
Thursday 16 March 2017

JDMG Scenario 05 - Robot Rebellion part 1

For my fifth Judge Dredd Miniatures Game batrep I wanted to play a big scenario that allowed me to use all seven of my Judge Heroes from my first three games. With a combined Credits score of 1,235 they'd need to face some serious opposition. However, I didn't want to pit them against hordes of low cost punks and juves or zombies. Flicking through my JDMG rulebook I came across the perfect opposition for them - Renegade Robots. The likes of a combat droid minion or demolition droid minion was 210 and 180 Credits respectively. Level a few up and I knew I wouldn't need that big a force to take on my Judges. Plus, robots have one big advantage over humans - Judges can shoot them without having to make an arrest attempt first. That should save any of them the embarrassment of failing an arrest check! So with both forces chosen I then had to decide on a suitable scenario. I chose the Sector Sweep standard scenario found on page 26 of the Blood on the Streets supplement.
It is time to show who really owns this neighbourhood. Today, this street, tomorrow, the entire sector! These kinds of clashes are common throughout Mega City One, usually between rival gangs but the Judges often get involved as well, deliberately targetting an area notorious for its criminal elements and then arriving in force to literally drive the perps out.
Street Judge Scott - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +3, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Academy Star, Voice of Command and Voice of Justice.

Street Judge Burnett - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 185 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +3, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawrod Rifle*, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Accurate, Boom! Head Shot and Timed Fuse.
* Note that after his last encounter, Burnett acquired a Rifle Scope for his Lawrod Rifle. I forgot that Judges are not allowed to purchase non-Justice Department equipment other than cybernetics, so the Rifle Scope has been removed. Luckily, I caught my mistake in time.

Street Judge Huntsman - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +2, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Feint, Skilled and Deadly and This is my Daystick.

Street Judge Moore - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +3, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Accurate, Close Combat Shooter and Crackshot.

Street Judge Stone - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 3 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Armour Buster, Pour it on and Warning Shot

Street Judge Webb - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 2 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Agile, Infiltrator and Stealthy.

Med Judge Nash - Level:2 Infantry Hero with 2 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +5, Hits 3.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Medi-Kit, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - First Aid, Medic and Nurse. 

Combat Droid Ron - Level:1 Infantry Robot Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 270 Credits
Stats - Move 4", Agility +0, Shoot +3, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +6, Hits 4.
Equipment - Stump Gun Rifle.
Talents - Accurate and Crackshot.
Special Rule - Always Alert.

Demolition Droid Paddy - Level:0 Infantry Robot Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 180 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility -1, Shoot -1, Melee +2, Melee Dice 2D, Will -1, Armour +5, Hits 6.
Equipment - Wrecker Fists.
Special Rule - Big Jobs.

Demolition Droid Toby - Level:1 Infantry Robot Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 280 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility -1, Shoot -1, Melee +3, Melee Dice 3D, Will -1, Armour +6, Hits 7.
Equipment - Wrecker Hammer. Upgraded Armour.
Talents - Dirty Fighting and Skilled and Deadly.
Special Rule - Big Jobs.

Junker Droid Jez - Level:0 Infantry Robot Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 40 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility -1, Shoot +1, Melee +0, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 2.
Equipment - Zip Gun Pistol.
Special Rule - Junker.

Junker Droid Tinbitz - Level:0 Infantry Robot Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 35 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility -1, Shoot +1, Melee +0, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 2.
Equipment - Large Club.
Special Rule - Junker.

Servo Droid Ken - Level:0 Infantry Robot Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 75 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 2.
Equipment - Club and Spit Gun Pistol.

Servo Droid Old Yeller - Level:0 Infantry Robot Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 50 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 2.
Equipment - Stump Gun Rifle.

Servo Droid Sid - Level:1 Infantry Robot Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 140 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +2, Melee +0, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +4, Hits 3.
Equipment - Spit Gun Rifle.
Talents - Aim and Suppressing Fire.

Servo Droid Skabot - Level:1 Infantry Robot Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 180 Credits
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +1, Melee +1, Melee Dice 1D, Will +0, Armour +6, Hits 3.
Equipment - Chainsaw and Handgun Pistol. Upgraded Armour.
Talents - Skilled and Deadly and This is my Chainsaw.

