
Monday 24 April 2017

7TV2e Foundry Film Crew

The last time I posted anything about 7TV2e was to review the Crooked Dice cameraman and television (see here - ). Both myself and a few others suggested it would be nice to see figures of other TV crew members. When I saw that Wargames Foundry had the following Film Crew set for sale on their website, I knew I had to buy them.
These are just perfect to use with the 7TV2e game. At the far left is the director. In such a male dominated profession, it is very unusual to see a female director. She is a nicely posed figure.
I deliberately painted the T-shirt of the guy standing next to the director with an orange and white colour scheme featuring the 7TV logo. He could fill numerous roles - a composer, director of photography, gofer, lighting director, producer, sound engineer, special effects guy, stunt co-ordinator, etc. It's a long list and he is so generic he could fill almost any role in the film and TV industry.
The next three figures are all wearing flak vests, suggesting they are filming in a war zone or somewhere where danger is present. In the centre of the group is the attractive female reporter, making sure her hair isn't out of place.
Second from the right is the cameraman and he's operating a hand-held camera, so he can get right in close to the action and track it whilst on the move.
Finally, is the sound engineer, holding his large boom microphone above his head. It is no surprise that his arms are so muscular.
These are delightfully sculpted figures. It would be interesting to see stats for them to use in 7TV2e in much the same way as Crooked Dice Games did for their cameraman.
You can find this set on the Foundry webstore as part of their Casting Room Miniatures Street Violence range. They cost £12.00 for the set of five figures and here's the link to them -
I'm going to be reviewing some more of my contemporary figures over the next couple of weeks, but my JDMG campaign has not been forgotten and I am prepping the next scenario right now.


  1. Great find Bryan, so many uses for this set of figures from modern to sci-fi. Really great paint work as well mate

    1. Thanks, Dave, and I totally agree about how versatile this set is.

  2. Wonderful group of minis Bryan, and if I were to venture into a warzone I can't think of a better T-Shirt to wear than a bright orange one ;-) I think there's a futuristic camera crew on the "Wargames Foundry" blog somewhere too, which might suit you for a "Judge Dredd" TV Show?

    1. Cheers, Simon. I can't find the futuristic camera crew you mention anywhere on the Foundry website, but no matter as I already own some futuristic reporters and cameramen.

    2. Sorry Bryan, they're "Copplestone Castings", and I think you might have already bought them? Link is here:

    3. That's the set I have! No worries, Simon - it's an easy mistake to make.

  3. Very nice figures. (I think the best you have painted in at least 6 months).

    1. Very much appreciated, Clint, and that is very high praise!

  4. Yuuuuus!!! Film crews are the best! NOthing like post battle interviews. ;)

  5. Ha these are great minis. Nice paintjobs as well.

  6. Really nice minis and painted up a treat.

    I've still to read the rules set (Downloaded on my Kindle), but the Zombie version of 7TV, do you know if it needs tv crew minis also?

    1. Thanks, Dai. Sadly, I only have 7TV2e and so I know nothing at all about first edition or the zombie supplement. I'm still waiting for it to be updated to second edition. You don't really need a TV crew - it's just something that adds a bit of flavour to the game, without impacting too much on the rules.

  7. Great little set of figures Bryan, I like the female director, Biddy Baxtor or Verity Lambert?

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of Kathryn Bigelow. :-)

  8. Nice! Great figs and lovely paintwork. It's nice to add the extra touches to games, it just increases the cinematic aesthetic

  9. Love the blog! Quick question apropos of nothing: how is the scale of Studio miniature's not-Daryl compared to Mantic's All Out War?

    1. Hi and welcome, jmw23. Bearing in mind that Studio Miniatures make two not-Daryl figures, you'll be pleased to know that both will fit in well the figures from Mantic's "The Walking Dead" game. Indeed, all of the Studio's not-TWD figures could be used in place of the official Mantic TWD figures.

    2. Fantastic! Thanks for the prompt answer! The Daryl models look lovely, and I like the idea of using some of the others to represent my wife and myself when we play All Out War!

    3. What a cool idea! I wish you all the best with your campaign.
