
Thursday 2 February 2017

JDMG MC1 Fatties 02

When I posted my first review of my Mega City One Fatties, I mentioned that I was splitting them into three categories - lightweights, medium-weights and heavyweights. Having shown you my lightweights first it is now time to move onto the big boys and the massive boys.
My four middleweight Fatties are from various sources. At the far left is another one of the Citadel Fatties that were made for the old Judge Dredd Role-Playing Game produced by Games Workshop. I reviewed these figures earlier. See here -  I bulked his body out with a lot with Milliput modelling putty. His shoulder pads came from an old plastic Citadel Space Ork boxed set and fitted the figure very well.
The two Fatties in the centre were sculpted by me. For both of them I used a Subutteo plastic football for their bodies and added Milliput to it. The one with the slogan reading "Drokk art, let's bounce" was based on one of the cardboard cut-out characters that came with the Judge Dredd Role-Playing Game starter boxed set. The one in the green suit is an original design of mine. Their heads are a bit on the large size but I'm reasonably happy with them.
The Fattie at the far right is simply a DC Heroclix figure of Bouncing Boy with the addition of a belly wheel that I sculpted out of Milliput. This was a very simple conversion. I even kept his colour scheme untouched and I only painted extra detail to his hands and face. Funnily enough, his body most closely resembles a giant football, more so than my two conversions.
Now I move on to the true heavyweight Fatties, with each one weighing (in real life) well over one ton and possibly as much as two tons! Who remembers the Judge Dredd story featuring champion Fattie, Two Ton Tony Tubbs? All three were made by Warlord Games for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. The two at either end were recent purchases and they came in seven parts not including their bases. Their bodies were a one-piece casting made of resin. Their arms, legs, head and belly wheel were made of metal. The bodies, legs and belly wheels are identical but their arms and heads are different. They came with 40mm square plastic slottabases, which I replaced with 40mm diameter MDF bases. They are about 42mm tall, which some of you may feel is simply too tall. Their height does not bother me at all. I think they are fantastic sculpts.
The Fattie in the centre of the group was purchased almost as soon as he was released and he differs from the other two in a few ways. The most notable difference is that he is made entirely out of metal. His body came in two halves and was hollowed out to cut down on weight and on metal. His upper body is a very different design to the other two. By the way, the LF logo on his top stands for League of Fatties. The slogan on his placard, "Make pies, not war" is a pun on the phrase, "Make peace, not war".
In the JDMG, Fatties have three special rules, First is Belly Wheel, which I covered in part 01 of my Fatties reviews. Second is Fat! A Fattie may be purchased armour but double all costs. A Fattie may never use a Jetpack, Bat Glider, Power Board, Sucker Gun or Chameleon Suit. They are just too big! A Fattie can ride in a vehicle and will count as a single Crew or Passenger if the vehicle model has been suitably modified/converted. Otherwise, a Fattie may not ride in a vehicle unless there is a suitable place on the model for them to sit (such as the flatbed of a Sloth Cargo Hauler - and no, they cannot sit on the roof!). Fatties cannot use ladders at all, and may only use elevators and grav chutes that are physically large enough for the model. Finally, Fatties are immune to knock-downs. Thirdly, they have my personal favourite, Bacon Butty! If a Fattie has at least 3 Hits remaining and performs two Special actions in a turn it will stuff its face with as much food as it can. The Fattie will then regain 1 Hit. This may not be used to increase its Hits beyond its starting score.


  1. Great additions to your fatty brigade Bryan, the conversions look really good.
    There seems to be a huge debate in the gaming community about scale and that all models should fit the same size, personally I like the different heights as this is what you see in real life not everyone at the same cloned height !

    1. Thanks, Dave. I couldn't agree with you more about the heights of figures. People come in all shapes and sizes in real life, which is why I don't mind figures varying in size.

  2. Let me weigh in here Bryan (groans) by saying your conversions are spot on. These are Lards of the battlefield and fats a fact!

    I'll get my coat......

    1. Groan! Actually, I've seen a lot worse puns and quips.

  3. Brilliant. I had not thought of a Fattie on a power board! A truly terrifying thought! Although I am sure somewhere in MC1 there will be some plant making extra strong boards!

    If I was playing JD as a gang based game fatties would be one gang I would look at getting. Just for the hilarity of it (and the
    sheer Horror!)

    A very good job realising these rotund chubbys!

    1. Cheers, Clint. Actually, a Fattie gang in JDMG is a valid option and there are a few scenarios provided based on Fattie gangs. I plan on featuring one such gang in my campaign.

  4. Fantastic stuff Bryan, and a real trip down memory lane for me - Who can forget Abdominal Arnie going for that last pie to attain "the magic ton!" Great artwork by the mighty Carlos Ezquerra as memory serves. Your bottom three Fatties are my pick of the bunch - awesome paint-jobs my friend, worthy of the zarjaz Tharg himself :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. I certainly do remember Abdominal Arnie going for "the magic ton!" I have to agree that the three Warlord Games Fatties are the best of the bunch. They embody all that a Mega City One Fattie is about.

  5. Those home made efforts are rather good Bryan!

    Love seeing some more of these. Crazy that that center huge one is a metal sculpt though! Must be very heavy.

    1. Thanks, Dai. That's kind of you to say.

      The metal Warlord Games Fattie is much heavier than the two resin ones. I'm not surprised they decided to switch the bodies to resin casts.

  6. Superb stuff Bryan, I have to say that I like your two original sculpts the best especially the porker in yellow, lovely paint work too.

    1. Thank you, Roger. I'm very flattered that you like my sculpts best of all.

  7. So jealous that you can make your own miniatures. Most impressive.


    1. Cheers, DEW. I used to sculpt loads of figures in the past. In those days there simply wasn't the choice there is today. Nowadays I can find just about any figure I need from the Internet.

  8. Looking good (if morbidly obese :) ). Bouncing Boy must be flattered to be a middle weight after so many years in the company of more statuesque companions. Great job on your sculpts. The heads came out fantastic!

    1. Thanks, HP. Ha, yes, I imagine that Bouncing Boy is happy to be classed as merely middle-weight. I do like how I sculpted my heads but I just feel they look too big. I dunno, maybe I'm being over critical.

  9. Absolutely fabulous conversion and scratch builds. I'd of said they were all store bought they're that good. Lovely paintwork on the mall especially all the ones freehand writing.

    Love some of there rules especially the Bacon Butty! one lol

    1. Thanks, Simon. They were fun to make and paint. I, too, love the Bacon Butty Special Rule.

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