The Justice Department force cost 1,235 Credits, whilst the Renegade Robots force cost 1,250 credits, making this the most evenly matched battle so far. The big advantage the robots had was lots of armour. However, all of the Judges had Armour Piercing bullets, which could well prove decisive.
The battle was fought on a board measuring 4 feet by 2 feet using gaming mats, buildings and scenery items from my Battle Systems Urban Apocalypse City and Shanty Town sets. Also included are a few scenery items from Wargames Terrain Workshop.
Three objective counters should be placed 12" apart along the centre line of the game board. Both sides roll to see who sets up first and again to see who takes the first phase of the game. The Judges set up first 12" in from the left edge. The Renegade Robots then set up 12" in from the opposite end. The Renegade Robots won the dice off again and would activate first.
Instead of using counters for the objectives, I used green crates from my Battle Systems Urban Apocalypse sets. Note Judge Webb at the foot of the stairs to the large building. He has the Infiltrator Talent, allowing him to set up last and much closer to the enemy, just as long as he is not in their Line of Sight.
Each force starts the game in possession of one of the three objective crates. I decided that they all contained rare and expensive high tech electronic components, that had been dumped here after a failed robbery.
When a model moves into contact with an objective crate, it will capture it for its force. The objective crate will remain in "possession" of that force unless an enemy model later moves into contact with it, in which case it will become its possession. If models from both forces are in contact with an objective crate, it will belong to neither. Objective crates are too heavy to move and remain where they are throughout the game. For ease of identification, I have numbered them 1, 2 and 3.
The fight continues for ten Turns or until one force holds all three objective crates for a full Turn. At the end of ten Turns, the force who holds the majority of the objective crates is the winner.

Yeah, I know, how could I possibly leave it there? There's a lot more to come in part 2 as both sides suffer casualties.


  1. Great start to the Batrep Bryan, exciting with the judges leading the way on kills, although they haven't done much to the toughest bots yet which could cause problems in the next half. Can't wait to read the next instalment

    1. You are spot on with your assessment, Dave. Their four kills so far have been against easy targets - Junker droids and Servo droids. The two demolition droids and combat droid are much tougher opposition. Just wait until you see what the two demolition droids do!

    2. OUCH ! Would probably not cover it Bryan but look forward to reading it none the less.

    3. OUCH! indeed, Dave. It does get very messy in part 2.

  2. Replies
    1. So do I and a lot of other people, Shinto. It's here to stay.

  3. Why do I have an ominous feeling? I am sure Judge Burnett will suffer for the wise cracks! (So be it, afterall nothing I can do about it now!)

    Love the story and love being included in the game.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I'm glad to include you in the squad. I'm saying nothing about part two but hopefully I'll post it on Sunday instead of waiting until Monday.

    2. Good say nothing at all. It is all out of my control so whatever happens happens!

      I shall just enjoy the story no matter what occurs!

    3. Yes, what is done is done and can't be changed now. Please do enjoy the story and remember nothing that happens is personal.

  4. What can go wrong against robot? :)

  5. Yeah baby hi-octane and hi-ex stuff. Love Nash blowing up stuff although it looks like he might be concentrating on patching up some sore judges next time! Looking forward to part 2

    1. You got that right, Andy. Med Judge Nash is kept very busy in part 2 and more so in the aftermath.

  6. Well that was action packed! I can't wait for part 2. ;)

    1. Cheers, mate. Part 2 is even more action packed as the battle really hots up.

  7. Terrific stuff, Bryan. Hopefully Judge Nash is close by to help patch-up my fave Mega-City lawman, or Judge Webb to act as robot-gun fodder ;-) You're really making these postings an absolute pleasure to read :-)

    1. Many thanks, Simon. Med Judge Nash most certainly earns his place on the team in this scenario, as you'll see in part 2, coming up on Sunday. Yes, I'm going to post it a day earlier than normal so as to not keep you waiting too long to see how it ends.

  8. O you bloody tease! >_< I was thoroughly engrossed in that and wondering how on earth the Robots would overcome the (so far) Judges' better marksmanship?

    1. Ha, ha! You're not the first person and I'm sure you won't be the last to call me a tease! The Judges are indeed the better marksmen but just wait until you see the robots in melee! It gets very tense in part 2.

  9. Go the Judges. They pack some flexible firepower don't they.

    Great terrain as usual Bryan.

    And good to see that there were no robodogs hurt in the making of this comic!!!

    1. Much appreciated, Tim. The Judges selection of different bullets for their Lawgivers and Lawrods ensures they always have the right ammo for the job. Without their Armour Piercing rounds they would have really struggled against the robots.

      I did consider adding one or two robodogs to the renegade robots force but decided against it in the end. I don't like seeing cruelty to animals, even robot ones!

  10. Another very enjoyable report; I'm looking forward to the next instalment. The Judges seem to have had a relatively easy time of it so far, but as you note above, that was against the lighter robots.

    1. Thanks, Hugh. However, as you'll see next time, things don't always go their way.
