
Monday 8 May 2017

JDMG Scenario 06 - Devereux's Debut

Following a few requests for me to add a female Psi Judge to my team of Judges, I decided it was a good idea and so I devised this scenario to introduce PSI Judge Justine Devereux to my cast. Devereux is a pre-cog and telepath. She recently had a psi-flash of an arms deal involving the Chambers Brothers gang that was due to take place very soon. The gang was placed under 24 hours surveillance and a day later, in the early hours of the morning, they were traced to a warehouse situated on Damon Wayans Way in Sector 13. Street Judge Scott and PSI Judge Devereux were assigned to the case, with orders to arrest anyone involved in the arms deal. A Mob arms dealer called Mr. Johnson, was conducting the deal with B.J. Chambers, supplying him with a cache of 30 Spit Gun Rifles.
Street Judge Scott - Level:3 Infantry Hero with 5 Experience Points and worth 200 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +2, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +3, Armour +5, Hits 4.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Academy Star, Accurate, Voice of Command and Voice of Justice.

PSI Judge Devereux - Level:1 Infantry Hero with 0 Experience Points and worth 175 Credits.
Stats - Psi Points 4, Move 5", Agility +1, Shoot +2, Melee +1, Melee Dice 2D, Will +2, Armour +5, Hits 2.
Equipment - Boot Knife, Daystick, Lawgiver Mk II Pistol, Stumm Gas Grenades and Standard Issue Armour.
Talents - Accurate and Concentrated Mind.

B.J. Chambers - Level:3 Punk Infantry Hero with 4 Experience Points and worth 130 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +1, Shoot +2, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +0, Hits 4.
Equipment - Spit Gun Rifle.
Talents - Accurate, Brave, Crackshot and Crippling Fire.

Otis Chambers - Level:2 Punk Infantry Hero with 2 Experience Points and worth 105 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +2, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +0, Hits 3.
Equipment - Spit Gun Rifle
Talents - Accurate, Brave and Crackshot.

Larry Chambers - Level:1 Punk Infantry Hero with 1 Experience Point and worth 80 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +2, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +0, Hits 2.
Equipment - Spit gun Rifle.
Talents - Accurate and Brave.

Willie Chambers - Level:0 Punk Infantry Minion with 0 Experience Points and worth 30 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +0, Hits 1.
Equipment - Spit Gun Rifle.

Randy Bridgeforth and Damion Bridgeforth - Level:0 Punk Infantry Minions with 0 Experience Points and worth 30 Credits each.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +3, Hits 1.
Equipment -Spit Gun Rifles.

Anthony King and Terrance Stewart - Level:0 Juve Infantry Minions with 0 Experience Points and worth 20 Credits each.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +0, Shoot +0, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +0, Armour +3, Hits 1.
Equipment -Spit Gun Rifles.

Mr. Johnson - Level:5 Mob Gangster Infantry Hero with 11 Experience Points and worth 200 Credits.
Stats - Move 5", Agility +1, Shoot +2, Melee +0, Melee Dice 2D, Will +1, Armour +4, Hits 6.
Equipment - Stump Gun Rifle, Handgun Pistol, Pad Armour.
Talents - Accurate, Crackshot, Close Combat Shooter, Slippery and Stealthy.

The Justice Department forces were worth 375 Credits, whilst the Chambers Brothers Gang were worth 445 Credits and Mr. Johnson was worth 200 Credits. It appeared that the Judges were seriously outmatched, but read the Special Rules section below.
Just for a change, I played this scenario on my urban ground tiles by Stoelzel's Structures, measuring 3' by 3'. All of the buildings are from my collection of contemporary card buildings, with the flat-roofed warehouses being produced by Ebbles Miniatures. Note the tower made from a Pringles crisps tube, which has never been seen on my blog before.
The Chambers Brothers Gang were set up first, in and around the large warehouse in the centre left half of the board. The Judges deployed second and could enter anywhere 3" in from the opposite side of the board. The Judges would activate first in this scenario.
As soon as combat starts, Mr. Johnson will attempt to exit the board by the quickest route possible. He would much rather flee to live and fight another day than to stay and get in a firefight with the Judges. He is not a coward but he has no loyalty to the Chambers Brothers, so he will not aid in them in their fight. Self-preservation is his number one priority.
The fight continues until all of the models in one of the forces have been removed from the battlefield. The remaining force is the victor.

