
Monday 23 January 2017

JDMG MC1 Fatties 01

Eating has become not just a past time, but a sport in Mega City One, with food contests spreading throughout every sector. Fatties, despite their massive appearance, are actually highly trained individuals, dedicated to consuming as much as they can, and growing as large as they can.
At the time of writing I have 14 Fattie figures and I'm dividing them into three groups according to their size. I'm going to start off by reviewing my seven Lightweight Fatties. I'll show you my four Middleweight Fatties and my three Heavyweight Fatties in a later post. All of the figures shown in this post were made by Citadel Miniatures for the Judge Dredd Role Playing Game, published by Games Workshop in 1985. I have yet to name any of them.
At the far left is a Fattie holding a placard saying "Feed me" on one side and "I came, I saw, I had some lunch" on the reverse side. I added his larger shoulder pads by sculpting them out of Milliput. I also expanded his belly slightly (again with Milliput) just to make him a bit fatter than his colleagues here. He has a small food tray hanging around his neck, presumably to keep his food closer to his mouth.
Next to him, this Fattie is an unconverted figure. He is munching on a jumbo-sized hot-dog. Note how the buttons around his belly have popped open.
The other two Fatties are both enjoying a large ice cream. Neither has been converted. The one at the far right looks remarkably like former comedian and nightclub owner, Bernard Manning. A key feature of all Fatties is their Belliwheels, a single wheel that fits underneath their huge bellies to help support their weight and to aid in their movement. In the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game, Fatties have the following special rule regarding Belliwheels. Once a Fattie gets going, there is little that can stop him. If a Fattie takes two consecutive Move or Melee actions in the same turn, the second Move or Melee action must be made in a completely straight line, but will move an additional D10+2". In addition, the Fattie's close combat attacks will ignore all Armour except against vehicles and have a Damage score equal to the Fattie's remaining Hits (Fattie Level:0 Minions start with 6 Hits). Fatties may only move in clear terrain.
The two Fatties to the left of the photos directly above and below have been out shopping, buying more food. The one at the far left had the gap uncovering his belly filled in with Milliput. For the Fattie in the centre I added his larger shoulder pads and elbow pads out of Milliput.
It always bugged me that all of the figures of Fatties were male. Whilst I can't remember seeing any female Fatties in the Judge Dredd comic strips, surely they must have existed. Women are just as likely to binge eat as men. So I came up with this conversion of a female Fattie. I added more girth around her belly and backside, added large breasts and sculpted a new head and right arm for her. I'm happy with the result and it does make her unique.
The picture to the left of here shows a Citadel Fattie in its original state. They came in three parts. As you can see from my photos above, they came with a random selection of right arms and left body halves. I don't know how many different versions there were, but I bought quite a few. This photo was taken from a seller on eBay, who, at the time of writing, was asking £25.00 for this figure. Another seller had more of these Citadel Fatties for sale but was asking £52.00 for each one!


  1. Great additions to your collection Bryan, the conversion work is really good and the female fattie is the star of the bunch. Great work mate

    1. Many thanks, Dave. The female Fattie certainly stands out, simply because she is female.

  2. It is almost like going to the market on A Saturday I my home town. It is seriously frightening how the comic got this part of the future so correct.

    BUT the figures look great and the paint job is just right.

    1. Have you ever been to America, Clint? I always thought I was fat/overweight but whenever I visit the USA I feel positively anorexic! It does my self-esteem a power of good. That said, when you see some of the food portions in America it is easy to see how obesity is such a problem. Plus, we Brits are hardly in a position to boast about our own health and well being. Yes, 2000AD got it right about the Fatties.

  3. Yes LOL I'm going to go stuff down 4 big macs!!!! LOL

    1. Attaboy! All washed down with a few buckets of your favourite fizzy drink!

  4. I always loved the fatties in Judge Dredd, and your examples are first rate Bryan, a great bit of social comment that as you say is even more relevant today.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Many thanks, Roger. 2000AD in general and Judge Dredd in particular are uncannily accurate in predicting the future. As you say, obesity is very relevant in today's world.

  5. I had no idea there were so many dredd minis. This is all looking great!

    You should try to find a copy of My 600 lb. Life. They had a guy on once that was a thousand pounds! Fast food crap and high calorie restaurant food have created an obesity epicdemic. Also there is a pizza shop ever half mile at least!Another reason the US is a declining place.

    1. Cheers, Roger. Oh, I still have loads and loads of Judge Dredd stuff to show you.

      Holy cow! Someone actually weighed 1,000 pounds! He qualifies as a Mega City One Fattie. Much as I love America, I'm glad I don't live there because I'd find the temptation not to overeat very hard to resist. I've seen your restaurants and supermarkets and really overindulged. I guess that's not too bad if you're on a two week holiday but if I lived there permanently I don't know what would happen.

  6. Great post Bryan, my fave being the female as well. Mostly for the amount of effort you obviously have put into it, but excellent work all around particularly the brushwork.

    I've come across quite a few morbidly obese folk in my line of work including one who was at least 35 stone (490 pounds for our US buddies) and another that was upwards of 60 stone (840lbs). More than a belly wheel required......

    1. Thanks, Andy. I have to agree, the female Fattie is my favourite as well. Your horror stories about encountering morbidly obese people shows we in the UK have nothing to be proud of either.

      I had a quarterly medical review just before Christmas and to my delight, discovered I'd lost 7 pounds in the past three months. That was the best Christmas news I received! I fully expected to have gained weight. I guess I'm doing something right.

  7. Ha these are all fabulous Bryan. Well painted and nicely made to be different individuals.

  8. Well, none of them is going to win a beauty contest!

  9. Another crackingly colourful post, Bryan. Though I really think someone needs to feed the chap in the blue with the sign as he is clearly wasting away, practically a living skeleton!! great work on his neck tray btw - always one of my fave items on a Fatty. I am really am in awe of your different paint schemes. An attention to detail which is clearly only matched by your determination to hunt down as many Fatties as possible for your collection - at least when reasonably priced.

    1. Colourful is a very good description for these Fatties, Simon. Although I have had them all since the mid-1980's it was only last month that I finished painting them. The two eating ice creams and the two with the shopping bags had remained unpainted all that time! They must have thought that they'd never see a lick of paint!
      I am so glad that I bought them all when they were first released for just a few quid each. Nowadays, as you can see, they are going for silly prices.

  10. I like the bright colours on these models. They fit right in with some of the hoods and the super styled characters from the last post. The odd notion I had was that the outfits these hambeasts wear might be some form of advertising or endorsement for a sponsor.

    1. Thanks, HP. I guess some Fatties would wear corporate sponsorship logos. It is not something I thought of but it does make sense.

  11. Ahh the fatties. Jeez now that takes me back. Well done Vampi. DEW

    1. Many thanks, DEW. Fatties don't appear that often in the Judge Dredd series but when they do I always find them memorable.

  12. Fatties always made me chuckle as a child. Often threatened my grandfather I'd get him a wheelbarrow to cart his growing tummy around in the same fashion!
    Very nicely painted throughout. They have so much character and are seriously fun minis.
