
Monday 10 July 2017

JDMG MC1 Robots 04

The three 28mm scale robots that I'm reviewing this time are all designed for death and destruction.
The two large robots (they stand 45mm tall) to the left are a pair of Assassinator Droids. These appear in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game rulebook, but as part of the Mobsters gang roster and not the Renegade Robots roster, although they may be recruited by a Renegade Robot force. Also, these are not the official Assassinator Droids for the game. I do have a pair of official figures produced by Warlord Games but I haven't made them yet. These robots were originally produced by Alternative Armies as part of their Ion Age Firefight range of figures. They were SK12 Psychoborg (the one in the centre) and SK15 Psychoborg II (the one at the far left) and they were part of the Shia Khan forces. I have no idea if they are still available or by who if they are. I only know that Alternative Armies no longer sell them.
Highly illegal, Assassinator Droids are used by mobsters in high-end heists or raids against the Justice Department, when even a team of Blitzers will not suffice. Extremely expensive, only the most successful outfits will be able to afford more than one. Normally, Assassinator Droids are fitted with Flight Packs, but these ones aren't. Instead, they have been fitted with much heavier weaponry. The one at the far left is armed with a Missile Launcher, and the other one is armed with three Spit Gun Rifles, which fire simultaneously. The Assassinator Droid's usual weaponry is a Club, a Laser Pistol and a Spit Gun Rifle. A standard Assassinator Droid is a Robot Infantry Minion and costs 195 Credits. I haven't worked out the stats for these two yet but when I do I'll be upgrading them to Infantry Hero status. They will be tough!
The robot at the far right is a non-standard Combat Droid, whose design was clearly influenced by the ED-209 robot from the original Robocop film. He is a multi-part model and unfortunately, I can't remember who produced him. If anyone can recognise who produced this figure, please let me know. He is roughly 35mm tall and he is a very old figure probably from the late 1980's or early 1990's seeing as Robocop was released in 1987. He has two Heavy Spit Guns mounted on both sides of his body in place of his arms, and has a pair of Laser Pistols popping out of his mouth. That's a lot of firepower!
All three figures are superbly well sculpted, very heavily armed and they just look as menacing as hell! They'll prove to be very tough opposition for my team of Judges.


  1. One of the joys of Robot models is that they have no scale. Thus they could be 1/300th scale all the way up to 28mm scale (Or even larger)

    What a cracking lot. Totally suitable for JD and any number of SCI FI games. Terrific stuff.

    1. You're absolutely right, Clint, regarding scale. With robots, anything goes.

  2. Some more cracking robots Bryan. Really like the colours on the assassin droids and greatwork on the combat droid as well

    1. Much appreciated, Dave. I think the metallic blue I used to dry-brush the Assassinator Droids works very well on them.

    2. It does indeed Bryan, have you seen the matat by nexus miniatures another very ed209 looking model ?

    3. Ooh, shiny! No, I was not aware of this range, Dave. Thanks for pointing it out to me. The Mark II MATAT Eddie 29 is ED209 to a T, isn't he? I was thinking of buying one until I saw the price tag. £15 plus £7.20 for P&P is very expensive for a single 28mm scale figure. I'll just stick with my own not-ED209.

    4. I sculpted the top and converted the legs on the Mk 2 also sculpted their sentry robot as well

    5. I did notice that you and Carl Stoelzel were credited with sculpting him, Dave. That is so cool!

    6. Carl is very talented with the 3D render's, have one for my range on a future game were aiming on releasing

    7. I got to know Carl very well when he was producing his 3D foam-board scenery. He's a good friend and he most certainly is a very talented guy. Anything that the pair of you are working on certainly has my interest. No, I won't press you for details. I'm patient.

  3. Hi Brian. The Ed-209 robot is from the Kryomek range, still sold by Scotia Grendel. I think that one may be a Hellcat or something similar.

    1. Sorry for mis-spelling your name, Bryan. Didn't notice the sneaky auto-correct on my phone!

    2. Thank you so much, Jon! You are absolutely spot on - it is the Nexus Hellcat Fury mech made by Scotia Grendel. I have loads of figures from their Kryomek range but I'd forgotten all about them making mechs. He's listed as HCO-002 Hellcat Fury and currently costs £6.00. I love my followers!

    3. No problem about spelling my name wrong, mate. It's a common occurrence.

  4. Darn I was going to saw Kryomek, pipped at the post!! lovely work on all three Bryan, Though I especially like Psykoborg II. He looks so mean!

    Cheer's Roger.

    1. Thanks anyway, Roger. I had a feeling you would have known who made my not-ED209.:-)

      I agree - Psychoborg II is one mean mother! But then again, I think all three are!

  5. Love the blue metal painting dude

  6. Another great post in the 'bots series' Bryan - excellent choice of colours which really suites them!

    1. Thank you kindly, Greg. The colour schemes do work really well, don't they?

  7. SK15 Psychoborg II has to be one of my favourite-looking robot sculpts ever, Bryan, and your blue-tinged paint-job is more than first-rate. Splendid stuff. What a pity he's no longer available. Your Mega-City One tabletop must be almost bursting with bots now... just ripe for Call-Me-Kenneth to make an appearance methinks ;-)

    1. Cheers, Simon. The metallic blue highlighting has really lifted these figures from being boring black bots. Actually, I still have LOADS more robots in my collection, which I will reveal over time. Yes, I fear another robot rebellion could be in the offing!

    2. Ouch ! I feel a trip to med bay coming ! Medic ! ! !

    3. Ah, don't worry about it, Dave. We've got Med Judge Nash on our team! We'll be fine... he says with his fingers crossed behind his back!

  8. Nice. Absolutely loving this series of robot miniatures Bryan. Thanks.

    1. Many thanks, Tim. As I said, I still have lots more robots to showcase here.

  9. Love these robots. The judge will have to be strong against such foes.

    1. Thanks, Cedric. Well the Justice Department does have an incredible amount of firepower at its disposal. Will it be enough?
