
Thursday 7 December 2017

Rumbleslam Cryptborn Nightmares

Given my love of all things undead, it was inevitable that I would want the Cryptborn Nightmares team for TT Combat's Rumbleslam game. Let's take a closer look at them.
The Cryptborn Nightmares are a team made up predominantly of undead types. From left to right are the Mummy - Namhophar the Celebrated, Zed the Zombie, Wolffang the Werewolf, Crashnukh the Orc Skeleton and Boney Bonaparte the Human Skeleton. I gave them those names.
The Cryptborn Nightmares are a team of extremes. On one extreme are the skeletons: dime a dozen, but prone to collapsing into piles of bones. Whilst on the other extreme are the mummies: rock hard opponents that don't ever stay down for long – if you even manage to get them down in the first place! Teams from the Rolling Bones will find great longevity in these undead monsters.
Zombies and Mummies are some of the most reliable wrestlers in Rumbleslam. They have lots of power, and Rise From The Grave helps them to just keep going and going. Make sure to use those Crowd Pleasers!
The Werewolf is probably the best all round WEIGHT 3 wrestler in the game. Werewolves are quick and extremely efficient at throwing the opposing team out of the ring.
Finally, Skeletons and Ork Skeletons aren't too worrying on the face of it, but their special abilities hit extremely hard. Just be careful not to put them against far superior opponents, or Brittle Bones will make them explode from a particularly savage beating!
In addition to buying the standard team as shown above, I also bought two Superstars for the Cryptborn Nightmares - Fang and the Grave Digger.
“A vampire older than record books, this dark denizen of the night has plagued the land for millennium. For a while, that was enough to entertain the ancient entity. But like all things, the shine soon left the apple. He would sleep, and hope that the next century would be of more interest. One hundred years passed before his eyes opened once more. Awake, thirsty and eager to see what new delights the world had to offer, Fang ventured out into realm to find the city streets alight with life! The sound of cheers met his ears, and he grew curious enough to venture inside a building. What greeted him was Rumbleslam! For the first time in hundreds of years, the wicked man smiled.”
Fang has entered the ring! He's a fantastic all-rounder superstar, with decent stats and a couple of +1s on his card. He's fast and vicious! Superhuman Spinebreaker is a Grapple Ability you'll be using lots and lots. It's easy to do, and thanks to Fang's Vampirism Passive Ability, replenishes his Stamina at the same time. But that's not all, because if you pass a Crowd Pleaser, the whole team gain the same benefit!
Fang obviously fits in perfectly with The Cryptborn Nightmares, boosting their already decent regenerative capabilities and their reliance on grapple attacks. But he's also a great choice for any team with lower Stamina – The Deadly Divas and The Twisted Shadows come to mind – as his constant replenishing can make up for their main weakness!
Some of the Superstars are clearly based on WWE wrestlers from real life (see the Grave Digger below). But Fang appears to be modelled on Blade as portrayed by Wesley Snipes in the films of the same name. I'm cool with that.
"Little is known about The Grave Digger. He has declined all interviews and questions to date. Who was he before his death? How did he come to be undead? Many have asked and yet none have received more than a chilling glare from the towering giant of a superstar. An enigma both in and out of the ring, The undead superstar has amassed a cult following who worship his every match and claim he is the chosen one."
Want to play one of the most recognised wrestlers in all of Rumbleslam? Grave Digger is strong, tough, and surprisingly quick. Get a Crowd Pleaser off and he can do quite a lot of attacks in one turn, and his Deadeye ability stops enemy wrestlers from moving!
Grave Digger is a Rolling Bones superstar, and fits perfectly alongside The Cryptborn Nightmares.
I just had to buy this figure. He is based on one of my favourite WWE characters - the Undertaker. What I particularly like about this model is that he comes with a choice of two heads - bareheaded or with his hat. I had to choose the hat version as that was very much a trademark of the Undertaker. Please beware that the Cryptborn Nightmares team are made up of a lot of parts. The Werewolf comes in seven pieces not including his base. Also take care when handling the skeletons. They have very fragile limbs which I reinforced with a tiny amount of Milliput, Fortunately, I didn't have any breakages.
The Cryptborn Nightmares team costs £22.00 for all five figures and Fang and Grave Digger cost £7.00 each.


  1. an interesting team Bryan, it certainly has character

  2. Useful figures for Bloodbowl too. Bryan how do they scale with GW figures?

    1. You could be right, Phil. These are heroic scaled figure, roughly 35mm in height. However, given GW's scale-creep, I'd imagine that they'd fit in well the current figures being produced by GW.

  3. Sports games... as you know I have never been a fan... but each to their own. I wish you well and many happy time playing. Good luck mate.

    1. Hey, no worries, Clint. We all like different things and I'm cool with that. I do appreciate your comment. Thanks! :-)

  4. Namhophar the Celebrated is such a cool name, and it looks great.

    1. Cheers, Roy. The Mummy's name came from the Fantasy Names Generator I mentioned recently. It is such a great program!

  5. AHAHAHA Those superstars are hilarious! Awesome paintjobs there Bryan. I really need to get some wrestlers for Graveskul.

    1. You do indeed, Tom. And there is so much variety to choose from.

  6. More "Rumbleslam", Bryan, which is never a bad thing in my books. I think the not-Blade is the highlight, with the two skellies being close runners-up. Your post certainly shows what an incredible amount of diversity "TTCombat" are including in their range :-)

    1. Absolutely, Simon. TT Combat certainly cover a lot of bases with this inspired range. Look out for another "Rumbleslam" post next time.

  7. Great looking crew Bryan, and I especially like the way the Undertaker and Wesley Snipes have turned out :-)

    1. Much obliged, Greg. As you can well imagine, I had a lot of fun painting these.

  8. OK, now - "Fang" is seriously cool. Even cooler than "Blade" :-) .

    1. Ha, ha, ha! I'm not going to argue with you, Hugh!

  9. Nice work Bryan they look like they are a lot of fun to paint.

  10. Beautiful minis and the standout for me being the werewolf! Great team

    1. Thanks, Andy. The werewolf is a real beast, isn't he? A great sculpt, in my opinion.

  11. Nicely done. Grave Digger looks especially good.
