
Monday 11 July 2016

Vampifan's Superheroes and Supervillains 07

Here is my second batch of superheroes to show you. All three were converted by me and all three appeared in my GURPS Supers campaign. Let's take a closer look at them.
At the far left is Flamin' Jane, the poster girl of the GURPS Supers second edition rulebook. There are more illustrations of her in this supplement than any other hero or villain. She even appeared on the front cover of the book (see below). Sarah Jane Dailey's superpowers kicked in when she reached puberty. Fortunately, her nanny counselled her wisely. She kept them hidden and vowed only to use them to help others. She excelled at high school and went to Harvard University where she graduated with a double major in economics and finance. She was immediately hired by a prestigious New York brokerage firm and made a name for herself in no time. Her future secured, she felt it was time to use her abilities to help others. Using her middle name, she adopted a second identity, that of Flamin' Jane. Her super-powered exploits have earned her a favourable reputation with the general public. Her super powers include Body of Fire level:10, Damage Resistance +10, Fireball level:8, Flame Jet level:10, Flight, Neutralise Fire, Smoke level:10 and Super Flight level:2. She cost 850 points. These were her stats for GURPS 3e. I upgraded her stats for GURPS 4e and she ended up costing 1,000 points. To date, she is the only superhero I have upgraded to GURPS 4e. Her figure is a conversion of a Grenadier superhero. I added her cloak and lengthened her hair with Milliput. I really like her, both as a figure and as a character.
Next up is Rising Sun. This superhero made a brief appearance in the Villains & Vigilantes scenario, Search for the Sensei. Jin Ikeuchi is a corporate Vice President at Ikeuchi Scientific, a cutting edge research and development company. Aged 22, he has only recently entered the world of superheroes and meta-villains. He created two gadgets - a jet pack and a pair of laser gauntlets to implement his one and only natural superpower - invulnerability to all crushing damage (bullets, feet, fists, maces, falling pianos, etc.). So his powers for GURPS Supers were easy to create - Invulnerability to Crushing Damage, Gadget - Jet Pack with Flight and Super Flight, and Gadget - Laser gauntlets with Laser level:12. He cost 600 points. His figure is also a conversion of a Grenadier superhero. I added his Laser Gauntlets and Jet Pack.
At the far right is Nightshade, who appeared in the GURPS Warriors supplement as one of the Archer characters. Dwayne Wilson's gym teacher got him interested in archery at an early age. He was a natural and soon began winning tournaments. His little brother, Wade, was frail and was often picked on and bullied at school. Dwayne did his best to protect him but in doing so became the victim of a drive-by shooting. As fate would have it, the bullets missed Dwayne and hit Wade, crippling him. Life went on and Dwayne graduated at the top of his class with an honours degree in engineering. Neither brother forgot the drive-by shooting or the crime that plagued their inner-city community. Working together, they created a high tech compound bow with speciality arrows and a special suit of black armour. Dwayne now tries to stem the rising tide of crime in Los Angeles as Nightshade. He has no super powers or mutant abilities. All of his super powers come from the suit of body armour he wears and from the specially crafted arrows he fires from his bow. There is one interesting trivia fact I want to share with you about Nightshade. In one scenario he witnessed Gothique (see last post) in action and immediately fell in love with her. Unbeknownst to Gothique, she has a secret admirer. He cost 600 points. His figure is a conversion of the Marvel Heroclix Avengers hero, Hawkeye.
The three portraits below were drawn and coloured by me. I drew them to specifically match the poses of their miniatures and I'm especially pleased with the results.
Flamin' Jane, Nightshade and Rising Sun
Flamin' Jane in action on the front cover of the GURPS Supers rulebook.


  1. Cool beans Bryan, while Flamin' Jane is the runaway winner today the other guys are lovely too! Particularly like Rising Suns paint job ;-)

    1. I have to agree with you, Andy. Flamin' Jane is certainly my favourite as well. But the other two have also turned out fine.

  2. lets be honest "Flamin Jane" is you type of gal! Bryan Heroic, gorgeous and in danger of falling out of her "cozzie" at any second!

    And god bless you for it Sir!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. You're not wrong, Roger! Flamin' Jane is EXACTLY the kind of gal I just love. :-)

  3. Another excellent post, Bryan. I'd have to agree with the comments above, Flamin' Jane is my favourite - excellent conversion, fantastic paint job. But surely they missed a trick with the name, as Flamin' June would have been slightly better?
    Rising Sun is reminiscent of the original costume of Marvel's Sunfire, but then he's got that funky he's very cool.
    And Dwyane's little brother is called Wade? As in Wade Wilson? Isn't that Deadpool?

    1. Many thanks, Jez. Ha, ha! Flamin' June - I like your thinking! Yep, the author missed a trick there.

      I do remember Sunfire, but I'm struggling to remember his original costume. I'll have to check it out on the Interweb.

      Your comic knowledge is fine. Yes, Wade Wilson IS Deadpool, but in this instance it's pure coincidence that Dwayne's little brother shares the same name as the Marvel character.

  4. Risin' Sun and Flamin' Jane have to be two of your very best conversion/paintjobs Bryan. There is definitely a Firestar and Sunfire thing going on with both, with Risin' Sun's costume appearing almost an exact opposite of the colour scheme of Sunfire. Nonetheless these are corkers.

    You've also done a stellar job on Nightshade, especially considering that Hawkeye "Heroclix" model is one of my least favourite of all time. Great artwork too my friend. I would never have known their potraits were taken straight from the rulebook if you hadn't have said you drew them. Tip top stuff :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Everyone seems to like Flamin' Jane, which doesn't surprise me at all. She is a babe!

      I checked out what Sunfire looked like and I can see that Rising Sun is a close match to him.

      There have been better sculpts of Hawkeye, but his figure was ideal for use as Nightshade.

      It is very heartening to receive such kind comments on my artwork. It is one part of my hobby that I miss doing. A lot of the portraits I've shown in these posts were scanned in and then digitally coloured by me, but these three are all originals drawn and coloured by me. I hope they give you a good insight into my drawing style.

    2. I have to admit that I missed the fact that the illustrations were from your own fair hand, Bryan. I am very impressed. Is there no end to your talents?

    3. I have always had a talent for drawing, Jez. I once illustrated a book of vampire stories that was published in 1995. That was one of the proudest achievements of my life. You can see them here -

    4. Wow I missed that too, those are superb illustrations!

      Top work that man.

      Cheers Roger.

    5. My word, Bryan! Your illustrations are superb! Makes me slightly embarrassed that I posted my doodles now. My second thought was "I wonder if he's done HIS version of Vampirella?" (Which predictive text keeps wanting to put in as 'vampire llama', which made me laugh.) Very, very impressed.

    6. It seems like an odd confession to make, Jez, but I have never drawn Vampirella. I can't explain why that is so. It's just one of life's mysteries.

  5. How many Supers did you have in the Campaign. From MY (and only my) understanding of comic superheroes they seem to stay alive a lot so I was not expecting so many, unless you either had a ton of player or ran more than one campaigh.

    Both options are good of course and even a high mortality rate is good it it allows us to see such nice figures.

    1. I only had three regular heroes - Vampirella, Gothique and Wolverine. I only ran the one GURPS Supers campaign, which lasted about a year. Other heroes (like these three shown here) would make guest appearances in my scenarios but none appeared more than once.
