
Thursday 22 December 2016

JDMG MC1 Perps - Ape Gang Gorillas and Orang-utans

In my last post I reviewed the chimps from a Mega City One ape gang. In this post I'll be showcasing the other two sentient simian types - gorillas and orang-utans. Physically the most powerful form of ape, gorillas take on a variety of roles, from leaders and lieutenants to grunt muscle. Either way, they form the backbone of an ape gang. Both agile and intelligent, orang-utans are sometimes leaders of ape gangs, but usually give way to larger and more powerful gorillas. More commonly, they take the role of specialists, such as stealthy burglars or snipers.
The three gorillas to the left were originally produced by Mongoose Publishing as part of an ape gang for the Gangs of Mega City One skirmish game. Later, Warlord Games sold them as part of their Judge Dredd Miniatures Game and added an orang-utan leader to the set (see below). At the far left is Cilla the Gorilla. She is armed with a Double-Barrelled Stump Gun Rifle. She has a bandoleer of Stump Gun shells strung across her back and chest. It is nice to see the sculptor adding a female to the range.
Standing next to her is Gus Grunt, who is aptly named. He rarely speaks and mostly grunts instead. Appropriately enough, he works as a lowly grunt enforcer. He is armed with a tyre iron, which is classed as a Club.
Second from the right is Brutus. He is every bit as brutal as his name suggests and is a gang leader of the Brutes ape gang. He is armed with a Spit Gun Machine Pistol and he wears Leather Armour. As with all of my apes, I have yet to work out his stats for use in my JDMG campaign.
At the far right is John Grillinger, who is a Gorilla Gangster and a Level:2 Infantry Hero. He is armed with a Spit Gun Rifle that has been designed to look like the old-style Thompson Sub-Machine Gun aka the "Tommy Gun" or "Chicago Piano." Having worked his way up through the ranks of an ape gang, the Gorilla Gangster has gone freelance and now hires his considerable skills and muscle to the highest bidder. Gorilla Gangsters are mercenaries who automatically have the following three Talents - Agile (may re-roll any non-combat Agility check), Light Foot (during a Move action, he can make an Agility check to jump over any obstacle up to 1" high without any Move penalty) and Dirty Fighting (if he hits an enemy in melee combat he does no damage. Instead, the target must make a Will check or else be Stunned). He was produced by Warlord Games. I can't help help thinking that he'd have made a great addition to Don Uggie Apelino's gang.
At the far left of my trio of orang-utans is Crazy Clyde. He pretends to be non-intelligent, which is why he isn't wearing any clothes, but he's actually a very sneaky burglar. His figure is an old Ral Partha fantasy were-ape. I decided I could just as easily use him in my JDMG campaign.
I should mention that all apes in JDMG (that's chimps, gorillas and orang-utans) have a special ability called Swinging Apes. This allows them to scale sheer surfaces or swing across wide gaps with ease. Any ape can treat any sheer surface as clear terrain, as long as it begins and ends its phase on a flat surface, and can move across any open gap up to its Move value without making an Agility check.
In the centre is the orang-utan leader that Warlord Games added to the ape gang boxed set of figures. I have named him Doctor Zechariah. He is armed with a Handgun Pistol. He is protecting a very young female chimp, which just begs the question, what's the story there? I have seen some folk commenting on how much he looks like Tom Baker as the fourth Doctor Who. Well, not with the face but certainly with the long red coat and huge multi-coloured scarf. That was one of the reasons I decided to make him a doctor.
Finally, is Li'l Louie, an orang-utan sniper. He was another figure originally produced by Mongoose Publishing as part of their GOMC1 boxed set of ape gang figures and then later sold by Warlord Games. He is armed with a Long Rifle with Scope Sight. Note the banana sticking out of the front pouch of his dungarees.
This is not the end of my reviews of my ape gangs. I still have to show you my ape gang bikers, none of which have been made or painted but I hope to rectify that soon. I am also seriously thinking of getting a load of Eureka apes, as they produce a large range of simian types and they'd be quite at home in Mega City One.

