
Monday 1 May 2017

Goths and Rockers

I was going to split this review into two posts but I have so much I want to show you this month that I decided to give you two reviews for the price of one. Besides which, they are complimentary. I recently finished painting a bunch of contemporary figures, including these two gangs of Goths and Rockers.
This group of Goth gangers were produced by Slow Death Games, a relatively new company who made these and a few other gangs for their skirmish game, Wild in the Streets. These figures consist of a set of six 35mm scale figures - five females and one male, called Dave, who is the gang leader. I have not named the female Goth gangers yet but I will.
The figure at the far right is called Claudia and she is the leader of the Murder Cult Girls. She looks so much like a Goth that I decided to make her part of Dave's gang. When I bought these figures they were on sale and you could buy the leaders separately. Now, however, you have to buy the gangs as a group, usually consisting of four figures. The Goth gang is the largest available to date with six figures. They cost $35.00 for all six. The other gangs cost $25.00 each. I realise that some people will bemoan the fact that they are 35mm scale (scale creep strikes again!) but as I keep on saying, this is not something that ever bothers me. I actually like having figures of varying heights, as it reflects real life more accurately. The Goths are not well armed - they have one baseball bat and one knife between the seven.
Next up are the leather-clad Rockers, who also favour black clothing. At the far left is the gang leader, currently unnamed, and armed with a machine pistol. This figure was produced by Spectre Miniatures as Criminal Element Commander Alfa. He costs £2.99 but I got this figure as a present from fellow Blogger, Clint, when he saw it a wargaming convention. I am very grateful to Clint for his generosity. The figure fits in so well with the rest of the gang that I just had to make him the gang leader.
The other five figures are produced by Wargames Foundry as part of their Casting Room Miniatures Street Fighters range - SV510 Leather Gals and Boys. As with the Goths, they are short on weapons, with just a baseball bat, a short length of chain and Big Ass Pistol - a .50 calibre Desert Eagle, which the pale-looking woman is trying to hide behind her back. This set of five figures costs £12.00.
Both gangs are very usable in a lot of contemporary or near future games.


  1. Tbh Bryan, only a couple of those "Slow Death Games" minis strike me as being 35mm in size, so I'd have thought they'd fit in with any contemporary range rather well; albeit I do note how much taller they are compared to the "Wargames Foundry" ones. Lots of lovely black on show on account of them being Goths, and as such your little touches of red, purple and white stand out all the more. I'm a big fan of "Spectre Miniatures", so its nice to see one one of their minis on your blog :-)

    1. Thanks, Simon. What you say about the SDG figures is true. Just look at those two photos and note the variety of sizes amongst the figures. The woman in the black and red dress is a lot smaller than the woman kissing the skull. I am very impressed with the range of figures that "Spectre Miniatures" are producing and I plan on buying quite a few figures from them in the future.

  2. Great additions Bryan, really like the painting of these. The lack of weapons could be a blessing or a curse, you can arm them any way you want in each game but have to remember who's got what would be the drawback

    1. Cheers, Dave. Just because a figure looks unarmed doesn't necessarily mean that he or she is unarmed. Remembering who is carrying what is never a problem for me. That's what character record cards or sheets were designed for! :-)

  3. Though I have to say I'm not that enamoured of the "Rockers" (the figures not you painting which is excellent as always), those "Goths" are lovely figs especially the lady in the corset and saloon "girl style" dress, the lady kissing the skull keeps reminding me of "Marilyn Manson", not sure if this is a compliment or not.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger.I don't mind at all that you don't like the Rockers. We can't all like the same things. I agree, there are some delightful sculpts amongst the Goths.

  4. Glad to see the figure painted and thanks for the mention.

    They all look good I am concerned by the lack of PLUMP goth girls. In my experience about half are on the large size. Nothing you can do about it and they are painted just fine. I just make the comment in case a wandering sculptor happens by!

    Overall excellent. And I NEED to buy some Spectre figures for myself now!

    1. Will look out for a wandering sculptor Clint, they could be very useful ! LOL Have added to the sculpting list for you

    2. @Clint. The Spectre figure you bought for me has been sitting in my painting pile for far too long, but as soon as I bought the Rocker gang, I knew he's be the perfect leader for him.

      You do raise a good point about overweight Goths (men and women, actually). I have seen quite a few chubby, fat and obese Goths at the Whitby Goth weekends.

    3. @Dave. Ooh, fat Goths! I'd love to see your take on them, Dave.

    4. Already looking at it, and my search browser history just got a whole lot weirder than normal ! LOL

    5. Ha, ha! I can well imagine it has!

    6. These wandering sculptors can be elusive.
      But you just never Know!

      Personally I celebrate anyone who is on the fringe no matter the size or the musical leanings they are all valuable people.

    7. Dave constantly amazes me at what he is willing to sculpt based on customers suggestions.

      I once dated a Goth girl, and I still have a lot of respect for them.

  5. I like these. They'll fit in Mega City 1 just as easily as a contemporary Zombie invasion setting.

    Little thing with the large pistol is going to hurt herself...

    1. Thanks, Dai. There some contemporary figures who could fit right in, in a Mega City One... as you'll see soon!

      Better hope the lassie with the Desert Eagle has the safety catch on!

  6. That's a great set of figures Bryan and a series of great paint jobs. You've really captured the goth and rocker look.

    1. Much appreciated, Tim. I do have affection for both groups so I suppose my love for them shows in my painting. I'd like to think so. :-)

  7. a cracking bunch Bryan, can't wait to see what Dave comes up with for you. Still waiting on a Gobbo though

    1. Cheers, Andy. I must admit, I'm intrigued too.

    2. So many requests, so little time ! LOL

    3. That's the lament of so many gamers, Dave. So much to do, so little time!