Well, that couldn't have gone any better for the Judges. The shooting by both Judges was exemplary. PSI Judge Devereux only missed with one shot at the start of the game when she fired at Anthony King. But every other shot of hers was a hit and a wound. Judge Scott was just on fire. He hit with every shot he took, and also scored a critical hit on B.J. Chambers, which took him out. Armour and cover behind the warehouse door helped prevent him from taking any damage, even though he was hit a few times. B.J. was unlucky not to have wounded Judge Scott.
Once the dust and gun smoke had cleared it transpired that B.J. and Otis Chambers both suffered injuries to the body (suffering -1 to Agility and Melee stats). Both served time in the Iso-Cubes. Larry and Willie Chambers died as results of critical head and body wounds respectively. Damion Bridgeforth, Randy Bridgeforth and Terrance Stewart served lesser sentence in the Iso-Cubes. Anthony King suffered an injury to his right leg (-1 penalty to his Move stat) and he also served time.
Suffice to say, both Judges performed well enough to advance another level.

Judge Scott earned the following experience points.
+1 for surviving the battle.
+1 for arresting 1 Minion.
+3 for slaying a Level:3 Hero.
+2 for slaying a Level:2 Hero.
+1 for slaying a Level:1 Hero.
This earned him 8 experience points, enough to raise him to Level:5. However, a character can only advance one level at a time, so he rose to Level:4 with 10 experience points, just one point short of Level:5. He added +1 to his Shoot score, bringing it up to +3 and +1 to his Hits, bringing them up to 5. He also acquired a new Talent from the Gunslinger list - Close Combat Shooter, which allows him to perform Shoot actions with Pistol weapons even if an enemy is in base to base contact with him. His credits score increased by +25 to 225.

PSI Judge Devereux earned the following experience points.
+1 for surviving the battle.
+2 for arresting 2 Minions.
+2 for slaying 2 Minions.
This earned her 5 experience points, enough to raise her to Level:3. But, she was capped at Level:2 with 3 experience points. The other 2 experience points were, sadly, lost. She added +1 to her Agility score, raising it to +2, +2 to her Psi Points, raising them to 6 and +1 to her Hits, raising them to 3. Not surprisingly, she chose a new Psi Talent - Danger Sense from the Pre-Cog list. She gains a +1 bonus to her Agility score until the start of her next turn. This is a Special Action with a Psi Cost of 1. Her credits score increased by +25 to 200.

The dice gods were clearly smiling on the Judges when I played this scenario. It was another fun game. Even though it appeared to be a cakewalk for the Judges it could have gone very differently. Also, I suspect that if Mr. Johnson had stayed to fight, the Judges would probably have lost badly. At Level:5 he was a combat veteran! We have not seen the last of him in my campaign. So, PSI Judge Devereux passed with flying colours and, hopefully, will prove to be quite an asset to Judge Scott's team. I hope to have more Judge Dredd Miniatures Game action for you soon. Thanks for reading.


  1. Great Batrep Bryan, as you say the judges were on top form. Mr Johnson needs a long stay in the cubes or a space at Resyk, number one on the wanted list along with the undead problem

    1. Many thanks, Dave. Mr. Johnson will return and I'm sure he'll get his comeuppance when the Judges catch up with him. It's nice to have recurring villains.

    2. Indeed mate, if they last through one battle they deserve to make a comeback. I see it as a natural progression from villain to super villain

  2. Great Batrep Bryan, Judge Scott did extraordinarily well, perhaps your dice need to be investigated..... ;-)

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks, Roger. I generally find that good luck is cancelled by bad luck, so I'm expecting some bad dice rolls for Judge Scott in the future.

  3. I continue to be inspired by this series of missions.
    The Judges are exceptionally good shots (dice rollers) and while luck does play a part it is also only 1 of may factors.

    Always willing to see more of this campaign.

    1. Well said, Clint. It is true that luck (good or bad) and dice rolls can have a big impact on a game there are other factors to take into consideration. In this instance, it was the superb training of the Judges, coupled with their advanced weaponry and armour that tipped the balance in their favour. The Chambers Brothers were outmatched in every department apart from numerical superiority and as we have seen in the past, quality usually trumps quantity.

  4. Terrific stuff Bryan, thoroughly enjoyed this posting. It's clear the Justice Department's covert subterfuge is at its peak in your campaign too. Why else would Judge Webb have been giving the Chambers Brothers shooting lessons!?! It was clearly all part of the Judges' plan to de-train the criminal fraternity. Marvellous stuff :-)

    1. Chuckle! Oh, if only that was true, my friend!

  5. lovely stuff, left me clamoring for more, more, MORE!!

    Judges got a bit lucky but luck as we say is mitigated by training and those Judges have it in spades. I suspect your right if Mr Johnson had got involved there would have been judge blood on the streets but the hapless Chambers Bros were no match!

    1. Many thanks, Andy. Your assessment is spot on in every respect.

  6. I'm sure you've already seen Bryan but their making a Judge Dredd tv series, hoping for a cross between Stallone Dredd backdrop and Karl Urban portrayal here's hoping

    1. Yes, I have seen the news about the proposed Dredd TV series, Dave. If they could get Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby to reprise their roles as Judge Dredd and PSI Judge Anderson that would be awesome. But, whoever is cast, I'll still watch it. Exciting times for us Dredd fans! :-)