Seeing as this will be my last post before Christmas day, I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish all of my followers, their families and friends all the best on what I hope will be a joyous occasion for you all. Merry Christmas!


  1. Very nice additions to your ape gang, great background character to them as well, have a great Xmas Bryan

    1. Many thanks, Dave. I'm anticipating a very quiet Christmas, so hopefully, I'll get a lot more hobby work done.

  2. Taking inspiration from you I may start my Apes soon. But I have some historicals to finish first and they are going slowly (

    1. I'd very much like to see your own take on the ape gang, Clint.

    2. That will come I am sure. But FOR now I jut have to paint some historical figures (mostly Zulus)

    3. Best of luck with that. It's not something I'd relish doing!

  3. "Tom Baker as the third Doctor Who." - !?! Oh dear Bryan, a school boy error which needs a generous washing of the mouth with soap!!! He was the Fourth Doctor my good, Sir ;-)

    Great posting, and terrific miniatures all - I especially like the were-ape!! Terrific sculpt. May you have an incredibly splendid Christmas :-)

    1. Agh! Even as I was typing "third" I was doubting myself. I should have stopped and checked. Consider my knuckles well and truly rapped! And I have rectified my mistake so let's just keep this between the two of us, okay?

      The were-ape is quite a rare figure. I'm not aware of anyone else who made one. Have a cool Yule, Simon!

    2. "The were-ape is quite a rare figure" - It would certainly appear that way, Bryan, but I will keep trawling Ebay to see if one turns up. Yet another model placed on my wish list courtesy of your wonderful postings :-) Have a fantastic Merry Christmas yourself, and I look forward to seeing you post about your pressies - hopefully at least one more Vampirella statue?

    3. I'll keep looking on ebay for you as well, Simon. Ah, you know me so well. Yes, I do have another Vampirella statue to add to my steadily growing collection. I'll tell you all about my Christmas presents in my Monthly Musings post on Thursday 29th of December. There'll be another JD post on Monday. I wish you and your family a very happy and rewarding Christmas.

    4. That's great news about the statue, Bryan, I thoroughly enjoy your postings about such matters as your infectious enthusiasm for the lady vamp makes for a great read. I look forward to your JD Boxing Day post, spookily "Mongoose" have just sent me a resin vehicle, so I'm certain next year you'll reinvigorate me to start painting some JD stuff of my own. Merry Christmas :-)

    5. Great news about Mongoose sending you that vehicle. i do hope it's a Pat Wagon or one of its variants.

  4. Great apes!!....................****tumbleweed****

    Seriously lovely apes matey. I received some JDMG reinforcements from your good self this morning. Can't say how grateful I am dude, thank you!

    Have a great Xmas, hope you like the pressie ;-)

    1. Cheers, Andy. I'm really pleased that your present arrived before Christmas. Your own Justice Department is going to be quite a force to be reckoned. I'm being really good and I'm not opening your pressie to me before Christmas. All the best, my friend.

  5. Best JD mini sculpts I have ever seen. Should also point out, I think these are the best painted minis from you I have ever seen.

    1. Very much appreciated, Steve. They are great minis, aren't they? I just knew my painting had to do them justice.

  6. Who doesn't want a Tom Baker monkey figure!! and is that Clyde from the "Any which way" movies next to him? (the one with the rifle, not your Clyde if you see what I mean), well he looks like him to me.

    Really nice fig's the lot of them, and a very merry Christmas, to you Bryan.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Good call, Roger. Li'l Louie is a good match for Clint Eastwood's beer drinking buddy, Clyde. However, I decided to call him Louie and I called another orang-utan, Clyde.

      Merry Christmas to you too. I'm looking forward to seeing what your pressie is tomorrow.

  7. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas and all the best to you, too, Dave.

  8. Stunning work on the ape gang love the scarf!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family too Bryan!

    2. Many thanks, Simon, and all the best to you and your family.

  9. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my Boyfriend became VAMPIRES. I got a guy from the internet called Lord who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become a VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into our body and in the next 30 minutes we turned into a VAMPIRE so if you are interested in becoming a VAMPIRE. First: Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books, Sure. I understand. You are young; you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:
