
Wednesday 15 November 2017

Dracula's America Supernatural Hired Guns 01

The Hired Guns I'm reviewing here can only be recruited in Dracula's America if you're using the supernatural rules. The game can be played as a normal Wild West skirmish game without the supernatural elements.
At the far left is a member of the Carpathian Guard. They are a unique fighting force that began life as Dracula's Cossack henchmen in Eastern Europe. Their uniform may have been standardised since then but their resolve to protect their assigned vampire ward has never wavered. Rumours persist that, though still mortal, their lives have been prolonged unnaturally by regular infusions of vampiric blood. The Carpathian Guard are Veterans with the Nerves of Steel and Tough exploits. They are armed with a Pistol and a huge, two-handed Woodsman's Axe. They can only be hired by the Red Hand Coven Faction.
Next up is the Stitch-Doctor. First reported during the American Civil War, the undead Stitch-Doctors unnaturally prolong their existence through harvesting the organs of others. Despite their unsavoury reputation and the odd missing patient, their medical skills are still highly prized. A Stitch-Doctor is a lowly Novice with the Supernatural exploit. A Stitch-Doctor never rolls for injuries - they keep the choicest spares for themselves! They are usually armed with a Pistol.
At the far left is a Skinwalker shape-shifter made by North Star for Dracula's America. The Skinwalkers whose name has been taken up by this faction are shape-shifting guardians of Nature made up of Native Americans. Up to two members of a Skinwalker posse may be shape-shifters with the ability to transform into either a bear or a wolf - this is chosen when a model first becomes a shape-shifter and cannot be changed from that point on. A Skinwalker shape-shifter must begin each game in Human Form. Shape-shifters are Supernatural and may assume Beast Form or return to Human Form by using an entire Move Action to do so. All weapons and gear that they carry transforms too, as part of the magic. In Beast Form, the model is replaced with a suitable bear or wolf model. I bought some specifically for this purpose, which I'll show in a later post, once I get them painted.
These three figures can be purchased in the same set - DRAC16 -Hired Guns from the North Star webstore (see here - ) In a previous post, I lamented the fact that there was only this one figure produced for the Skinwalker Faction. Well, I'm pleased to say that North Star have resolved this issue by producing a set of seven figures to use as a Skinwalker Posse, see here - Suffice to say, I have already ordered them.


  1. Nice additions Bryan, good to hear they've added to the skinwalkers range

    1. Thanks, Dave. It is great that the Skinwalker Faction now have their own range of figures.

  2. very nice figures. I love the yellow head band (a very hard colour to paint) and the stripes as well.
    Jolly well done.

    1. Many thanks, Clint. Yellow is a difficult colour to paint, especially if you undercoat your figures in black, as I do. So I usually paint any yellow items in white first before applying the yellow.

  3. Really lovely figures Bryan and full of character

  4. Good stuff, Bryan, and nice to see more "Dracula's America". I must confess to being rather underwhelmed by the Carpathian Guard sculpt when I bought it, but he doesn't appear anywhere near as oversized in your photo as I felt he was in the hand; and his face is especially well-painted may I say.

    I see "North Star Military Figures" have brought out a few more gangs for "Dracula's America", so its nice to know they'll be getting plenty of coverage on "Vampifans World Of The Undead" :-)

    1. Thanks as always, Simon. The Carpathian Guard fits in very well, size-wise with the rest of this range.

      North Star have indeed increased the range for this game, which pleases me no end. Yes, they will be reviewed here. Watch this space.

  5. Great trio of characters Bryan and I especially like the the way you've rendered the "blood" on the Stitch-Doctor.
    At some point in the future it would be interesting to read your thoughts on transferring Dracula's America characters and factions over into High Moon ;-)

    1. Many thanks, Greg. The Stitch-Doctor is an interesting character. I did enjoy painting the blood on his hands and apron. It has been such a long time since I painted any zombies but I have a whole load of them on my painting desk right now. Vampifan is painting zombies again - rejoice!

      Converting "Dracula's America" to "High Moon" shouldn't be too difficult and it is something I wouldn't mind having a bash at. But first I'd like to get some games of both systems under my belt before I start on that.

    2. "Vampifan is painting zombies again" Yay! :-)
      As for porting between the Weird West systems, all in good time 'pardner' and until then I'll be happily following your dusty trail ;-)

    3. I have about two dozen Weird West zombies that I'm currently painting with more in the pipeline. Plus I have an undead wrestling team to paint up for "Rumbleslam" so I'm back in the old routine. :-)

      I suspect that 2018 will see me playing a lot of Weird West games. I certainly hope so. "Dracula's America," "High Moon," and "Shadows of Brimstone" are all crying out for my attention!

  6. Must resist....and I see Artizan is getting in on the action now as well. These are great minis are not helping. HAHAHAHA

    1. I hear you, mate. Yes, I saw the stuff that Artizan is producing and I just know that I'm going to buy them. Must resist... but can't!

  7. I really love how the gore looks on the Stitch-Doctor, and the face on the Guard figure is priceless (it really does look like it could tell it's own story). Top stuff

    1. That is greatly appreciated, Roy. I think you can tell I thoroughly enjoyed painting these guys.

  8. Very nice work Bryan. I really like these characters. The Carpathian guard mini is fab. I do like him a lot.

  9. Nice post Bryan. Dracula's America is certainly an interesting concept.

    1. Thanks, Tim. I must admit that I am really loving this game.
