hip. The holster for his M29 Magnum is on his left hip and is aligned for a right hand draw. Wes is obviously right handed and not ambidextrous.
The figure at the far right of this group is Julio Cesar De La Hoya, and he is a metal figure made by Grenadier Miniatures for the Cyberpunk 2020 game. One look at the way he is dressed was enough to convince me that he had to be a Kill Krazy Kommando. That made the decision as to how to paint him very easy. He is armed with a pair of 9mm ASP M39 Pistols, which have transparent panels in the hand grips to allow the user to see how many bullets are left in the ammo clip. He was part of a boxed set of figures and I believe he is no longer available for sale.
Finally we come to the female members of the gang, starting with Linda Velasquez at the far left. She is one of the founder members of the gang and she is the partner of Chico Rivera. They are both bikers and mechanics and they own a repair shop that is used by the gang. Linda is a very tactile person; she likes touching people when she talks to them. She is armed with a .357 calibre AMT Automag Pistol and a 9mm Micro-Uzi Machine Pistol. She is skilled at firing both guns at once.
Next in line is Donna Ippolito, a lap dancer with surgically enhanced breasts and a high sex drive. For her, life is all fun and games. However, like most of the Kill Krazy Kommandos she is a nasty piece of work. She is armed with a 9mm Spectre M2 machine Pistol and a folding Knife, which she keeps in her leather jacket.
Third in line is Samantha Mercer, who lives in the same neighbourhood as the rest of the gang and who despite being a non-Hispanic and a woman, quickly earned her place in the gang, due to the fact she is as hard as nails. She's a biker chick and a veteran of many a barroom brawl and gang fight. She is armed with the standard array of weapons - a 12 gauge Franchi SPAS12 Pump-Action Shotgun, a .44 calibre IMI Desert Eagle Big Ass Pistol and a Knife.
The last figure on display is a metal sculpt by Denizen Miniatures. Their range of figures are 25mm scale but that works fine for her, as I wanted her to be a 15 year old teenager, newly recruited to the gang. Her small stature fits perfectly for her role. I named her Conchita De Santo and she has dyed her normal black hair blonde. Once again, the way she was dressed made me think she'd be an ideal candidate for the Kill Krazy Kommandos. Rather than give her a pair of jeans I painted her with a pair of skin-tight striped trousers, but the trademark leather jacket and red leggings remain in place. She is armed with a 9mm Glock 17 Pistol and a Flick Knife. Incredibly, after all these years Denizen Miniatures are still going. This particular figure can be found in their sci-fi range and she is SF28 Female Adventurer with Pistol. She costs a mere £1.00.
So, there we go - 15 figures in total and I reckon they'd give anyone a damned good fight. I like the suggestion by Lord Siwoc that I should run a turf war scenario with them in a game of ATZ-FFO and it's something I'll probably do. I have plenty of gangs for them to take on and with the distraction of a zombie apocalypse, I'm sure that quite a few gangs would consider that a perfect opportunity to settle some old scores. Yes, it has to be done! Mayhem City will live up to its name. Also, the scenario should take place no later than Day 20 of the apocalypse in order to allow the cops to intervene. This would work well with multiple players. Two, three or four gangs fighting each other and a horde of zombies attracted by the gunfire and finally, a heavily armed and armoured police SWAT team sent in to clean up the mess. Sounds like a lot of fun to me!


  1. I have always liked Denizen Figures. and the fact that they are still about speak volumes about their quality. I agree with Lord Siwoc a turf war scenario would be good. Nice work mate.

    1. It is a testament to the quality of Denizen Miniatures that they are still available now. I can remember ordering from them way back in the 1980's! Thanks for your comment, Clint.

    2. I still have a few Denizens in my lead pile to paint... The "Snoopy" Adventurer for one!

      I really think you should have kept up with the sculpting you would be a force by now.

    3. I must admit that I did enjoy sculpting. It is hard work but very rewarding. I was a good sculptor but never a great sculptor so I never bothered to take it up professionally. What might have happened if I had remains a "what if?" question.

  2. Quality work as always sir. Clint's right about you and sculpting. The turf war scenario sounds like a winner. How many gangs do you have? Do they all have cool back stories like the KKK?

    1. Thanks, Bob. The turf war scenario will happen. As to how many gangs I have, lets see how many I can remember off the top of my head. Italian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Chinese Tongs, Jamaican Yardie Gangstas, Negro Gangstas (enough to make four separate gangs or one huge gang!), British Skinheads, British Chavs, Goths, Punks, Streetgirls, Bikini Babes, American Rednecks, and assorted Biker gangs (on foot and on bikes). There are probably others that I've forgotten about. Do Killer Klowns count?

