
Saturday, 24 January 2015

SDE Heroes 01

When I did my long review of Super Dungeon Explore (SDE) last time, I deliberately did not show any photos of my painted figures from the game. But for now and the foreseeable future I'll be posting lots of reviews and photos of my SDE figure collection. I wanted to paint all 50 figures from the boxed set before playing the game as I do not like playing any game with unpainted figures. I have painted all 50. My painting style changed as these were completely different to anything I have ever done before. Chibi miniatures have a style that is unique. I thoroughly enjoyed painting them and I put a lot of effort into making them as good as possible. I do like their dungeon tile bases and I decided to paint all of the bases for the Heroes in light grey and the bases of everything else in dark grey. One other thing I had to do was make a new backdrop to photograph my SDE figures against. I used a set of printouts for the floor and wall from the WWG Castles and Keeps set. They have a suitable dungeon feel to them and they work well with the figures.
From left to right are the Royal Paladin, the Hearthsworn Fighter and the Claw Tribe Barbarian. All three excel at melee fighting. Normally when I post pictures of my painted minis I show the front and back views. The photo above was the very first SDE photo I took and I swiftly noticed a flaw with just showing the front and back. The designs on the shields would  be hidden from view. So, I decided to take photos of their right and left sides as well. Let me know if you think I should adopt this method for all my figure photos. I'm very tempted to, I must admit.
The Royal Paladin is my favourite Hero out of the basic boxed set. He is a human Hero, a Holy avenger and a Healer - an extremely powerful combination. From the high citadels, the worshippers of light are champions against the spreading darkness. Powerful warriors and healers, the Paladins have been at the front of the great confrontation with the Consul. I think he is such a cool figure and he reminds me of Sir Pelinor, my much loved Paladin character from my old AD&D campaign. Indeed, when I use him in SDE, I call him Sir Pelinor.
The Hearthsworn Fighter is a Dwarf Hero. Resilient and unflinching in the face of combat, the Dwarven Hearthsworn are warriors without peer. Able to withstand injury that would fell any of the lesser races, the Hearthsworn cleave through their adversaries bellowing insults and challenges to any foolish enough to face them. He is a typical rock-hard Dwarven Hero. Whilst he is a very nice sculpt, I must admit to not being a big fan of Dwarves.

When I first saw the Claw Tribe Barbarian I immediately thought of Red Sonja the legendary She-Devil with a Sword. She is definitely NOT Red Sonja but she does have quite a few similarities to her. Born of fire and hardship, barbarians come from the edges of the Dragonback Peaks. The hard lives they can scrape out of the rough earth and fiery landscape is meager at best; it is no wonder that many take to wandering Crystalia. The black claw tattoo on her right cheek indicates that she is a member of the Claw Tribe Barbarians. She is human, very tough and she can control her berserk fury and fiery rage in battle to great effect. I am a big fan of the Red Sonja comics (but not the awful Red Sonja film with Brigitte Nielsen) so I instantly fell in love with this adorable mini.
There is very little to choose between the Hearthsworn Fighter and the Claw Tribe Barbarian. Both are better fighters than the Royal Paladin. However, the Royal Paladin is a better all-rounder. His healing ability cannot be easily overlooked.
The comic book Red Sonja with unfeasibly large axe - clearly the inspiration for the Claw Tribe Barbarian.


  1. Fantastic job Bryan, they came out great. The more I think about it, the more it seems that Chibi approach in not a mistake in a boardgame like that - but I wouldn't want miniatures in a cartoony style for my "proper" wargames.

    1. Thank you, Mathyoo. I agree with you 100%. The Chibi style works well for this particular game. But, like you, I wouldn't want to use these minis in any other game I own. I see these figures as being unique to SDE. I will NOT be integrating them in any other game.

  2. Well worth the wait Bryan. Well worth the wait. Great stuff and there are some real stand out bits of painting on these beauties. The Paladin's eyes are top rate stuff and I love the hair highlights as well. Its also clear your 'Sonja' was a true labour of love as well. All three doubtless look terrific on the table. Brill start and the next few months are clearly going to be a real struggle for me now to buy SDE ;-)

    1. I'm glad you like them, Simon. I have never painted a Chibi mini before buying SDE but I found the whole experience of painting them incredibly enjoyable and more fun than I could possibly have imagined. You say that my painting of my not-Sonja was a true labour of love. She was... but that was true of ALL the figures in the game. That speaks volumes about how much I love this game.

