
Monday 10 October 2016

Shadows of Brimstone Void Spiders

I have just the one creature type to review this time but there are a lot of them. These are the Void Spiders from the Shadows of Brimstone core set - City of the Ancients.
Inhabitating the space between the Void and reality, these scurrying beast infest virtually every world their portals open into. With six segmented spiny legs and two large mandible claw arms, Void Spiders can scale any surface and are often found nesting on the walls and ceilings as well as the floor. On the underside of the creature is a large mouth, lined with jagged teeth and articulated jaws within the body of the beast. Void Spiders' primary form of attack is to lunge at their prey and get on top of them, using these under mouths to chomp and tear at their victims. Many Void Spiders secrete a Void Venom, paralysing their target before cocooning them in sticky webs to feed upon slowly.
The first photo shows them from the front, which is where their mandible arms are located. This photo shows them from behind. These figures are one-piece castings and come without bases. I did consider gluing them to bases but then decided they were better left as is. They are roughly 40mm in diameter and are 15mm tall.
Here is a group shot showing all twelve Void Spiders. Their pale grey colouration is great camouflage on the arctic world of Targa. I leave you with this cool piece of artwork taken from the City of the Ancients adventure book.


  1. If this doesn't give you arachnophobia I don't know what will!

  2. They are seriously scary beasties, Bryan. Its never good to be eaten alive but those creatures make it sound like an especially unpleasant demise ;-)

    1. They are scary, Simon, especially in large numbers.

  3. I remember these being easy to kill BUT numerous and turned up with tentacles (I think) and were a right pain! Very nasty.

    1. You are right, Clint. Individually, they are fairly easy to kill but if they ambush attack you in big numbers they are a serious treat.

  4. Now those are just creepy as hell, in a weirdly sexual way, that is most disturbing! (or is it just me, god I hope not).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. You have a sick and weird mind, Roger, but I know exactly what you mean... so what does that make me?

    2. {{Now those are just creepy as hell, in a weirdly sexual way, that is most disturbing! (or is it just me, god I hope not).}}

      They DO have a real Slanesh feel about them don't they ^^

    3. They would fit in very well with a Slaanesh army. Steve.

    4. Thanks guys, at least it's not just me, though I do now weep for the sanity of the world in general! ;-)

      Cheers Roger.

  5. I am terrified of spiders in real life, which is why I love to use them so much when I`m hosting a rpg game. The void spiders in Brimstone are a total take on the spiders from Doom... FFG`s ones are almost identical, but have s-l-i-g-h-t-l-y more detailed (upside down) faces on the underside.

    I like the teeth you`ve done. Real scary shi*

    1. Spiders don't bother me that much. My mum, however, is scared stiff of them. Guess who has to get rid of any she finds in the house?

      I'm not familiar with Doom at all, so I wouldn't have made that connection. Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge, Steve.

  6. Eww, get them away from me! Argh, they're horrifying!

    I was all right with the earlier shots with just 4 of the beasties at a time, but that group shot of 12 is too scary for words :-) .

    1. I know I said that spiders don't scare me earlier, but just imagine meeting one of them in real life! And if twelve at once confronted me I think I'd die of a heart attack. Yes, spiders are scary!

  7. Creepy looking buggers aren't they! Nice work Bryan very fitting that the colder weather is sending the big buggers inside the houses!

    1. I guess there's something to be said about global warming after all, Simon!

  8. Ooooh, nice! I must say this game has quite a lot of interesting looking critters. They would make a nice alternative to genesstealers or Aliens in a Space Hulk type game. Infestation the board game...

    1. That's a good point, Jez, which I had not considered.
