
Wednesday 27 December 2017

Shadows of Brimstone Scafford Gang Mutants 01

I covered the Shadows of Brimstone Scafford Gang in a previous post (see here ) but I recently bought some more figures for the gang and here they are.
At the far left is Sergeant Caleb Bunker, a veteran of the American Civil War who fought alongside Colonel Scafford and who became a trusted lieutenant of the gang. In the Scafford Gang boxed set, there are rules for using Scafford Lieutenants but no figures for them. The rules recommend substituting Colonel Scafford himself for a Lieutenant or if both figures are required, using one of the normal outlaws as the Lieutenant. Now that Flying Frog have produced this figure, the problem is solved. His mutations include a third arm and a mass of writhing tentacles around his chin and lower head. I painted his skin in Foundry Cadaverous Flesh 46 to give him that extra mutant look. He still wears his Confederate uniform but it is tattered and dirty. I do wonder where he got a coat with three arms? The figure is a one-piece casting made of resin and is very detailed, but he is heroically scaled, standing 35mm tall. He is a very cool sculpt.
The other three figures shown here are from the Dark Stone Brutes set. The Scafford Gang is one of the most notorious Mutant Outlaw gangs in the West. They make their hideouts up in the hills and mines around Brimstone and have become hideously mutated by the corrupting effects of the Dark Stone there. The Dark Stone Brutes are members of the Scafford Gang that have become fused with rock and Dark Stone, itself, growing out of control to become hulking monsters. Towering over other humans, the Dark Stone Brutes have become crazed, responding only to fellow members of their gang, and smashing any others that come too close, with their powerful rocky arms. These are multi-part plastic figures. The one in the white shirt has not been converted but the other two have. For the one in the black shirt I repositioned his left arm, whilst for the one in the sand shirt, I repositioned his right arm, which required a bit of Milliput to fill in the gap at the elbow. The Dark Stone Brutes are about 45mm tall and have been mounted on 40mm diameter bases that came with them.
I bought Sergeant Bunker directly from the Flying Frog webstore, where he is still available for $10.00. Note that he is a limited edition figure so I don't know how much longer he'll be available for sale. The Dark Stone Brutes set was purchased from a seller on eBay for £15.00. You can still get it for that price on eBay. If you order direct from the Flying Frog webstore, the set costs $19.99.


  1. Wow... those mutants are very impressive, Bryan, and Sergeant Caleb Bunker is rather cool-looking too (very much in the Davy Jones manner I'd suggest). "Shadows Of Brimstone" seems to be packed full of top sculpts imho, and you're certainly giving them plenty of much appreciated 'screen-time' :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Simon. With my current interest in the Weird West I've been buying a fair few sets and figures for "Shadows of Brimstone" as it is a system I greatly admire. The new stuff that Flying Frog is bringing out for the game is superb. I just wish I could keep up with it all.

  2. Nicely done Bryan, Sargent Caleb as Simon says has a Davey Jones vibe, and I probably like him the best out of this group

    1. Thank you, Dave. I agree with you both about the Davy Jones reference. Interestingly enough, I do have a figure of Davy Jones in my "Rum & Bones" collection.

  3. I wouldn't want to bump into the sergeant OR the Brutes on my way back from the saloon, that's for sure! ;-)
    Very nicely painted posse of mutants Bryan, and as for the 'three-armed-greatcoat'? - obviously Caleb is a patron of "Martha's bespoke tailoring for Mutants" :-)

    1. Cheers, Greg. I now have the urge to make a building for "Martha's Bespoke Tailoring for Mutants." :-)

  4. I lov you you did the faces on the Dark Stone gives them an almost sympathetic look which I rather like.

    1. Thanks, Tom. I must admit I hadn't noticed that until you pointed it out but you're right.

  5. These are cool looking monster hybrids. I really like how you achieved the stone effect on the 3 of them. I can imagine some cool lighting effects done on those gemstones.

  6. nearly sneaked past me.
    As Mutants go they are very rocky! The joy of fantasy is diversity and these rock-men are an unexpected treat.

    1. Thanks, Clint. I'm glad you caught this post. Yes, rocky is a very apt description of the Dark Stone Brutes.

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