  3. Bryan, these look very nice, great job on the eyes and choice of colours, I look forward to seeing the rest of the cast.

    1. Thanks, TE. You won't have long to wait to see the rest of the cast. I'll be showcasing them for the next few months.

  4. While I will admit you have done a very good job on these. The figures are not ones I like. Personal choice I know. I am sure they will enhance the game though.

    1. Chibi is like Marmite - you either love it or hate it. I hate Marmite but I do love Chibi.

  5. Great work on models I like a lot. :)

    1. Thanks, Pulp Citizen. I like them a lot as well.

  6. Nice looking models a bit scary though.

    1. If you think these are scary, Bob, wait until you see the bad guys!

  7. Nice job Bryan! I love Marmite but hate Chibi Dude!

    1. Ah well, we can't all be the same! How boring that would be! No problems, Bob.

  8. Fantastic job Bryan. I think if you had lots of different chibis you could get some good Songs of Blades and heroes games going. Especially with some of the animal ones from Tooth and Claw by Meridian miniatures and also some of the Darksword anthromorphic animals they do. Depends on what you have in your collection really.

    1. Thanks, Simon. I know very little about Songs of Blades and Heroes but it is an interesting option. I am building up quite a collection of Chibi fantasy figures from SDE and Impact Miniatures.

  9. Outstanding... excellent Chibi hero and heroine work there Bryan. A real labour of love I think.

    Now does "Sir Pelinor" have a name for his mighty vorpal blade I wonder, "Foe Cleaver" or some such, I bet.

    The "Hearthsworn Fighter" looks very fierce and is just the kind of support the Paladin needs to guard his flank as he advances into Van Drakk`s Manor... no doubt with one eye firmly fixed on the stained glass windows high over head, while nervously watching the last dying light of the winter sun diminish over the dark Cinder Mountains.

    Your “Claw Tribe Barbarian” looks suitably lovely, fierce.. but lovely. I imagine she may be thinking of her elder sister "Sonja" and wishing she were there to help her, as the three of them walk intrepidly (if not cautiously) into the evil vampire lair ^^

    Really... really.... nice painting.

    1. Many thanks for such vivid comments. I can just picture them in my mind's eye preparing for a spot of dungeoneering. They most certainly were a labour of love to paint, Steve.

      Sir Pelinor's sword is called Celeste the Blessed Blade of Eternal Justice. It's a bit of a mouthful so he just calls it, Celeste. Cool, huh?

      The Hearthsworn Fighter makes for a stalwart companion to any party of adventurers. He is yet to enter Von Drakk's Manor but it is surely only a matter of time.

      As for the Claw Tribe Barbarian, I'd say that "Sonja" is like a big sister to her without actually being related. Most likely she is her mentor. The real Red Sonja will appear later. So that is something to look forward to.

  10. I think it's an excellent idea to paint the bases different for the goodies and the baddies!

    Is the barbarian's clothing (what little there is!) in white? It looks a little too much like underwear perhaps?

    1. Thanks, Hugh. It made sense to me to paint the bases of the goodies and baddies in different colours - light for the forces of Light and dark for the forces of Evil and Darkness.

      The Claw Tribe Barbarian is wearing a white fur bikini as well as white fur-lined leather boots. I agree it does look suspiciously like lingerie but it isn't.

  11. Great job Bryan, they are very cute

  12. Those are soooo cute! Though I dare not say that too close to the dwarf or I might get an axe to the head!

    Very nicely done mate!

    1. Many thanks, Johnny. That dwarf is such a sensitive soul, LoL!

  13. Great work there. Almost tempted to get a copy of the game myself.

    The Red Sonja sketch reminded me of the Conan kickstarter that is running successfully now - hope you are doing that yourself.


    1. Thanks, Roman. Sadly, I won't be backing the Conan Kickstarter as I simply can't afford it.