    2. Oh, and all of my gangs have cool back stories, many of which have appeared in past posts on this blog.

  3. Oh god, KKK - of course! Somehow, when I see the name and the miniatures, I always think about the Ramones and their Commando song!

    Great work as usual, especially that second chick from the left. Apart from characterful pose, I could swear she had to be one of the metal figures when I went through the photos!

    1. Thanks, Mathyoo. I must admit that it was a real joy sculpting Donna. If you look closely you can see her nipples poking through! I'm very pleased with her sculpt.

  4. I too think you should have kept sculpting figures, you'd have been the equal of many sculpters around now imo. I am most impressed that your weapons are not the oversized monstrosities that are currently in vogue (It surprises me that people still wax lyrical about new figures that have them - even in a recent kickstarters I've noticed).
    This bunch of "ladies" fit well with the "gentlemen" of the gang and make for a formidable force.
    I can just see the scenario now, - "A busload of English Schoolgirls are in convoy with their Teachers' car trying to escape from Mayhem City when their path is blocked by a brutal gang of killers" .

    1. Joe, I do wonder what would have happened if I had actively sought employment as a sculptor. I began sculpting purely to fill in the blanks in my own collection of figures. One of the first sets of figures I ever made were from the 1979 "Dawn of the Dead" film. I made the four human survivors and a lot of the shopping mall zombies. Back then, no company made contemporary zombies, or civilians with guns or SWAT troopers. i look at those figures now (yes, I still have them) and I think how awful they are! Still they were amongst my first sculpts and I was on a learning curve. If I remade them now, they'd look a lot better. Perhaps I should do a post about them.

      As for your scenario suggestion, I must admit that I like it. Who knows, it might happen.

  5. These are great! I'm looking forward to reading your AAR for the games with the gang fights!

    It might be interesting to have Vampifan & gang trying to get past them as well. There could be a lot going on!

    1. Many thanks, Jon. Adding Team Vampifan to that mix may be a step too far as there would be so much going on without them. But I'm not totally ruling out the possibility.

  6. Brilliant they have that Dark future style and poses perfectly. Awesome job Bryan. Yes you should show us your early sculpts.

    I wonder what range you would of sculpted and what your miniature company would of been called.

    1. I was a big fan of R. Talsorian's Cyberpunk 2020 role playing game and so I thought if I ever did start my own figure making company, I'd call it Mirrorshade Miniatures. I had a whole range of Cyberpunk figures planned and even drew some preliminary sketches of them but that was as far as I got with the idea. Contemporary zombies and survivors would certainly have followed my first wave of figures.

  7. I've always been scared off of sculpting full figures myself,but love doing it in small digestible conversions. These are mighty impressive, a lot of hard work that obviously produced some pretty results

    1. Many thanks, Carl. I must admit that I got a real kick out of sculpting figures. To own a totally unique figure is a great buzz for a figure collector. I still keep my hand in with figure conversions and you'll soon see my latest batch of conversions, all related to my St. Trinian's project.

  8. I'd certainly run if i saw this lot coming down the street, especially the one in the leopard skin leggings, the Z's don't stand a chance!!!

    1. I'm with you on that one, Ray. They're a scary bunch!

  9. I guess that I can paint some, but my sculpting really sucks. Consequently I'm very jealous of your excellent efforts :-) .

    I'm curious: how long would you say it took to make these figures?

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Hugh. On average it takes me about a week to sculpt a figure. It's not something you can rush as you build the figure up in layers and you have to wait for one layer to dry before moving on to the next. I don't think I made these all in one batch so I probably spread the work load over three or four weeks.

  10. Great work Bryan and thanks for sharing

  11. Fantastic, looks just like the Ramones, I love the Ramones

    1. Heh, heh, they do,don 't they? I'm glad you like them, Shinto.

  12. They remind me of a gang from "The Warriors", I especially like the shouting dude!

    1. Gosh, Fran, that's going back a bit. I can remember watching "The Warriors" at the cinema when it was first released.

  13. Wow Bryan, great sculpts! I also like the paint scheme and gang jackets. Fun stuff.

    1. Thanks, Sean. The paint scheme came from the Dark Future rulebook. There was a colour picture of one of the gang on the back cover.
