
Thursday 30 March 2017

Vampifan's Views 89 - Monthly Musings 63

I start off this month's musings post with the cover of Vampirella magazine #1 published in September 1969. I have shown this illustration, painted by Frank Frazetta, on my blog before but without the writing. The reason why I am showing this picture again is because of a new Kickstarter project I'm backing. It is called Frazetta Miniatures by Killbox Games and you can check it out here -
There is a very obvious reason why I am backing this Kickstarter - Vampirella. One of the three 35mm scale miniatures they are producing as starter sets is The Vampire Queen, which is based on this painting by Frank. The figure comes in three versions. The cheapest version is the Portrait Edition version of Vampirella, a resin cast figure on a 50mm diameter base. This version costs $7.50. I am buying this version to use the figure in upcoming games and batreps, although I'll probably glue her to a smaller diameter base. Check her out in this picture below.

Next up is the Vignette Edition version, which is the same resin cast figure but mounted on a custom scenic base. This figure and base costs $15.00.  I have ordered one of these, just to use a display piece to keep on my painting desk.
The third and most expensive version is the Gallery Edition version, which is made of high quality pewter and comes with a polished finish, soldered, fully assembled and with a Certificate of Authenticity. It is a beautiful figure but I won't be buying her. This version costs $45.00.
Other figures based on paintings by Frank Frazetta are available. I may get the Werewolf and Death Dealer but I'm undecided at the moment. What does excite me greatly is the Vampirella figure, which I believe to be the finest sculpted miniature figure of her. Painting her is going to a be a real labour of love. 😍

Moving on, having finished the last batch of figures I had on my painting desk, I was in a quandary over what to paint next. My choices were, paint some more Judge Dredd miniatures (still lots to do, but the pile is decreasing), start work on my Mantic The Walking Dead figures (I'm looking forward to painting them), paint my Shadows of Brimstone zombies and corpse piles (I don't know why I've kept them to last) or make a start on my Rum and Bones figures (they've been neglected far too long). After sleeping on it I decided to make a start on my Rum and Bones figures. I had played my first game of Rum and Bones: Second Tide and absolutely thoroughly enjoyed it.
It was a very closely fought battle between the Deep Lords and the Marea de la Muerte. The Deep Lords got off to a great start. In their first action, Captain Carcharius of the Deep Lords swung onto his opponent's ship and sent their captain flying off into the sea! She recovered but had to miss a turn. Don Santiago, the Maria de la Muerte's Brute avenged Viana's loss of face by knocking out Carcharius. The game swung to and fro. The first to reach 8 Victory Points would win. On the last turn the Deep Lords were winning 7-6 but Captain Viana snatched victory from them by destroying the Deep Lords' Rigging, thus securing 2 Victory Points. Exciting stuff!
This fired up my enthusiasm for painting some figures for the game, but once again, I was faced with a dilemma. Should I paint my newest Heroes first, those of the Deep Lords and the Marea de la Muerte, simply because I had the most up to date stat cards for them, or should I start at the beginning with the Heroes of the two factions who came with the original boxed set - the Bone Devils and the Wellsport Brotherhood? Actually, it was a no-brainer. It had to be the two original starter sets. Why? Because the Bone Devils are made up of the undead and they are my favourite faction. It proved to be a fortuitous decision, because just over a week later I received this bunch of goodies.
And these as well.
Yes, Wave 2 of my Rum and Bones: Second Tide goodies landed on my doorstep in a huge box. I had bought every expansion set of figures for it as well as a set of 50 plastic coins and the all important Season One Upgrade Kit, which has the stat cards for converting the Season One factions over to Season Two. I was such a happy bunny! 😄
This brings my number of factions up to eight. They are as follows, listed alphabetically -
Blutrausch Legion - Orcs, goblins and ogres who use three small junks.
Bone Devils - Undead pirates who use one large galleon.
Deep Lords - Sea creatures and monsters who use one large galleon.
Iron Inquisition - Spanish religious zealots who use one large galleon.
La Brise Sanguine (The Cold Bloody Wind) - French pirates who use two long ships.
Marea de la Muerte - Spanish pirates who use two long ships.
Mazu's Dreadful Curse - Chinese pirates who use three small junks.
Wellsport Brotherhood - English pirates who use one large galleon.
In addition, there are lots of Mercenary Heroes, who can be used by any faction but who do not have access to their own crew or ship. Rum and Bones may not be everyone's cup of tea grog, but I like it immensely. I have to admit that the figures are such a joy to paint. Being 35mm scale, they are so full of detail and character.

Next month, expect lots more Judge Dredd stuff. Thanks for reading.


  1. That Vampirella is stunning, very tempted by it. That is a large collection of rum and bones to paint Bryan, look forward to seeing what you do with them

    1. Many thanks, Dave. At least this Kickstarter is a lot more friendly on my wallet than most I back! I don't know why it has taken me so long to start painting my Rum and Bones figures but I'm glad I've made a start at last.

  2. Nice looking mini of Vampirella. What a haul of figures to paint!

    1. Cheers, Simon. You're right on both counts. :-)

  3. I am intrigued by "Rum and Bones" There are several factions that appeal instantly from the descriptions.

    I wish you well completing this project and with the Vampella as well.

    1. Thanks, Clint. If you want a fun, swashbuckling, action packed experience then Rum and Bones will suit you well, but if you want a more realistic experience then steer well clear.

  4. I was thoroughly enjoying this posting up until you said "Rum 'N' Bones" had won, and you were going to paint them, Bryan, as I really don't need yet another distraction at this current time - either mini or game wise ;-)

    Are you sure the "Brimstone" or "Walking Dead" can't tempt you instead, or how about some more "Studio Miniatures" zeds? :-)

    1. Ha, ha! I hear you, Simon. My "Shadows of Brimstone" figure collection is almost completely painted. The Mantic "The Walking Dead" very nearly tempted me. They'd have been my second choice. I forgot to mention, the rest of my Studio Miniatures "Monster Madness" figures arrived a couple of days ago and they are also begging to get painted. But I have 20 "Rum and Bones" figures about 75% done and I'm really glad I chose them. Just leave yours alone and get your pirate fix from my posts! ;-)

  5. Rum and Bones looks pretty nifty mate. The minis look delish as does Vampirella!

  6. 35mm? There seems to be an increasing amount of this coming out - but it's totally incompatible with my existing investments in figures, vehicles and a fair amount of terrain. Oh, well - each to his own.

    1. You are right about scale-creep becoming more prevalent but in this case I don't mind because I will not be using these figures in any other game.

  7. Bryan, you are getting so much done. I envy you :) Stuff looks nice too.
    This is what I wish I was doing everyday but things always come up. Grand work Bryan. You have been doing a great job on the Dredd stuff. I had no idea there were that many Judge Dredd minis in existence.
    I love the Vampirella figure, that was always my fav Frazetta piece.
    Its awesome someone sculpted it.

    1. That's very kind of you, Roger. My enthusiasm is sky high, so I am able to get a lot done.
      The Vampirella figure is quite extraordinary. I'm looking forward to getting her.

  8. Did you ever receive yours? I saw a lot of people commenting on the kickstarter that they hadn't received their order, and Killbox Games website is offline now.

    1. Yes, I did receive mine, Chris. There were no problems whatsoever.

    2. That's good to hear. Hopefully I ccan get one eventually. If not I've got the Ground Zero Games version. Thanks for posting it, otherwise I wouldn't have known they had it!
