
Monday 17 April 2017

JDMG Illegal Aliens - Kleggs

Kleggs are most famous in Mega City One for their use by Chief Judge Cal in suppressing the rebellious population through sheer terror. However, Kleggs are known throughout the galaxy for being particularly vicious mercenaries. Willing to fight for anyone, they demand nothing more than fresh meat from their employers who will usually supply this from the enemies the Kleggs are crushing. It is an easy arrangement that suits both parties.
These mercenary bands roam the galaxy, looking for anyone disreputable enough to hire them. When business grows thin, they will quite happily invade a town, city or world on their own time, terrorising the local population before eating them. This is when the mercenaries become an invasion force. The Kleggs rarely stay long on any world as they pay keen attention to mounting resistance, usually departing when their prey receives reinforcements and the fighting gets serious. Kleggs enjoy a good fight as much as the next alien, but they much prefer to hunt down helpless prey than trade shots with heavily-armed and well-trained soldiers.
Most Kleggs are not blessed with an over-abundance of intelligence, but among them are the ruling high caste, Kleggs bred for their ability to think their way round problems, and fine-tuned with an education centred around military conquests. The presence of one of these can make a Klegg invasion force much more terrifying.
All of the figures I'm showing here were produced by Warlord Games for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game and the stats for a Klegg invasion force can be found in the Blood on the Streets supplement (see page 114).
Wherever a Klegg invasion force appears, you can be sure the vicious Klegghounds will not be far behind. Gifted with an incredible sense of taste that allows them to track targets for miles, Klegghounds are adept at bringing down prey. These figures were cast in three parts - body, head and right arm.
In JDMG they are Level:0 Illegal Infantry Minions with three Special Rules. First is Klegg Master. You may only field as many Klegghounds as you have Kleggs in your force. A Klegghound may never move more than 12" away from a Klegg and if one finds itself further away, it may only make Move actions until it is within 12" again. Second is Nasty Bite, a melee attack that does 2 Damage with AP-2. Third is Sense of Taste. Few can hide from a Klegghound. The Klegghound will negate all Sneaky Does It Talents in the opposing force with the exception of The Shadow. A Klegghound costs 100 Credits to hire.
Grampus was the leader of the large Klegg invasion force that Chief Judge Cal employed to keep the streets of Mega City One clean. After the death of Deputy Judge Fish, Grampus was awarded the position in recognition of the work the Kleggs had done in bringing the entire city to heel. This awe-inspiring and imposing figure at the far left is much taller than all of the other Kleggs as befits such a member of the ruling caste. He is a Level:4 Illegal Infantry Hero, equipped with a Heavy Spit Gun and a Shell Jacket. His five Talents are Careless Charge, Dirty Fighting, Skilled and Deadly, This Is My Bite and Thundering Charge. He also has two Special Rules - Nasty Bite (as detailed above) and Ruling Caste, which allows all Kleggs and Klegghounds within 12" of him to re-roll any failed Will to Fight checks. Grampus costs 305 Credits.
Supporting Grampus are two Klegg Mercenaries armed with a Flamethrower in the centre and a Bludgeon Cannon at the far right. Both wear Shell Jackets. Both are Level:0 Illegal Infantry Minions but that will most likely change when I create their Character Record Sheets. They also have the Nasty Bite Special Rule (actually, all Kleggs have this rule). They cost 190 Credits each.
Here we have three rank and file Klegg Mercenaries, all armed with Heavy Spit Guns and all wearing Shell Jackets. Once again, they are Level:0 Illegal Infantry Minions. The Illegal classification means that Judges can attack them on sight without having to make arrest attempts first.
The Klegg in the centre of this group is also armed with a Cleaver, which raises his Credits score to 200. The other two are worth 190 Credits each.
I know how much everyone loves to see a group shot, so here is my small Klegg invasion force in its entirety. I'd love to be able to add to it, but even so, they will prove to be a formidable force to take on my current team of Judges. This is the complete range that Warlord Games produced but seeing as most of them came with separate heads it would be a simple task to swap them around to make different looking figures. I have no immediate plans for featuring them in my JDMG campaign but that does not mean they'll never appear. When the time is right they will arrive to cause trouble and mayhem. 😏


  1. The Klegg hounds look GREAT! Grampus seems to have a funny mouth sculpt! But they are all fearsome and one hopes I never meet then in an JD game.... I wish I had not typed that, things have a way of happening with evil and sadistic GMs!

    1. Thanks, Clint. I'll be sure to let Judge Burnett tell Grampus he has a funny mouth when you two meet! LOL!

      Only joking, okay.

  2. Great looking group of Kleegs Bryan, The sculpts that Clint is referring to would have been due to casting ease, if the heads were made two part it would eliminate the problem and allow for more detailed teeth. This would also allow for more conversions. This aside you've done a wonderful job with them Bryan and ready to be shot by a lawgiver or twenty !

    1. Thanks, Dave. That's handy info to know, but being a sculptor and caster you are more experienced in this matter than us gamers.

      I suspect it will take a lot of Lawgiver rounds to put this lot down!

      As an aside, I was just thinking, the Klegg with the cleaver would make a fearsome Reptilian Gladiator for your Deathmatch game.

    2. I plan on play-testing your new rules very soon, and I'll e-mail you to let you know how I got on.

  3. Nice Kleggs Bryan, vicious buggers and will be tough to fight I'm sure. I can feel a Judge Cal clone scenario coming on...

    1. No doubt about it, Andy, the Kleggs are tough buggers! In the recent 2000AD 40th anniversary issue, Judge Dredd and Johnny Alpha fought a whole bunch of Judge Cal clones. Perhaps one of them escaped?

  4. If that's your idea of a "small Klegg invasion force", Bryan, I'd hate to see a large one!!! They look as colourful as they do, formidable, and absolutely no "Judge Dredd" collection would be complete without you owning at least a few of these mean extra-terrestrials. Grampus does look a little odd with his open mouth, but I just assumed he was anticipating Judge Webb was coming over for dinner ;-)

    1. Cheers, Simon. I'm wondering if Kleggs can manipulate their jaws in a way similar to a python to help it swallow something large, like say the size of a big dog, or a child or perhaps a human adult bitten in two!

  5. The Klegg were pretty scary badguys to introduce. Lovely painting per usual Bryan - I'd love to see these in a game int he nearish future, chowing down on Judges with aplomb!

    1. Thanks, Dai. The Kleggs are very scary and they most certainly will appear at some point in the future.

  6. Nice work. I have never really understood these in the Dredd universe but its not one I am familiar with inside and out. They are cracking looking minis.

    1. I fully understand, Simon. The Kleggs have not appeared in many stories but when they do you sit up and take notice!
